Tagged With "Susan Long"
Re: RIP Lee Backer
Eevie; I only remember one bio ship. It was lonely as the crew had died a long time ago. Way into Space, beyond our Solar system. We were only allowed on because we had no weapons and another more 'mature' off world species entered before us. They had these weird quadriped animals that could float in space. They felt sad. You entered by anit grav energy portal. That was intense. I was the only one who could interface, which activated the crew, boy did they freak out (snigger). Weirdly we...
Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY
Hello Angela, The Hydra and Pegasus info was simply relayed to me by some spirit , I agree with you that the earth seem to be going through some " alteration" at best its also as you said layers like an onion, saw during many astral projections that she is truly like an orb of creation, using time as pockets for portals to be formulated, along with leylines. Don't worry about the jargon, have the same issue myself in terms of simply just putting info out there so it at least make sense,...
Re: Targeted Individuals
How about; they black bag my laptop, break the casing around my screen in two places, to put in an Operation Tempest (I think that is what it is called). It is tech that beams to a satellite that the user is on the laptop and the satellite starts microwaving you. (It was on a Youtube video.) No it was called something else and the video has been removed. http://www.surasoft.com/articles/tempest.php This talks about Tempest where they can see what you are writing on your PC screen. But the...
Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"
IMAEA I think that if anyone who is a presenter/researcher nowadays that isn't dead, is either very programmed or in on it. I always thought that any Supersoldiers or MILABS that were waking up, would obviously go to these presenters and tell their stories and boom, they are reprogrammed, where the program was weakest. I think a lot of the presenters get targeted too, to keep them low energy. I found and removed my metal implants by visualise/focus/intent and prayer, but I was finding I was...
Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.
Share your stuff ! who threatened you?? say the name on this public forum and this will expose them. Ravens are messengers and crows are judgment, the poem of Edgar Allan Poe states, "The Raven is a messenger. It is similar to how we decide to interpret it, We need to be above this, bullies back down when you expose them and humiliate them. Humiliation/Shame is connected to the ego, which in turn is connected to a low or weak self esteem. Related Poem Content Details By Edgar Allan Poe Once...
Re: Wilderness therapy programs
Hello,MaryElle I just wrote about 1 event that happened to me,but I just read what happened to you...Really scary stuff.The thing is that I was abused as well,by my father and by negative aliens all my life.I dont remember what was happening when they abducted me as a child and later till 2009.From early age I was beaten by drunk idiot,my father+when I went to sleep,almost every night those gray bastards paralyzed me and did scary sh.t to me...I dont know if I wanna know what was...
Re: Ben Murphy "Kila Solai"
Surgery was long but went ok. He will be recovering in the hospital for a few weeks. Words can not express his gratitude for the uplifting prayers and support! Keep it coming, it works miracles! ~Sandy
Re: Nordic Aliens
As far as my knowledge of reptilian shape shifting goes, there are multiple modalities by which it is achieved by various reptilian races. One is by actual shape-shifting, meaning that the individual can (at-will or by another means) change form into a reptile. As far as I understand, this actually occurs very infrequently and is certainly not the norm by any means. I am not sure how this is even possible, but I imagine it is some sort of advanced from of "Chameleon camouflage". Another,...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I am hearing rumors that china has the remains of the twin towers? do any of you know anything about this subject. It has been a hot topic for a long time and I am sure people are tired to talking about it and hearing about it. I would like to know everyones opinion.
Re: september 11th, what happened?
I am still doing some digging but here is some things i have figured out, 'Silverstain' but a huge insurance policy on his precious buildings the twin towers not long before the attacks. He made a very hefty profit. He was also in the process of being sued by millions for ASBESTOS throughout both towers because of the cheap materials he building them. His pall "Rothskid" moved his company out of the building eerily close to the day of disaster. Building 7 also collapsed this day although no...
Re: september 11th, what happened?
Yes, was it you that made this general comment and I replied posted regarding, Mars as "The Sleeping Giant", in Kauai (If I remembered correctly)? I saw there, the "King" about 150 ft long form, laying onside the mountain. Heard telepathically, several years later, it's Mars. I requested 'turning into stone' tech, as a fail safe. Suggested by the mythology 'tales' of Medusa (baphomet/uma) in 2010, in the message forum of Global Voice 2010/"Drake". Read about the tech in a Russian article,...
Re: Military's 'Iron Man' Suit May Be Ready to Test This Summer
Nate Grey I think I heard spinler taking about this with Stormm February 27 at 9:20pm · Like · 1 Michael J Spinler something like this. but it was more like a body suit with patches on it. February 27 at 10:18pm · Like Michael J Spinler this is the low tech shit i was talking about before. knock off send to general forces. February 27 at 10:19pm · Like Michael J Spinler the suit i use i could not only block a punch given by a man in one of these. i could crush it around him like a tin can.
