Tagged With "winter soldier"
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
My earliest memory that I remember, was at 2yrs, my first day at UK army Kindergarten in Germany. My mum always thought that was strange. I said there was a door at the back that went underground. She said No door at the back, as it was in a NIsan hut (corrugated iron in a semi circle shape). Only recently I got some 6th (or higher) dimensions giving me that memory. A German soldier carried me into a chair in the middle of a big room with a viewing room around the top. I then saw a wolf,...
Re: deprogramming
if u like to try out my data base let me no i us codes On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:44 AM, Super Soldier Forum < alerts@ubbforum.com > wrote:
Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle
@eevie yes seems like orginizations like the jesuits are not our friends. Just so you know i may say the word friend as a friendly term. Especially for groups who may get judged or do wrong doing. When i dont really mean friend. You will know when i say friends or friend and mean it. Well for example i would say super soldier projects may have started with our german scientist friends from project paperclip. In that case i said friend because that nationality is usually judged when thats not...
Re: Wilderness therapy programs
This video is about Mind Control in MK Ultra and in Wilderness Therapy ProgramsMind Control, WIlderness Therapy, Wilderness Programs, MK Ultra, Super Soldier, Super Soldiers, Behavior Modification, Programs for teens, Brainwashing, Heal, Bluebird, Artichoke, MKUtra, MKsearch, https://www.youtube.com/watch?...7s&frags=pl%2Cwn
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
Video Update: Super Soldier Talk - Ben Murphy Fundraiser Update - August 16, 2014 PayPal: benjaminericmurphy@hotmail.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?...ature=em-uploademail
Re: Welcome to Super Soldier Forum
www.supersoldierforum.com www.supersoldierforum.org This is a forum discussing secret government projects and paranormal events it is compromised of witnesses that the mainstream media will not cover Our Job at super soldier forum is to spread the truth of the paranormal
Re: RIP Max Spiers
The Documentary is now officially out, it features Miles Johnson, and James Rink who are both members of Super Soldier Forum. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-39077231 It also features Venessa Bates, Max Spiers mom
Re: Michael Aquino's Mind War
There is no question that Aquino has his Satanic fingers everywhere and that these things are real. From DARPA's website: "With that understanding, the US military supports a host of research projects designed to optimize or enhance the warfighter, including (DARPA 2010b, unless otherwise noted): Accelerated Learning: Best practices in learning through neuroscience and statistical modeling and analysis. Crystalline Cellulose Conversion to Glucose (C3G): To enable humans to eat grass and...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
Nate, I do recall a statement saying that Casbolt was replaced alright. I was curious to know if Max worked with him in the past or not. If not, how would he be able to make a comment like such !? I know memories are very sketchy to say the least with MK’s but I can’t recall hearing Max giving legitimacy to Casbolt’s claims of being an MK soldier of sorts. I am not naieve to not think it’s quite possible of course and i can’t take a news paper article as 100% fact either I’m a curious son of...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier
wow, cody, I am diane, I used to talk to you on nates chatroom remember? maybe he invite you on our other chat, or can send message here, what is your fb page? my fb page is diane lukemin, you could do priv messenger & talk to me. I help you cody,
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?
Interesting. Yeah the matrix seems to mess with me as far as non pets in or around apartment. Recently its a fast super soldier mouse! I seriosly only see it in passing last night but thats it. Didnt catch anything when i investigated. Not sure if tech can get me to see animals but yeah i can get that tech might throw me into astral mission for others. Yeah it sucks. Thanks for your thoughts on the satan situation. Super soldiers in general seem spiritual and i am to.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie i wonder if there is any hybrids who are not in projects . if there is some who are not, then im sure the number is very few. my reaserch on hybrids is kind of full circle since you mentioned projects. Thanks for that. i was pondering hybrid stuff before i crossed the super soldier land )
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@eevie your welcome to vent with me about anything. i just said dark side to indicate a simple non friendly to earth humans instead of saying " bad" as a label. Its all relative and the so called bad person is simply finger pointing at another. Infact perhaps world war two was probly finger pointing. So perhaps hitler and associates where simply fighting globalism. many i talked to say There is no bad species .There could be a "good" reptillian or "bad" pleaidian when the tall blonds have a...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
i dont know who she is . i ask for a lot of people to come forward most people are not brave enough to do so. Dont want to get involved in this pissing contest On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 9:24:52 PM EST, Super Soldier Forum < alerts@ubbforum.com > wrote: | == To reply by email, write above this line. == | | | | | Hello, James Rink: You were mentioned by Nate YPX Grey in the following topic reply. | Subject: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder Reply By:...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Stormm thanks for sharing. interesting that your a friend from mk ultra. I heard of a trip chair. you said a chair is in new york? Curious if it has a physical location. im curious if the trip chair has something to do with weapon x or sone kind of branch of it. Infact comic bios trace wolverine and x23 to new york as a long time residing state. interesting how waves and sound are a weapon in this case. Im sure it was uncool to expirience. Atleast your reaction shows a wistle blower spirit.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Eclipse a soldier named "felton" who later changed his name said he looked me up in a top secret computer lab of some kind claimed it said i was part of "Mutant X" and that he remembered it said something about a weapon in my wrist. I have been told I was a part of a lot of things "Mutant X" is one of them according to that source. I have been refereed to as "Weapon YPX" but I do not know why they have called me that. I have wondered what it means a lot
Re: Alien Abduction of Jan Brennan: Massive Space Ships, Hybrids, Men in Black!
