Tagged With "Mantauk Project"
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Hello Global Agenda, do you know anything about white dragon, white bear, white wolf, white horse, white lion and white snake ,white griffin,etc, they represent countries where certain super soldiers or agents live...? Also something with project Hydra and project Pegasus?
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Angela, very interesting idea, found some info; looks like this red and white tie in to the aspect of the Duality of the system, the one is red and Merovingian and the other is white as far as I know represents all spectrum together, you know like all light coming together in one place as one white point of light. I'm thinking that the Tribes as bloodlines as you mentioned has to do with types of DNA factors in our blood that make us super soldiers in the first place, don't want to say super...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
lol thanks WhiteLion. Appreciated. wow you got a giant frog. I got a giant butterfly after project talent found me and stuck me in a trip chair, then disney...i was a little girl playing in my backyard. A huge shadow suddenly fell on me. I looked up expecting a cloud. no...giant monarch butterfly..bigger then me....bigger than any kite.....it was huge. I screamed, not because it was big but the energy from it was horrid. I ran into the house looking for help from mom who was/is mind...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...
Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
@eevie yes seems like orginizations like the jesuits are not our friends. Just so you know i may say the word friend as a friendly term. Especially for groups who may get judged or do wrong doing. When i dont really mean friend. You will know when i say friends or friend and mean it. Well for example i would say super soldier projects may have started with our german scientist friends from project paperclip. In that case i said friend because that nationality is usually judged when thats not...
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
http://www.gofundme.com/c7bzcc Ben Murphy has helped bring the "Project Camelot Heather Material" into the public light. His bravery has opened the minds of many people. He has survived numerous assassination attempts on his life and now a preexisting health condition may result in his death. He was diagnosed with a laceration in his aorta which if not treated immediately may grow into a tear and his eventual death. Without health insurance and unable to hold a job he is financially...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: Project Bluebeam
all i've heard on it, Nate is the fake alien invastion and a fake rapture. but like we have been hearing this for years and i really think they are decoys away from the truth of project bluebeam. Something else is going on with it. The ships will be real and we will have to use our intuition, discernment, what ever we want to call it to know which are friendly and which are not. I will see if there is any new info about. ha I always thought it was the head of Crowley.
Re: Project Bluebeam
Mention of project.....has anyone here been thru Porject Talent......they nabbed me when i was 8. I wrote a sci fi story about the world running out of food and next thing i knew i was in a trip chair. I would love some info on project talent. Real knowledge that can't be dredged up thru google. Thanks.
Re: Implants
same thing here. i was pulled over by two state patrols the other day. and they let me go. then pulled over the other day by a sheriff in country saying there was a phone call that i was swerving on a country road. then he drove off too. a month ago because they said my tag was nt propr on my plate and it made the L look like an I. they backed off too. iv been having major upgrades, doing quantum healing, integrating myself more fully, but having strange pains go in to my head . neural...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
hello readers. i feel like i should update with one more dream. i have trouble with my parents. they are not only attached top my hip but they are a thorn in my side. they are my foster parents. i wont be surprised if im involved with the physical project surrogate. side note: even though i wasnt brought up by a politician my father was a dentist when a friend pointed out a milab could have bad teeth. also my birth family line has alot of politicians if they are known. anyway the dreams...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Daniel James Turfrey i can see what you mean by flying is possible only with device or higher vibration. thats exactly what im getting at when i talk about the possibility of acquiring new abilities. actually one time i believed i could fly until i fully woke up. if i was suffering from a horrible case of a sleep walking i might have jumped off something. as i think i mentioned i mostly fly in dreams so it was odd to be like a telekinetic thor for a moment only to understand a thirst for...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
The abilities are gifts . Given to us. Its weird that people dont know yet about saving the world. I guess still waiting for activation. There is going to be a big war. A seperation a divide . Good vs bad. Empath vs narcissism. Light vs dark. And we will be activated, harvested, depending on our traits. Our traits are what make us , us. . Its a esteem, a personality. And this personality is of empathy and righteousness. Also known as exitabilities found by dabrowski. Look into it. Its the...
Re: Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter
To LongTimeMilab, Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I reciprocate genuinely and more! We are all in this together im afraid. It didn't start that way. Anything that moves as nature is a target basically, apparently. I have a lot of History of Existence and Creation, intel/information, I posted on The Bases Project (Miles J.) that was removed/censored. Whole blocks of thread. I'm going to repost them (hopefully without any hitches) on another fb page, other than my own personal fb...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
.........I think possibly they can be many pov's. Did you see that Douglas D. Dietrich s' video about the 'A.I. n Androids' used for atrophying people into abuse without sympathy 'project'. Anyway Dietrich said, he rescued them. Anyone or Anybody, would eventually probably turn 'autistic'??