Re: I'm sorry~
I don't know who removed this reply (attachment) to this post/thread/? from yesterday? Anyway, hopefully attached below. Thanx Good Techies and Communications and ALL Support!!!! Also, "beam me up Scotty", The Prophet Eye~ Bad Brains. Obviously, no posers N.A.! (Need Apply), Na, Nay!!!!!!! Ever! The answer is goodbye. You all should have gotten a room with each other by now already. * Again (ref to a removed thread l bases), I'll ask here now, where are the Real 'Tomatoes'? (Devo~ Smart...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
He must of did something bad for them to do something like that. A bit extreme if they were just trying to scare him. No surprise the police weren't active and involved, they allowed over two dozen men to stalk a girl all over LA just all the camera flashing, should of been considered assault, could of physically harmed her. The cops are in their pockets getting paid that money and so long as they have that, they look the other way. They don't even investigate anyones death. Paul Walker...
Re: Regarding Corey Feldman
.........Britney Spears too, she just claimed ( I just saw on YT ) that Prince William is a Reptilian, Shapeshiifter. The YT video is from Watchman T.V. He said that Britney Spears said she had long term exchanges with him: phone, texting, Skyping and saw him too(??). Anyway, the YouTuber was also pointing out Britney was now cloned. Her body frame (hips) and face different. I noticed too. Justin Beiber too seems like he isnt doing well, even though he is part of a (highly questionable)...
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Re: We're soon LEAVING this MATRIX >>> EXIT 13D frequency FEMTO TECH OFF.
Informative but there are some questions. I don't discount "A.I" (I refer to as Alpha Intelligence., S.I. I refer to Synthetic Intel., or Programed, Mind Control/M.C). S.P/Self Program and I.I/"I" Intelligence. I find myself referring to now a days. I wanted to re-post from my fb timeline about this today here on SSF. but the tech was disfunct. Ra, is supposedly Mars. Same olde boring ' story' is actually History not in Vain or Pain. If you were an elder and/or old soul you would have...
Re: How DID a violent fantasist end up marrying a billionaire's daughter? James casbolt
James Casbolt/Michael Prince, I believe him to be part of one of the very first ancient pre-earth cosmic elemental nature male/ and/or man Soul Lineage and/or Line. With affects of severe compromise from evil incarnate (bapht'/baphomet), and now many others infected. Initially an extension from off his mind (as his beginning self/Time) as a "node" in outerspace, by default, evils' self-start. He, I believe is Time/Time Satan' (one of the Satan's). Max Spiers of the same Lineage, prob calling...
Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier
wow, cody, I am diane, I used to talk to you on nates chatroom remember? maybe he invite you on our other chat, or can send message here, what is your fb page? my fb page is diane lukemin, you could do priv messenger & talk to me. I help you cody,
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...
Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)
This is Something You Need to Know - by a man who may be seeking attention, hopefully help, and to be struck down by Odin for his transgressions against this field, individuals of all kinds, and seemingly most of all himself, and who still may for some reason hold the keys to some of the truths we have been seeking for decades: (edit and commentary by Frank Zero) (Frank Zero's comments in ( ) brackets I don't really have time to debate, but am always open to it. As a disclaimer I have been...
Re: targeted individuals protection
for some reason the black EMF site does not work for me at the moment. I got one of their hats a long time ago
Re: Alchemy
Ahhhh it let me post this time, hmmmm. Breezy That man who grew up in Romania sure would be interesting to talk to. And for you Ghost Rider I am gathering the ingredients for this elixir right now andill have the first test launched before this month of June ends. It is a LIVING SUBSTANCE that when injected will illuminate every molecule through the body. The fact is it has never been done and of course I have to test it on myself for a period of weeks, I'm excited, it just hit me how to...
Re: John Stormm Biography
This is a message I got from John Stormm, it is not the condition I am in, it is the condition he told me he was in "I'm very, very sick. And I have seizures and stroke damage besides. I can't even step out of the house for more than a couple hours at a time without endangering myself. Most of my peers are long dead, and of less than I'm carrying in me now. I won't be around that much longer, and as often as I have courted danger: That bothers me less than you might imagine. Dying is easy.
Re: John Stormm Biography
some updates from John Stormm reach him at https://www.facebook.com/stormm1?fref=ts
Re: John Stormm Biography
Originally Posted by Nate YPX Grey: There were 4-5 throwing knives, 4 darts, 8 shuriken, and a small handgun in this picture. Brass knuckles, unnecessary. My bones are harder than that. There was 3 full sized, weighted throwing knives (one in the middle of my back, just under my shirt collar, one sheathed on each shin.). Two 5 inch wide shuriken (chest area), six smaller, thinner Togakure style shuriken (pockets), A manrikusari (a 40" thin steel cable with lead weights at each end) wrapped...