One time i saw a light come from behind the moon when i was driving. Not kidding . like it was using a sling shot. I watched it as it changed courses an flew south. i didnt report it due to the possible men in black knocking on my door. Now that i think about it.... I wonder if there is a portal near the moon that leads to our solar system or to enter the earth matrix. Hmmm. Anyway i guess men in black dominate the fourth dimention. Same kind of dimention you find alot of starseed talk.
Re: Fenton Perspective 1-28-15: Nate YPX Grey Nateypxgrey
Thanks for reposting it Nate. @ 43:00 Lorien talks about these doppleganger clones popping up and mentions "all in military". I have VERY close milab friend in the UK ( I’m in US), we have talked and shared and skyped almost daily, sometimes for hours, for 3 years. He’s one of the most brilliant, well-researched on programs and MK, milabs I’ve met even to this day. He posts a lot of his research on facbook and more recently only a bit of personal testimony. He’s been RF scanned ( at my...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Hi Watcher1x1xx, yes basically two types of dark/black. The black evil ('fertilizer' of evil/promoter) has very evil energy you can't stand being around. The other dark/black is from being tormented. The evil black uses/ed the Mothers' tormented bodies to hide the evil dark/black energy. When displaying in a 'dark look' Her black doesn't have that evil feeling energy at all. Yes, it is good not to leave one of your own in the most obscene, horrendous perpetual hell. All must be counted for.
Re: RIP Lee Backer
I have talked to james rink about lee and he said that he was at the super soldier summit and lorien fenton got mad at him cause he was sleeping in his car near a hotel asking people for a room and that security kicked him out of the hotel
Re: Israeli soldier beaten by Justin Bieber
I think the following is a joke but its funny He is in even more trouble, now he has to go to jail or become a soldier "MIAMI — A Miami judge is giving troubled pop star Justin Bieber a choice in punishment following his arrest on Thursday: Join the Marine Corps or go to jail. Bieber faces charges of drunk driving, resisting arrest, and driving without a license. He also reportedly refused to cooperate with officers on the scene and used “choice words” when police tried to question him and...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
the heart is the biggest stargate. and emotions carry us quicker into realms than any other bioelectric change in our being. mastering our emotional body is a huge step in our eveolutionary path. On Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:01 PM, Super Soldier Forum < alerts@ubbforum.com > wrote: Reply By eevie: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, black widow files: We're sending you this notification because you are either...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
Hi Super Soldier, Id like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - jerusha Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/blink...;amp;markAsRead=This email was intended for Super Soldier Forum. Learn why we included this at the following link:...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
jerusha eisold would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= View jerusha eisolds profile: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
jerusha eisold would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= View jerusha eisolds profile: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/blink..._500&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You...
Re: James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
James Casbolt was heading on to become the Leading soldier of the 4th Reich and their prophetic NWO. What he didn't take into account is He and a few of his crew have been locked into a reality to triumph but it is merely a time line deeper into the center of Matrix. I told you all in recent months this would be taken care of. The kind of nano tech he uses was too dangerous and could contaminate more than one cares to fathom. The Depopulation agenda will not happen. Molecule Man isn't the...
Re: E-Books, Post book information here
An ebook written by a milab and super soldier. Discusses inter dimensional alien technology and altered states of consciousness whilst remaining grounded in basic scientific reasoning leading to a greater understanding of global mind control and transition of civilization. Redundant links due to shadow banning. https://ln.sync.com/dl/-biy4merm7ee9a20/7bauggt9-9t3rhayu- https://humanrealitymatrix.wor...uman-reality-matrix/ https://drive.google.com/file/...ZAG/view?usp=sharing
Marvel Power Hierarchy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0G4L3hjhUs&nohtml5=False Hey Nate as Molecule Man I am on this list. Well though in real life we don't call ourselves Beyonders our group can alter reality and we do inject Matrix alternations. Lots of events in the world today are due to our specifications. When the Secret Wars first started I immediately felt a programming activation in me. A catalyst started an internal dialogue. Upon reading the original series I developed superman abilities such as...
Revolution Radio, Freedomslips.com
an ad for super soldier forum is not features on Revolution Radio at http://www.freedomslips.com on the front page.
