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Tagged With "house fire"


Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
Stellar. I was only allowed to see this memory as I had just started using the last of those shapes/astral bodies. I have seen me, as a wolf and as an Angelic female warrior many times before. But the last one was the Green Dragon shape. I have read that dragons are Seraphim, one of the highest of the Angel realms. The first time was when I woke up from a dream where I had been fighting a man in a lab, he was trying to steal my last baby (they have stolen about 15 before). So now I am in...

Re: It's getting nasty!

CosmicDancer ·
*****This keeps on being removed Posted 7/2/2017: Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting...

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...

Re: A Beyonder Sequesters Galactus?

Erol Asya ·
Anyone ever heard of SHIVA or SIVA of Hindu Mythology? He was called Destroyer of worlds and Galactus is merely a fictional version of him, That ring of Fire around SHIVA is the destroyer of Maya which is illusion which is really Matrix material he burns for fuel. The truth in original Vampirism they forgot to edit.

Re: No closure in SageWalk death

Nate YPX Grey ·
Sagewalk is a wilderness therapy program based near Bend, Oregon, which specializes in behavior modification. They offer two types of programs [1]. A Preparation/ Youth Transition Program with a stay of 30 days or more. A Family Reunification Program with a stay of 60 days or more. The program is now a part of Aspen Education Group. The target group is adolescent males and females, ages 13-17, with a history of moderate to severe emotional and behavioral problems, low self-esteem, academic...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

eevie ·
I have had many, many "dreams", oobs. Most were about battle. Astral battle is all of the mind, not so much the body. AI will hit your weaknesses and cost you your confidence. Any weak area is in truth your greatest hidden strength. AI mind fucks you if it can. AI runs the battles, the weapons, etc. I've fought various branches of milab in this manner. Once I was abducted and taken to the astral to be killed. I looked away from what was happening and said. I'm not looking at this. Instantly...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Daniel James Turfrey i can see what you mean by flying is possible only with device or higher vibration. thats exactly what im getting at when i talk about the possibility of acquiring new abilities. actually one time i believed i could fly until i fully woke up. if i was suffering from a horrible case of a sleep walking i might have jumped off something. as i think i mentioned i mostly fly in dreams so it was odd to be like a telekinetic thor for a moment only to understand a thirst for...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Zozo thanks for sharing all that. eclipse is at a loss for words. one can only say sorry. or if i see a vet the only thing i can say is thanks for my freedom. when they might have lost friends in action and had no time to think of it till after the fact. i talked to a girl in isreal and her town has a history of taking rocket fire and things like that. i thought that is a crappy thing to get used to. i also noticed in general that life can be difficult in many different ways. who am i to...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Daniel James Turfrey ·
The abilities are gifts . Given to us. Its weird that people dont know yet about saving the world. I guess still waiting for activation. There is going to be a big war. A seperation a divide . Good vs bad. Empath vs narcissism. Light vs dark. And we will be activated, harvested, depending on our traits. Our traits are what make us , us. . Its a esteem, a personality. And this personality is of empathy and righteousness. Also known as exitabilities found by dabrowski. Look into it. Its the...

Re: temple of set/michael hemmingson/khris neal

CosmicDancer ·
You probably know this already - Set is Lucifer , also Amun a Cosmic Universal initially , Now I dont know if He's mind ( z | a zing zong want to be king kong ' like the archetype of the movie ) I call a reprobate thats placidly rabid too n or s Or is One Minded ! ? ) is alright in anyway shape or form now . ? I bought that board game Set a few Years ago n I didnt get to play it yet ' , in storage . Dont like ever playing with fire so to speak . I was thinking Maybe more positive game ' (...

Re: Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter

CosmicDancer ·
To add to my additional reply, two above, from this morning. Regarding Ego. Ego blocks Love. Not being receptive (feminine aspect, Yin). To understand what your dealing with. Ego is typically the males, aggressive quality or nature, Yang. Both are good qualities if coming from Love for the greater good. So basically, when dealing with these activities, like encounters of an esoteric nature. I'm receptive, taking it in and being aggressive with my mind in analysis for the greater good. Always...

