Tagged With "Youtube clip"
Re: Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator
Schizophrenia - Full documentary on how schizophrenia effects individuals and relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnoUKWXTcBU
Re: Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE
a short clip about the complicated history of CABLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgdDyj1IoQ8
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: Space Plane Lands
I always feel threatened looking at this frankenstein. In the 80s our piloted space planes reminded me of the ones on Buck Rogers. I remember the news was on at my parents, they showed one tiny clip of a space plane. It was the real deal and it never showed again. but, i knew space planes, US anyway, and was excited to see footage of it accidentally released. I will get back with you on the other post. lol
Re: interview with molecule man and ghost rider
about half way thru Nate, i posted on your site here...fb banned me for 72 hours...i can read everything on there i just can't comment until some time tomorrow afternoon. lol
Russian Black Widow Assassins
This is a clip from marvel agent carter. it is about the black widow programs. John Stormm told me they are more dangerous than the spooks that follow us around ...
interview with molecule man and ghost rider
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eWq2PcUOJ0 check out this interview, it should be on ypxnews.com soon as well
James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below. I have included the 1st pharagraph "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...
Synthetic Muscle 100X Stronger Than Actual Muscle
A synthetic muscle that is 100 times stronger than an actual muscle has been developed by a team of material scientists at the University of Texas using fishing line. Lissette Padilla and Elliot Hill discuss the potential benefits of artificial muscle...
Deadpool 2 Introducing CABLE
check out this clip, its cool cause CABLE is a relative. Plus its funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNBFcwd7zc&list=PLfPBohF1uFwoVc7d4HIpgDsUiyQ0lGbvv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D86RtevtfrA
Past Reflections & Hollywood Unraveling?
Hollywood is unraveling. So far the sexual assaults are coming out and Harvey Weinstein was taken down. I reflected back on Britney's alters and her glitch in her Diane Sawyer interview "Weird" seemed to be the trigger word. Then she displayed alternate persona's during her break down. There was Britney/British Girl/Diva/Weepy Girl and British Girl was the most out of place persona. Never was an explanation for that random accent and just recently I realized how odd it is that she displays...
Music video with cymatics
Energy, frequency, vibration, and waves seem to be the building blocks of life. to me it belongs on this site when i think about the relationship between super soldiers and life force. https://youtu.be/Q3oItpVa9fs
"The most dangerous man in the digital world "
The guy from the channel called london real has the spirit of a milab. So decided to post this. # free speech # freedom of the press https://youtu.be/VsVdFh1Yvfg
Putin warning about super soldiers
Here is a clip of putin mentioning super soldiers when i bet countrys like russia had a program for a very long time. https://youtu.be/9v3TNGmbArs
teleportation cars caught by police chase
i started thinking that real powers where real when i saw caught on tape videos years ago. now im in this timeline and i heard many things like real super soldiers and people like the characters in marvel. real a.i. on top of that. so here is the best teleporting car videos i seen. - eclipse possible milab the ghost car: https://youtu.be/62_eIsxLalA nightcrawler car teleport: https://youtu.be/EC34Al5DN3c
Haley Meijer mr MI6
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...jgi3fOtQ&index=2 This is a funny rap that is directed to james casbolt from his EX wit haley Meijer. the lyrics are on the bottom of the clip
john stormm jedi finger flick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntnq7edJVDU This is a clip about self defense
about my electronics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffPsYD0iLmE this is a 5 min clip on my electronics. I am showing them off
basic punching
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDAmkGdtLU0 I was taking a class on making youtube videos and I decided to make this clip
Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator
Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL9UJVtgPZY I thought this was very interesting
clips from logan
these are some free clips of the movie logan, i recommend seeing the entire thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGLZ0zk6Rx0
Re: video of mysterious orbs
Well thankyou for that tip. I've found out the story of Amanda Sefton/Magik fits my dreams and abilities. So can we talk about it now? Have we worked together? I didn't think there could be any more characters that they could have written my story under, so I stopped looking. The character Magik has lost certain abilities but I am regaining them in 3D world. I can do telekinesis again. I have a video of 5 minutes of me 'moving' a psi wheel. I am trying levitation but it is not as easy as a...
Re: clips from logan
interesting. he has a son not a daughter . this series is pretty good about david rockerfeller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9OKL5no-S0
Re: clips from logan
he has both a son and a daughter, one is a natural son the other was made in a lab
THe George Flyd Riots
This is a clip about how the riots actually are by reckless ben, feel free to post about the riots if yall want https://youtu.be/yMiO6fxrEE4
Re: scp foundation training audio: combat against a reality bender
there is no clip in this post
Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!
@Stormm thanks for the awesome replies! Im getting to know why the community seems to welcome you. As far as the forum i was late to the party. So mk ultra was in cleveland? Well thats a big confirmation even though not the same hospital and my video clip was the child services in cleveland. It was cleveland city limits where the house fire happened to. Odd. well tell me if you where given a teddy as a gift. Sorry if they used it against you though. Mine was a old retro teddy with a yellow...
Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!