Re: John Stormm Biography
"Summer of 1971. He has to be about a year or so older than I. I signed up just after my 17th birthday to try and get free of the MK Ultra program. It wasn't one of my better plans." -John Stormm about spiderman "I only stayed with Company 305 a few months, before MK Ultra started shipping me all over the place. We had gone our separate ways, but then that was true of MOST people in my life. I was never allowed to stay in one place for a very long time, and all too often I was being sent out...
Re: John Stormm Biography
Laura was a close personal friend to me for over 40 years. She was truly, what most of you would define as a "succubus". Many folks never get so close, and not in a good way. This was my tribute to a long time friend, and I'm sure you'll find it interesting. It may even shed some light on some people you only thought you knew. It's not always a "bad thing". -Stormm Originally Posted by Nate YPX Grey: http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-...m-laura-039-s-story/ John Stormm wrote a book about Laura
Re: Implants
wow we have very similar lives in some aspects. I have always accepted people talking to me in my head and assumed it to be telepathy. I"ve wondered as well. I have some strange eye probs, too. Kind of skittish about medical facilities and docs these days. They know. Around the world law enforcement has been told to back off from milabs, etc. Happened me again twice the other day. Cops run a check and then back waaaay off from me. So i'm wondering wtf is going on....major upgrades, very...
Re: Implants
oh wow! i have looked on and off for the same material. I have a source that might can help us. My shit is just not connecting at times lately. Sorry. The shit in my head i mean. I'll ask him tonite, but probably won't hear from him until tomorrow. It is surprising that we keep getting narrowed down and that is making it easier for us to find each other. The wheat from the chaff, we are being separated time and again until we are away from all this bs. I don't know if we are to keep grabbing...
Re: Implants
my appetite is non existent or very picky. i hav to sleep with a pyramid above me . i feel my matress coils vibrating and my bones hurting when i wake up. whatevers doing it i heard is like a tuning fork. so i have alot to counteract. my vibration/frequency raises swiftly lately but they still try desperately to keep me down. my soul is Procyon A and a skilled warrior at that so my life and my mission wont be compromised in this lifetime now that im gaining my full memolries and...
Re: Implants
You explained what i haven't found words for. Thank you.All that is happening and why. All the major changes just with ourselves alone is mind boggling, but then there is everything and everyone still to deal with. Yes, i want this over, too. ask them. lol probably call me a whiney ass, but hey. some days......some days nothing here to keep me. I'm more out of my body than in it. I prefer it. Only saw one doc while growing up no matter where we lived. It had to be that one. Even 2000 miles...
Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........
More updates around my neighborhood . Well this long story , to cut short : I was politically removed ' from my Studio apartment which I just somehow was able to land after 3 Years straight on the road in UK ,n ALL the US Airbnb n Hoteling it . Dont know how my ExHubby was able to handle the finances however was able to . So been here in Venice ,CA for 4 months finally in one place n they kicked me out of this Studio on 4th of July weekend . So rude I had to he out in 1 days notice ,...
Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........
As promised , I said I would post more info on Biblical references to Kaneh bosm , Cannabis . I took Pics of my notes from a very long video I saw a few months ago . They should show better if zoomed in . I am on my 5th day of not smoking Kaneh Bosm or Tobacco , Yay !!!!!! ))))) - Even though I'm still in pain on n off ( however getting better ) with that ear n teeth thing , I posted about on the Astral monsters ' thread . It could be a tooth abscesses n infection too ( which I took 2...
Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........
On second thought .......... I Just got back from the K " store . I was directed after much tribadations n thought that I finally kicked the Cannabis smoking ( at least the Tobacco now ) . I was directed " to go back to the store that had all the beige looking Kannabis in the 15ft display case , that I mentioned here . Well the 3rd time in a row there I noticed the discoloration ( been there when they 1st opened n it was regular product then ) , n today ALL of them crazy enough are still...
Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........
https://m.facebook.com/story.p...p;id=100000405341801 This a link to a FB post I did about two weeks ago regarding a local store involving , gang stalking n major brand alterations n denied it was their product , wouldnt exchange or refund a faulty opened product| pens that didnt work , tried to withhold the PineSol again | with putting aside not charging it too , N WOULDN'T give me the Comet cleaner again , that they didnt bag the last time too , I refused to repurchase the C**** because...