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey ·
below is a list of all his videos

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

eevie ·
wtf do they want from John?!?

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey ·
not sure really, i guess they are just control freaks or somthing, IDK

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey ·
I reported a fire at my farm house when my father was cooking somthing lit on fire and the entire policeforce showed up on thanksgiving day. I have never seen that many police cars in the country at one time.

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

eevie ·
fuckers are on here too. just erased everything i typed. They fear you Nate, or what might trigger you so they show up in numbers on you. Same here only they don't come to my house and they don't pull me over. If they do pull me's hilarious as i watch them back off and finally disappear. I don't take shit from cops or milab. Milab pisses me and people die...the ones responsible for fucking with me die and i dnt care any more. They get one warning and that's it.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Eevie, bogus set-ups are systemic 'fires' that deviates from the core 'fire'. Some are "chasing the I'd" (J7), spinning their wheels, playin 'mortal kombat'. It prompts a vicious cycle, being stuck in rut. We must be organized and systematic for Humanity's (ALL Creation with Natures' Existence and 'mindless' Creation), in the One Time Beginning). Freedom! Yes I agree, watch over each other. I imagine an individual lasso of each, connecting themselves together in one whole unit for a mission.

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey · here is another good interview with john stormm, and it features duncan ofinian

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

CelticShaman365mhz ·
Nate, how goes it brother? Have been trying to contact John Stormm recently and without success. I have a friend in his area in need of help and as of now have not recieved a reply to my emails. If you can, please forward this msg to John, i and my friend would appreciate it. Good man.

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey ·
try contacting him via facebook

Re: John Stormm's update on police invading his house

amindianvet ·
Ill be letting Stormm know to check forums i can give his FB contact info only. He lives with me,avail if needed just reach out via my FB medicine bear whitebow

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
I haven't logged in for a while. I thought I would give some new information and updates while I dropped in. New web site: I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. Hello, I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. I...

Fetish Archives

Breezy ·
Introduction In the words of R. Sutherland Rattray in his book Ashanti Proverbs: The Primitive Ethics of Savage People (1917), “But there is one term the indiscriminate use of which, I believe, has done infinite harm, the word ‘fetish.’ Contrary to the modern notion of the word fetish, it has not always been associated with repugnant and scandalous connections with human sexuality. Like every other conceivable word known to man, the word fetish started out with its own unique etymology so...

Timeline Control

Ghost Rider ·
Ok, this is a method to control reality. Let's get started. Imagine where you are in the universe is a stream/line. Imagine slightly changing your direction up or down to catch a wave of the next timeline. This is a part of it. Now as you go up it's the same as going outwards from a concentric circle. You must visualize that you are using the power of an archetype and visualize things as if you are playing out an old mythological story. Timeline one to two is a form of going through the...

Melanin and Sacred Stones

Breezy ·
Log in or Sign up July Friday 1st Assata Portal Discussions FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links Donate RBGTube The RBG Store RBG Blogs Gallery What's Hood? Sundiata Arcade Assata's Network Afrikan News Advanced Search Forum It's Time To Get Organized! Afrikan Wholistic Health Melanin Wellness Part I: Melanin and Sacred Metals and Stones 11 Uhuru! If this is your first visit, be sure to check out frequently asked questions by clicking this link FAQ You must register before you...

A Hard Knight's Work - a fable

Nate YPX Grey ·
A Hard Knight's Work - a fableDecember 16, 2012 at 6:22pm A HARD KNIGHT'S WORK      Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so very far from here, a ferocious, fire  breathing dragon had captured a fair young maiden....

september 11th, what happened?

Nate YPX Grey ·
This does not necessarily represent the views of the forum leadership, but you should read it anyway.also a UFO was videotaped next to the towers, your guess is as good as mine Conspiracy Theorists vs. The Chemically StupidAugust 13, 2011 at...

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Nate YPX Grey ·
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below.  I have included the 1st pharagraph  "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...


