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Tagged With "Project"


Re: my first weapon x memory?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey not sure if you where physically in canada but you do seem like you have some kind of weapon x influence.

Re: my first weapon x memory?

Nate YPX Grey ·
Wolverine is from Canada but the Weapon X program is in America as far as I know. It could be a joint operation I suppose. I was surprised the government actually calls it that outside of the comic books. Kind of like how they are calling the space force "The Guardians"

Re: my first weapon x memory?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey interesting. well i brought up the cable and ibis topic because im interested in both mutant and ibis stories. not sure whats up with the real cable but im guessing that he is a psionic trained as a soldier. im interested in ibis because of the programming and not sure who else would keep very little kids under tight lock and key. It looks like Some kids have entered the programs around 3. as far as super soldiers they may be trained into telepathy and telekinesis. I actually...

Re: my first weapon x memory?

Nate YPX Grey ·
Daken is based off of a real person, but casbolt is not that person as far as i know. As far as i know Earth Angels might be real, but Casbolt is not one of them.

Re: my first weapon x memory?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey well maybe the original casbolt was a interesting person. casbolts in all forms was most likely good at his job. i might have ran into alot of super soldiers in a super soldier life so i have enough of a connection to get a mental snap shot of them in action. such as a mental snap shot of james rink clones being held in a open mechanical machine. all you had to do was take a clone down and activate it. as i said once casbolt is one super soldier i sparred with in my dreams for...

Re: my first weapon x memory?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey actually people from ibis may be programmed to think that they are interesting things such as real angels. they may also been programmed to believe they are apart of a end time army. casbolt seems to have his own big ideas. so you said he asked if he is daken? well i personally would never claim a fiction character unless i have a very good reason or evidence. max spiers us the other known to be from ibis and he a seems to be more down to earth in his explanations. I guess...

Re: RIP Lee Backer

Eclipse ·
@Angela hi im eclipse. was this hulk with earth military or secret space program? i know that umbrella corp has project hulk and I heard a few people mention the project. actually, I guess the hulk form is great against zombies. sorry I was super late on this reply. anyway interesting that guy might have been in hulk form via earth military or not. a friendly person called veronica bartolini claims to have been a she hulk. on top of all that I would love to meet a magic user like dr strange...

are you project ibis? the fbi wants to know who you are. via james casbolt

Eclipse ·
this seems like max, casbolt, and rink at the old super soldier summit. i posted this video because supposedly the fbi wants to know about the canada program. that pretty much means projects ibis as far as i know. especially with casbolt. here is the link.

a rothchild speaks out: the interview with erin rothchild

Eclipse ·
here is the project camelot interview with erin rothchild. i thought it was interesting when i was new. she was apart of project ibis and the rothchild family in a way.

Duncan O'Finioan interview by project camelot.

Eclipse ·
i felt i should dig up this interview because it was the first "super soldier interview" i saw. im sure i will understand a lot more now. its interesting so here it is. the Duncan O'Finioan interview please notice mk ultra is also in the midwest and north coast usa area. well duncan says he is from Kentucky.

comment your personal saying or your sayings from projects.

Eclipse ·
hello. a quick study for today. i understand there is personal sayings or ethics that very few people have. this is one of the things that make people think I talk like a legal vetren. last night I said the words anything is possible. it was to someone who is ex army so instead of laughing he looked at me and just said yes... it is. also I saw a project survivor say the same saying I do and we do not know where it came from. so I will go first. the one saying that sticks out at me is "eyes...

where are parentless children going?, pics of old kings park asylum in new york

Eclipse ·
recently i been wondering where all these children go. then possibly be entered into a project. im adopted so im sort of a semi expert. possible places if you are separated from the parents. 1. live in a office building. yes this happens. 2. orphanage/childrens home 3. asylum. yes for children. 4. projects. some are rumored to keep kids in cages. 5. foster care. please note that mk ultra and projects can still be in foster care. foster care is a step before adoption in most cases. in my case...

listing my possible projects,factions, and symptoms

Eclipse ·
possible projects: umbrella, monark, darkfleet, murkoff, projects that effect dreams. Possible pizza gate survivor in general. project surrogate very possible. Especially if it affects adoption. clone powers in general: telekinetic. Marksman who prefers auto fire. Most interesting dream clones: darkness bending telekinetic, and someone who slays zombies/monsters. expirt with almost any weapon. investigating connections to: kruger, monark umbrella refugee group, very odd connections weapon x...

Re: a post to respect and acknowledge government programs and super soldiers on earth.

CosmicDancer ·
🤍⚪️ I believe I am ( was *+ ) connected to Monarch . Peter said on My file ( ACIO ) … , that I was listed as A “ Scientist “ there . I have had vague memories ‘ with ? Wasnt able to follow up And forward ( Full Circle , Good ) withe that conversation . We got intercepted heavily back in 2018 from the initial texted and verbal contact . However , I see ACIO texting in My Minds Eye as Presences , Basically . Really , I am A Gnostic Esoteric ~ Exoteric Of Nature , Nuclei ( Love , Beginning Of...