MKULTRA *is* everywhere the CIA & NSA have influence in America AND the world. Canada has a program, as does England, Sweden, Russia and China. By 1960, they had control over 150 hospitals and clinics (military AND civilian) and sub-offices in numerous colleges (University of Rochester Medical Campus, and R.I.T., in Rochester, NY were offices I was directly affiliated with). I was taken from St. Ann's to some Jesuit agency and directly to the Infancy Research Center in the U. of R.,...
Re: Nano tech
This is a video of an EMETHER, its different from Zeta Articuli. According to "peter the insider" they are more advanced and they like some of our music. I was exposed to aliens I dont remember very well as a kid when I went to a place called "room 16" I dont know a whole lot about it because I believe my memories of them were erased. Its my understanding that the government used to interview Zeta Articuli at S4 around groom lake in "area 51." I knew a guy call-sign "JRidge" who worked there...
Gang stalking or the tiki gods? : mysterious cup in my parking spot
Hi guys. so i live in an apartment. We have a spot in a public garage with doors. They are usually closed and the door may be left open at times. when i pulled in tonight there was a mysterious brown cup in my spot . maybe a cluts moved some stuff threw the garage door but the man entry door isnt even close. in a way i doubt both. Im curious if its gang stalking or simply a accident. Im also interested in the meaning of tiki gods at the moment. Anyway check out the pics. I believe in some...
dream and cryptid studies: the hellhound/black dog/black wolf archetype
hello. i actually seen cryptids when i was trying to sleep. one of them was a hellhound in my dreams. this was the reoccurring dream phantom. im not sure if i was being milabed at the time in my life. anyway i would see a big black dog in my dreams with yellow eyes. this black dog demon was not friendly and i would wind up fighting it. it would also jump into my room and land on the bed that was never used. in a way i thought it might be attached to me or my family. turns out these things...
Head of umbrella corporation is Tom cruise Or his replacement?
Hello. Once I heard peter the insider say tom cruise is the head of the umbrella corporation. His real name is Richard bay. this is not the only celebrity peter says was replaced. Just because a being wanted to be famous. Then I saw a interesting scene in minority report. When running from law enforcement an intuitive said to Tom's character to grab an umbrella. it started to rain later and I seen the elite use rain as a symbol to. I'm not sure why. Actually tom cruise was in the movie rain...
Re: Head of umbrella corporation is Tom cruise Or his replacement?
I've heard a couple interviews with some of Peter's assessments, insights, and not convinced about his credibility. I don't claim to know who is possessing tom, but haven't seen that movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KEGVhSgp1k
Peaceful super soldier: 1 Chinese man vs tanks
I thought I would change it up. This is a protester lone standing up to tanks. perhaps the tactic of fighting without fighting. Milabs and people from the projects can still be brave to and only do that without fighting. So not sure what this guy actually been through. Check out the clip from 1989. https://youtu.be/YeFzeNAHEhU
Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
Molecule Man/Nate Grey on Jin & Tartary / Tartaria https://rumble.com/vo86fn-molecule-mannate-grey-on-jin-and-tartary-tartaria.html Now on Rumble, Youtube and www.YPXNews.com Molecule man has returned by popular demand. If you have any questions for Molecule man please let me know on the forum or in private chat.
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
thanks again nate. i always try to follow the both of you. especially when you talk together.
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
so do you have exact questions to ask him?
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
Molecule Man & Nate Grey on Angels, Vampires, and Aether https://rumble.com/voyror-mole...ires-and-aether.html This new episode just came out! check this link for more new episodes with molecule man
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
https://rumble.com/vr4ogf-mole...ow-tree-of-life.html its a little late, but this is our holiday show and tree of life show
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
@Nate YPX Grey actually molecule man does a good job with helping putting stuff together. here are the topics i suspected but he confirmed as far as my progress in listening. the nature of the autism spectrum, evolving humans, how abilities might relate to kundalini, manifesting out of thin air, manifesting a field around you that you can probably call a halo, energy vampires, multiple timelines, existence of jinn in general, and how the subconscious is connected to the matrix and abilities...
Re: Molecule Man show returns! Stay tuned for new episodes!
nate grey holiday show ! lol interesting. anyway thanks for doing interviews in general. i know there is the kabala tree but im not sure if you need to know hebrew to study kabala
Re: YouTube Videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...mQ24&app=desktop This is my original interview with Project Camelot. I am the first hour of the clip
Re: YouTube Videos
Video of a real small grey https://www.youtube.com/watch?...gi3fOtQ&index=11 This was a short clip, I have not remembered seeing one of these since I was a child. If I have seen one since then my mind was erased. Having even one memory of this kind of alien is good enough proof for me plus the footage to confirm its existance.
My religious and meditation items and tools
Below are 2 videos I just made about some religious and meditation related items in my house. https://rumble.com/v13n9ry-meditation-religious-tools-neo-cube.html This is a short video about some of my religious tools and objects. I have James Rinks "Neo Cube" as well as a buddha, an angel, 2 singing bowl, a crystal skull, and a Gold Celtic Cross. If you want to see more videos about this kind of stuff let me know. https://rumble.com/v13ngmw-my-ldsmormon-religious-stuff.html This is a short...