Nate YPX Grey · Click on the link above to see my art gallery! also check out the PDF of samples of my art

The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
Hello. Im looking into being a astral milab myself. So i thought it would be great to have a community dream log. Anyone can post dreams and astral activities here. I will go first. i have dreams with very minor powers. Like fly or teleport. Also a minor combat power like weaponized umbra kinesis. Then something happened recently. I got angry in a dream and had powers in dream time. I was flying and hovering while generating high force winds and lightning with clouds. i generated a storm on...

Ufo Abductee African Shaman Credo Mutwa.

chris ·
Credo Mutwa A short biography and bibliography of this KwaZulu-Natal author Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - ) was born in Natal. His father was a former Catholic catechist from the Embo district near Inanda. His mother was the descendant of a long line of Zulu medicine-men and custodians of tribal lore and customs. His parents parted shortly after Vusamazulu's birth, because his mother refused to convert to Christianity. Mutwa was educated by his maternal grandfather, a medicine-man, and...

message from Max Spiers

Nate YPX Grey ·
It's not just the children in the juvenile detention programs, foster homes, and adoption centers of the world who are being exploited in this ring, it is also the children of the wealthy and privileged of the Illuminati/Jesuits whose fates are being decided in orchestrated, deeply hidden and horrific fashions. "This also corroborates child abuse detailed to me and intuited by myself with Max Spiers telling me about his time at school with his roommate Orlando Bloom while they were students,...

Rip Blu-ray to MP4 Files on PC/Mac Flawlessly

Velemoochi ·
Rip Blu-ray to MP4 Files on PC/Mac Flawlessly If you want to convert Blu-ray to MP4 for playback, you've come to the right place. The following article will show you how to transcode Blu-ray to MP4 with top Blu-ray Ripper. I would like to rip Blu-ray movies to my laptop to watch in our motorhome with DELL XPS laptop and LG Infinity tv, which is the best blu-ray ripper? In this day and age, portable device like iPohne and iPad has become a necessary part of life because it brings you the...

John Stormm's update on police invading his house

Nate YPX Grey ·
an interesting update with information about the local police interfering with his house and cameras

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

Eclipse ·
Yes seems like everyone in this community seems to have implants. im still not sure what you mean about fire 🔥...Sorry. i checked my profile about the fire reference but there is none. Well The red and white pic is for umbrella. it can kind of resembles a flower depending on how you view it. I moved the umbrella logo to my profile pics. Unfortunately im not sure what the reference is so i dont know what my reply about that is.

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

CosmicDancer ·
I wouldnt put weight into the fire reference , it was offered as a suggestion on the spelling bar ( I dont know if Your interface is showing that I texted that ) n I used it Gnostically n commonly ' - as in maybe an aggressive type of disposition n or energy of mind , that generally would be around here on SSF as well , a 2 sec flashing of whether it was Appropriate(d) here in quick talk n Naturally on SSF . Dont tell me its a trigger meh n teh ??Actually the fire ' , the word and one...

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

Eclipse ·
Thanks for the reply. Not sure why you feel im a " fire pov" but im a air sign in the zodiac. I may actually clash with fire sign. However i bring the strong suit of understanding so i can get along with a bunch of peeps. Actually i was attached to a Sagittarius in my family as well. Sign fortune telling may be crap but people still show traits of their sign. Like personality. so you have a monark side or mark. I knew something was up. well mk ultra mind control is one thing that seems to be...

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

CosmicDancer ·
Is that how ( fire ' ) " , " fire " showed up on Your interface . That fire word was shown on my spelling bar as I was writing n I took it as a suggestion . Didnt really think of it as in Astrological reference . However I used to study mostly Vedic and attempted Chinese 108 Star ( cant read Chinese though ) ) .. , basic Tropical , .. We ALL basically have , had those Astral Implant thingys , I knew about in the 1980s when , new aging roaming as a Christian Value/Quality Person .. in amnesia...