Re: a post to respect and acknowledge government programs and super soldiers on earth.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer hello again. thanks for your comment. Yeah I would love to get Peter to tell me about files but I was to late. Yes I understand one could have a job like scientist. Not all alters are foot soldiers.

a post to respect and acknowledge government programs and super soldiers on earth.

Eclipse ·
i noticed i have not said much about programs on earth. also programs with actual super solider in the way you would think of them. so here is a list and maybe mentioning people who have been in them. 1. duncan ofinian gets his separate category. also most likely the most detailed. since i do not know his project background. most likely classic mk ultra. this is the first guy i heard about. also he seemed to be the kind of super soldier you would think of. for example he mentioned things...

milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
hi. i should probably put this post in the members only section but i have the power of a pen name. hehe. however i went from brother off the street to possible future interviewee person on a laid back show. yes now i understand how not many want to step forward. anyway im eclipse as you know. if you dont know about me im currently looking into being a astral and multi dimensional milab. some projects i may be involved with is project surrogate, milab/mk ultra, and umbrella corp. my odd...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
do you have a wound from being stabbed?

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey i heard of mysterious marks but i dont have any. Seems like being stabbed on the astral Australian land was just a clone loosing his life. I wonder if marks can be disguised as natural. like i have a hole from a in grown hair. The thing is its near my tail bone when the dr said it can happen anywhere. when i checked myself right now i noticed i still have my birth mark. Its a large freckle on the back of my left leg.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey since this is kind of a discussion post as well would you like to share a moment where you remembered your project? i heard of the hospital room accident with different kinds of classified beings like mutants. so you can tell us a little about that if you wish.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
Yeah I went to a hospital where there were they put people with government clearances and mutants on the same floor together, it was a strange experience. I met a guy who was fired from NASA this was when NASA was de-funded and fired a lot of people, i met a veteran from Department of Naval Intelligence and storm was there working as a nurse or some sort of staff strangely enough, she had white lines in her black hair it was very bazzar, thats how i could tell her apart from the other old...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey cool story bro. I personally rather have powers of storm instead of namor. At least i would always have a cool breeze while walking in summer.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Nate YPX Grey ·
well I have a suppressed memory of being drowned and surviving, perhaps that is what the guy was talking about. I am pretty sure he was a men in black. I don't feel comfortable going into the details of the memory though, I remember being flashed and hypnotized afterwards to make me forget about it, they did a pretty good job distorting my memories and making them unreliable.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
your fine bro. glad to hear your still with us. so then they have a device that can mess with memories. hmm. yes you could have a mix of things going on. like how Deadpool in the wolverine movie had different kind of genetics from various people. i did not care for how that character wound up to be more of a special made up version of the guy from mortal kombat. anyway some beings are drawn to water. im more drawn to air like powers as a theme. like flying and lighting. i will throw in...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

CosmicDancer ·
I know , if I remember I wouldnt be able to motion Upwards n Forward most of the time , if the Circumstances required . Im definitely , a s.c.a.r.e.d.y. c.a.t. . However , have natural Affinity with going on hikes ' .. and mortal athlectics n Arts before .. I would have Loved to been able to Travel extensively . Its obvious the extremities as counterintuitive.. I dont know Truly in that regard now . Too much , I want to do an extensive Post - Thread on whats occurring in Los Angeles right...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer thanks for reply. would you like to share a time when you remembered about your project? it can be from dreams , waking life, ect. you said you where told you where a scientist for a project ? are you able to tell us about at time you remembered about that?

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
Hi everyone. Not sure if you believe in synchronicity but i seen a new mexico licence plate when i live far away from there. Its just another case where life is telling me im a version of milab but that was odd after my latest posts.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

CosmicDancer ·
Funny , how I just got this post 2 Years later , And now able to answer It ? Project ?? I never mentioned A " Project " in regards to any High Scale baseline topic that would be matching this forums Context , other than High scale mundane Projects ", ... Oh You mean like the diy kit Water Filter Kit I posted about in 2022 ? and 911 Emergency Heater diy kits I mentioned ' ? ... Or The Stargate I have been mentioning Years prior since You arrived on SSF ? ALso , I had to mention about 3 x s...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer interesting that you just noticed this. i honestly seem to be a different person in the past. even from the one who joined the forum. that situation is hard to explain. still the same soul pushing the keyboard buttons. well by project i just meant super soldier project or i guess you can use the word faction in some cases. i also asked if you remember anything about it. didnt you say your a monarch scientist in a way? i think i was asking about that. i assume you mean monarch...

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer page 2. i do think other things are interesting to. like you mentioned a stargate project. wondering if one of my clones was involved around a stargate seems to be an affirmative answer by intuition. well we both might have been with monarch solutions so maybe that somehow effected how long you got the reply notification from this post. just guessing because that is interesting. yeah i would like to hear about your backround, projects/factions, and memories whenever.

Re: milab study/general discussion: bases, dreams, projects, and connect the dots

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer i was just looking over this post and its interesting if alerts are slow on a milab topic. thanks again for pointing that out.