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
Project Avalon ignored my application to join them a few years ago. Apparently I am not good enough for them
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
Yea, they had a bunch of people infiltrate and cause problems around then. They have loosened up recently. You can still click on the links and view the info as a guest. No membership required. LOTS of info there. I had a big blow out w/Kerry C. From Project Camelot, she totally outed my real name on her web site on the new CPT Mark Richards Interview. She finally removed my name from the web site but left it in the video interview. I have been wrapped up in that for several hours today... I...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
I did a show with Kerry Cassidy around 2012, the same time i tried to join Project Avalon. I was inspired by Duncan O'fenian and James Casbolt. Now I don't associate with either of those guys, they are both bad news. I heard Duncan wants his videos removed and that Casbolt is doing about 20 years in prison. I also appeared on Revolution Radio on Mona Radier's show. Micheal Hemmingson was bad mouthing me and Ducan, I was not surprised when he died mysteriously. I don't think it was a mistake,...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
Yes, My interview is on Avalon's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15Wno7NykOg I WISHED I knew this about Kerry. Another researcher told me on the phone that she did this to a few other ppl. That one of them caused her to go into hiding as she was in danger. I made it completely solidly known to her that I had to remain anonymous for the safety of my family and myself as well as my Career as I still do Gov. Contracting as well as have a security clearance that are all on the...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
( 12/31/2014 UPDATE : A "Once Prominent & Respected Researcher" in this field has gone "On Record" in Emails, Project Avalon Threads & Posts as well as their PA "News Letter" stating that " MILAB's " are “Dangerous” & “malfunctioning Weapons” (Lumping ALL MILAB's in with only the "Super Soldiers" category) & devastating a large number of MILAB's who were at a point of reaching out to some well known MILAB Councillors. This IS blatant discrimination veiled in the "Protection...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
Originally Posted by bluemetal: Originally Posted by eevie: damn that ominiverse peep is a royal pain in the ass and has no care for learning anything. Just wants to argue and show what he, she does not know. Reminds me of a lot of atheists who are hung up on their mental intellect. ha Left brained dumbasses. If you are referring to the guy who uses the forum handle Omniverse and has his own blog about ET and black ops manipulation and technology, I have to chime in here. He is a good soul.
Re: Michael J Spinler
A strange event happened last night august 28, 2014 mcmichaels is the only one with my master codes too much info do not tell - spinler is that what your brain is telling you? - nate grey afirmative project ypx delta 44 delta 666 delta delta.... omega red is dead like fred - spinler omega red is a communist - nate grey was.... was a communist - spinler now what is he? - nate grey surrounded.- spinler what did the message you sent me mean - nate grey 44 detal 666 next morning august 29th i...
Michael Aquino's Mind War
http://www.amazon.com/MindWar-...o-Ph-D/dp/1484926455 In 1980 an obscure internal U.S. Army concept paper, “From PSYOP to MindWar”, accidentally became public. Though only a brief, theoretical speculation, it exploded into the focus of alarmist rumors and debates for the next three decades. Is the government involved in invasion of the mind beyond the blundering, haphazard legacy of the infamous MKULTRA experiments? Even more unsettling, do such efforts extend beyond conventional scientific...
Topic Featured
David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
"Here is the pdf of the very accurate history of banking and the future of it as promised. The split between the unified digital currency global faction and the paper gold backed faction is happening right now. This is what all the wars you will see this year are about, all types of warfare including economic warfare, conventional and non-conventional warfare. It will explain the hijacking of the banking system. It explains why all money logged into the banking system is considered "M1". No...
Marvel Power Hierarchy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0G4L3hjhUs&nohtml5=False Hey Nate as Molecule Man I am on this list. Well though in real life we don't call ourselves Beyonders our group can alter reality and we do inject Matrix alternations. Lots of events in the world today are due to our specifications. When the Secret Wars first started I immediately felt a programming activation in me. A catalyst started an internal dialogue. Upon reading the original series I developed superman abilities such as...
YPX News Audio Interview: Molecule Man: Mantauk Project; Mormons; and More
Published on Jul 30, 2016 this is a audio interview with Molecule Man. He discusses many topics including mantauk and secret socieites and mormons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTieg1cMoqA
Men That Stare at Goats
Men Staring At Goats...August 9, 2013 at 1:33pmMen Staring At Goatsby John Stormm, MK Ultra Survivor If you've ever seen the movie/comedy, "Men Who Stare At Goats", with a host of bright stars like George Clooney and...
Super Soldier Talk - Ben Murphy and Jay Essex - Exploring the HG6 Facility - Dec 19, 2013
* Accompanying links under vid description on You Tube. See "Heather Material", Ben's Project Camelot Interview and especially **The The Aaron McCollum Truth Evolution (2010 interview w/ Ben) radio...
Super Soldier Talk - Ben Murphy and Jay Essex - Exploring the HG6 Facility - Dec 19, 2013
* Accompanying links under vid description on You Tube. See "Heather Material", Ben's Project Camelot Interview and especially **The The Aaron McCollum Truth Evolution (2010 interview w/ Ben) radio...
James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below. I have included the 1st pharagraph "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...
Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
Ben Murphy is known as Kila Solai on the forum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df4jKmTBsu8 Join us as Ben Murphy, Jay Essex, and James Rink review the Project Camelot heather material for clues of an purported underground base in the Baldwin...