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

CosmicDancer ·
Its is nice n or nicer to have friendly conversation with another fire ' POV too . With an Esoteric MK ? Hmm , interesting a newer progressive approach and Cultured POV of MK Ultra ? I was told I was Monarch Scientist " . This time around , in amnesia a HighSchool drop out . An Artistic Spiritual Minded Type of Person , INFJ ( INTP , INFP .. ) Muse Turned more into My Sage Person Self by Proxy , default and Crime Design spreed machine . I Am really bothe Muse and Sage , meaning...

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

Eclipse ·
Sure. Now i see. I just said i dont know what you mean by fire pov. I use quotes when im speaking in english or studying computer code since im a tech student. Same with most people here. Fire is not a trigger for me but a house fire happened so i got adopted. it was added to my trauma and perhaps training. Im someone who is a mix in personality. Im scorpio moon sign when those have a so called sting thats surprising. o neg blood type. Plus milab. my recent training includes astral sparring...

Re: Largest Museum in The Western World Obliterated !

Eclipse ·
Well i appreciate any effort put into posts by members. Unfortunately i feel the powers that be not only like to destroy culture but history too. I personally look at my culture when i was a kid and teen and now i see a dumpster fire they call a country. Simply see masks is uncool and i got along with fazing at faces instead of eye contact. Now i see masks every where . speaking of bamphemet i noticed a statue of a owl in a kids park. That would be a illuminati god and i think its moloch. as...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
greetings. Im sorry but i have to log a couple of things i found out from memory. Log 1) not sure if mk ultra is gutsy enough to set fire to a whole family home. Anyway after the mysterious fire my brother and i went to a family. he raced me to blocks they gave us. then we where separated after day one because i bit my brother on the wrist over the situation. Sorry to say he has the scars till this day. So he actually cant account for me after that day. when i went to the second home i could...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
@Stormm thanks for the awesome replies! Im getting to know why the community seems to welcome you. As far as the forum i was late to the party. So mk ultra was in cleveland? Well thats a big confirmation even though not the same hospital and my video clip was the child services in cleveland. It was cleveland city limits where the house fire happened to. Odd. well tell me if you where given a teddy as a gift. Sorry if they used it against you though. Mine was a old retro teddy with a yellow...

my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
hello. im adopted and i was thinking about possible 20 year and back tech trip with the secret space program. even ibis was rumored to use my suspected blood type which is o neg. im not saying i was apart of that . just making a point about genetics. in my case there was a house fire in winter and i was placed with the county. a week is enough to transport me to a black site or something. well guess what kids where caught living in the same county building. i just know i had a pharma shot in...

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Stormm ·
MKULTRA *is* everywhere the CIA & NSA have influence in America AND the world. Canada has a program, as does England, Sweden, Russia and China. By 1960, they had control over 150 hospitals and clinics (military AND civilian) and sub-offices in numerous colleges (University of Rochester Medical Campus, and R.I.T., in Rochester, NY were offices I was directly affiliated with). I was taken from St. Ann's to some Jesuit agency and directly to the Infancy Research Center in the U. of R.,...

Tribute videos: to public service and military

Eclipse ·
hello. Interesting times we live in so i decided to post video tributes to each service branch. i understand we cant have a stable country without services. Possible trigger alert. EMS: Air medical: a must watch. Firefighters: Military: Usa military: The canadian military friends: law enforcement: Special thanks to...

the norse collection

Eclipse ·
hello. if nate doesnt mind i feel like doing a norse collection of videos. im not sure if i did it justice because i can only type in english. i know alot of super soldiers are germanic, celtic, norse, and or native american. if you have any other national origin ideas as far as a collection please leave it in a comment below. thanks. forging a Viking fire Steele. please dont mind the sales talk at the beginning because the video might get alot to relax. wolf...

How to start a fire fir survival. No matches or lighter

Eclipse ·
hello. i thought i should post how to start a fire. alot of survival minded people say you should atleast have a cutting tool and the ability to start fire. So what if a fire starter isnt in reach? Please practice safety. Apart of my story is a house fire when i was two. I hardly remember but i can say fire is no joke. also i been near a giant bone fire with a tone of heat. So stay safe.

Re: How to start a fire fir survival. No matches or lighter

Nate YPX Grey ·
i have a bunch of videos about fire making and will make more. check out my website to see them