Felton Maise
I seem to have lost contact with Felton but he wanted me to let the forum know he is a "generation 4" super soldier. He was last on Facebook using his muslim name, I am not sure where he went, but he told me he liked the forum. and sent me this drawing
Peter the Insider-Super Soldier Talk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPjY9Qwp11c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f8EebYYf40 check these episodes of super soldier talk
PTSD Reflections
July 9, 2012 at 1:35pm I’ve been having my own PTSD bad time. I get overcome with all the feelings of the evil things that happened to me in all of the darkness and pain of MK Ultra conditioning since infancy. All of the times when nobody could see me, or hear me cry out until I sounded more animal than human. Nobody ever came to rescue ANY of us. No authorities would hear or even listen to our complaints. Congressional hearings brought only token apologies and sometimes cash awards to the...
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Welcome to Super Soldier Forum
I hope that you register. I just created this forum and will be working to improve it. Please give me ideas. This is the Wiki leaks of the super soldier world Please watch this short introduction video about the forum. I its available on YouTube and Vimeo in high quality. Just choose one and click below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrXu3U2WsEk https://vimeo.com/user16699250.../84084775/e04683c66e
Men That Stare at Goats
Men Staring At Goats...August 9, 2013 at 1:33pmMen Staring At Goatsby John Stormm, MK Ultra Survivor If you've ever seen the movie/comedy, "Men Who Stare At Goats", with a host of bright stars like George Clooney and...
Super Soldier Talk - Ben Murphy and Jay Essex - Exploring the HG6 Facility - Dec 19, 2013
* Accompanying links under vid description on You Tube. See "Heather Material", Ben's Project Camelot Interview and especially **The The Aaron McCollum Truth Evolution (2010 interview w/ Ben) radio...
Super Soldier Talk - Ben Murphy and Jay Essex - Exploring the HG6 Facility - Dec 19, 2013
* Accompanying links under vid description on You Tube. See "Heather Material", Ben's Project Camelot Interview and especially **The The Aaron McCollum Truth Evolution (2010 interview w/ Ben) radio...
James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below. I have included the 1st pharagraph "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...
Enhanced Human Resources Research and Archive of Unexplained Scenarios
https://www.facebook.com/AlternativeWarriorResearchArchive AboutThe only long term team of super soldiers, psychics, researchers, etc... Coming together to share and understand the unknown.MissionUnderstand exactly what happens to people who...
Michael J Spinler
On this forum he is known as: mikhail224 Michael J Spinler is a Generation 4 Super Soldier. He had microchips in his body and has been age regress. He has memories of being a communist before he was age regressed. He is a...
RIP Michael Hemmingson
Michael Hemmingson Linked to Killing of MK ULTRA Whistleblower Khris Neal http://duncanofinioan.com/?p=139 R.I.P. Michael Hemmingson http://supersoldiertalk.com/2014/01/19/r-i-p-michael-hemmingson/ I miss being...
Israeli soldier beaten by Justin Bieber
I think the following is a true reportThe israeli military should be ashamed "Justin Bieber beat the crap out of one of his Israeli bodyguards ... and berated the former soldier after a disagreement ... this according to a new...
SUPER SOLDIERS': THE QUEST FOR THE ULTIMATE HUMAN KILLING MACHINE MICHAEL HANLON Thursday 17 November 2011 The ancient Spartans believed that battlefield training began at birth. Those who failed the first round of selection, which took place at the ripe old age of 48 hours, were left at the foot of a mountain to die. The survivors would, in years to come, often wonder if these rejects were the lucky ones. Because to harden them up, putative Spartan warriors were subjected to a vigorous...
Super Soldier Talk - Nate Grey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHppyFiFQI0 I hope you all see and enjoy the video. I should have talked about the fantastic 4. I met 2 of the 4 when I was a child.
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Please click on the link below and become a patron and donate! You can also donate Via Pay Pal to nateypxgrey@me.com https://www.patreon.com/ypxnews
I Was A Psychic Super Soldier
I am new to this site and this will be my first post and it will be kinda long, but its my life story. I lived an ordinary life, but throughout my life I have had visions of things that have happened to me and the physical evidence to prove it. The whole time I was living my Earthly life, I was secretly a MILAB super soldier. I have decided to post my experiences here. When I was a little kid in the 90's --I'm 26 now-- I was abducted by Zetas. I remember that it was at night and I remember...
Super Soldier Talk – Milab Phenomenon - Peter The Insider
An interesting video about alternate time lines, the X men and trip chairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?...AT3gf_00&t=1388s with james rink and peter the insider Peter the Insider shares more about trip seat Brain Cleaners, Department of Naval Intelligence and Bob Lazar, PPAI Femtoite Black Goo, Uptime Trauma, How to detect Milab Invaders in your home, Karmic implications of milabs, More about the Emerthers, Who are the Maujra and Azez Race, Nazi Nordic Agarthian Hybrid Super Soldier...
Super soldier milab ebook
An ebook written by a milab and super soldier. Discusses inter dimensional alien technology and altered states of consciousness whilst remaining grounded in basic scientific reasoning leading to a greater understanding of global mind control and transition of civilization. Redundant links due to shadow banning. https://ln.sync.com/dl/-biy4merm7ee9a20/7bauggt9-9t3rhayu- https://humanrealitymatrix.wordpress.com/the-human-reality-matrix/ ...