Military's 'Iron Man' Suit May Be Ready to Test This Summer
"The first prototypes of a high-tech suit of armor to give soldiers superhuman abilities could be ready to test this summer, according to top military officials. The suits, which have drawn comparisons to the one worn by Marvel Comics superhero "Iron Man," could be delivered to special operations forces as early as June. The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit , or TALOS, is being developed by engineers at MIT; the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM); and...
All my friends seem to be involved
The ones the closest to me all seem to have every symptom of mind control. I am wondering what are the odds of me be involved in this super solder project, Trust, i can see how folks will be hopping on the band-wagon. Many will try to fit into...
The Time slips and Stream splits
360degree of viewing? Notes on the Drawing: A rough drawing or compilation of what we are dealing with.... so as far as what i saw, we are all on the ship, we live natively on the other planet with two suns, the origin sour code or Great Spirit code is projected to the ship, The ship is the station in hyper stasis, meaning it is in time and space all the time There is a second planet forming as a holographic kinetic frequency, almost like terra-forming a new world, this is called the Event...
alex collier galactic history hey everyone tell me what you think of this?
Editorial Note This was Alex Collier ’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History . The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has...
Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...
The Future Vampire Deception and More than One Proto-Type of Adam
To all reading now, sorry this one is lengthy. I tell you this because many beliefs and religious systems have evolved to a point for a reason. The Vampires have been the gods all along and there was a time there was an open relationship between the...
Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJAvJtpKbbE Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program
message from Max Spiers
It's not just the children in the juvenile detention programs, foster homes, and adoption centers of the world who are being exploited in this ring, it is also the children of the wealthy and privileged of the Illuminati/Jesuits whose fates are being decided in orchestrated, deeply hidden and horrific fashions. "This also corroborates child abuse detailed to me and intuited by myself with Max Spiers telling me about his time at school with his roommate Orlando Bloom while they were students,...
MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
"Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation: http://projectavalon.net/forum...s-MILAB-Exploitation A Major new interview with a Project Avalon "Whistleblower" Dear Friends, You may all find this new video more than interesting. The Avalon member featured is someone we ask you all to keep very anonymous, for the moment, even if you feel you may possibly know who this is. Most of this information has NOT been...
Ringmakers Of Saturn
Turns out this priceless gem is online for free: http://podcast.sjrdesign.net/f...ngmakersOfSaturn.pdf Also, here is a Project Camelot interview about the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHmgZymhJL8 Thoughts??
Project Bluebeam
https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.wordpress.com/2015/03/11/busted-a-reference-that-has-a-close-tie-to-project-bluebeam/ does anyone here know anything about this project?
RIP Lee Backer
I have just been informed that Lee Backer is now dead. I remember talking to him several times on Skype. Miles Johnson says he is the 4th person to be interviewed by the Bases Project to have died. I encourage you all to share your memories of him
The Max Spiers Murder
Super Soldier Max Spiers was murdered on July 16th, 2016 while in Poland doing an interview series with YouTube Channel PorozmawiajmyTV. Max was found with no vital signs lying on a couch at the residence he was staying at during his visit to Poland. Spiers, aside from being a Super Soldier was also a government and New World Order Whistle Blower. A few days before his untimely death he sent his mother (Vanessa Bates 63, an English Teacher) a text message saying: “If anything happens to me,...
Cathy O'Brien (Conspiracy Theorist) Project Monarch
does anyone know anything about this woman? Cathleen Ann O'Brien (born December 4, 1957, Muskegon, Michigan ) [1] is an American who claims she is a victim of a mind control government project named Project Monarch , which she said was part of the CIA's Project MKULTRA for behavioral engineering of humans (mind control). [2] [3] [4] [5] [1] O'Brien made these assertions in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004) which she co-authored with...
ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
We are in shit...unless we sort things out...Just recently found some material with regards to researching the wingmakers and the lyricus groups , and bells went off somewhat, please share or shed light, Listen to this : https://youtu.be/lBSytR_IOyw this link http://lyricus.org/default.htm shows the introduction to the arm or connection to the wingmakers, and leads to the ACIO http://wespenre.com/new-revelations-on-wingmakers.htm What I feel is that ACIO is part of something bigger could...
Important thread with my replies on Bases Project with Manda Kathleen's post (about 17 replies) today 5/31/17
Attached file: Hope and Wish it's the Authentic thread! Brave Freedom, Perpetual Peace for Humanity.
Re: Felton Maise
Whitelion342 From the intel I have gathered, a Rothchilds bragged about blowing up the Twin Towers in 1967 and that kick started an influx of Volunteers. Plus there is a prophecy surrounding 1968, of an exceptional being coming to the Earth. Whose life would be full of pain and would be a hybrid of four bloodlines. They knew of this prophecy and in their arrogance they decided to control the Volunteers and the Exceptional being and use that One for their own sordid purposes. So from my...
Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017
I will do my best to answer with as much clarity as l know, but in no means am 'ego identifying'..when l refer to myself l mean not as one physical human, my knowledge is no where nearly as advanced as yours..things are still baby steps. Since refusing to take medication 10years ago and actioning deep cleansing, no drugs, alcohol, smoking, eat clean and meditation..two things happened. 1. I woke up..first off the PTSD increased..which then lead me to believe pahaps meds blocked whatever l...