Re: Pres. Clinton's Remarks on Human Radiation Experiments (1995)
You know , for some reason I always liked President Bill Clinton , in the 90's Everyone were basically in the surplus of money n or the ability of that . And we were not in the deficit , minus side of Our Country's accounts . I dont know if that was ever really achieved before (not that great with Historical records ') . To this Day - there are People N Families who still have Homes N Businesses from that Experience of Existence from then . ? However, Bill n HRC scare me with the blood trail...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Another aspie! Lol awesome. Nate, I have awakened many mornings with needle marks. Especially the itchy bump on my neck below my ear. That needle mark is from memory erasing meds. Once I had needle marks in my belly button. It was swollen for a month and oozed black goo. I won't go into detail at this time on who, what, when, where, or why but it was insiduous. I fought the goo for a month. I've learned to communicate with it and get it to work for me, not against me. It worked slowly on me...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Hello, I just wanna say that you are correct...How do I know that?Well,It was in the last days of 2009.It happened in front of my eyes...Wall that is facing me in my flat,started to shimmer and there they were!1 tall grey and one smaler sitting behind the desk.They started to paralyze me and they thought that I will go with them,like many times before,that I have almost no memory that this is happening to me, Then it started,they started to drag me by my hand(my body was paralyzed...).It was...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
@Stormm thanks for sharing. interesting that your a friend from mk ultra. I heard of a trip chair. you said a chair is in new york? Curious if it has a physical location. im curious if the trip chair has something to do with weapon x or sone kind of branch of it. Infact comic bios trace wolverine and x23 to new york as a long time residing state. interesting how waves and sound are a weapon in this case. Im sure it was uncool to expirience. Atleast your reaction shows a wistle blower spirit.
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
yeah it pops out of my left wrist. I cant make it come out at will though which is frustrating. I think i was hypnotized into forgetting how to use it, but I do not know for certain why it has not come out in a long time. It does not have any metal around it in case you where wondering, and I dont have heal factor so when it comes back in it leaves and open cut
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Yes,I remember that too!Only I could do something similar with my right wrist.Wow,how long I dident think about that...In my case,it isent a bone,it is a knife.I dont know what material that is,but it is a knife that is there if I need that.Once,when I was younger,in my mid 20-is,I actually show that to my girlfriend at the time.I thought that no one accept me can see that,but she saw it,I saw her reaction.I was smiling like a child,happy that this is real!I think that Emery Smith talked...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Hey Nate,Its ot like that,to have 500 pounds,it is somehow in (my) human body.I just answered about knife in my right wrist...It is more subtle. Nanites are part of my body and when needed or just for showing,my body acts like I have a smart suit,but in my flesh and blood body and when I think about knife that is in my right wrist,it just ejects out and it is real knife,but made of metal that,I guess nanites make as I wish.So my body acts like smart suit. I could do that long before I heard...
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
No problem,Im here to help others and to know more about myself.Writing about those "special"experiences is activating my memory,but,again(!),its so late that is actually morning here...I just came home and Im barely writing,same like last time,but Il do my best...For me it is hard to go to sleep like "normal"people do.I have my own cycles when to sleep.Im often more than 48h awake.Sometimes up to 4 days.Its all messed up,you know. I will tell you about few of my dreams and many other things...
Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...
Yes,it happened to me too,not so long ago,but its not even close like it was before...Do you feel that this is happening less than before? I see that they dont have permission to abduct us,just like that,any more.Earth is protected ,it is like a quarantine now.I see ships all the time and there is only good feeling about them.Do you think so to?
Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...
The comment before this one has completely changed. Fyi i will hopefully become a computer student soon so i will be on the lookout for bots and hackers as a non admin for as long as im on the system. no disrepect if the member pinzingerich is real.
Re: Alien Races "The Council of Five"
Nate, That's tricky because there's information they do not want in the open. I gotta be vague to a degree because a lot is at stake here and the safety of everyone is at hand. This is why the Illuminati the ones that show off are really low end power players. Think of a group like SHIELD from Marvel but the technology is far more advanced and please know they are really out there. Think of The WATCHERS from Marvel combined with this concept also but more of them living on our Earth,...
Re: Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter
To add to my additional reply, two above, from this morning. Regarding Ego. Ego blocks Love. Not being receptive (feminine aspect, Yin). To understand what your dealing with. Ego is typically the males, aggressive quality or nature, Yang. Both are good qualities if coming from Love for the greater good. So basically, when dealing with these activities, like encounters of an esoteric nature. I'm receptive, taking it in and being aggressive with my mind in analysis for the greater good. Always...
Re: Any Ideas?
Interestingly your story made me remember something that happened in my eldest daughter's early childhood. I was a new mum and I had not been around any other babies. One night she started to cry and I know I had done everyhing, So my hubby said maybe she needs a cuddle. I picked her up and she was cold to touch. I held her until she became warm but she has had problems with this all her life. She can't feel when she is cold. But I believe that in your case your energy was being drained by...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
COSMICDANCER.... so yahweh was the first pedo..for magic...for ill gain...nohting has changed. He is also enlil. I stopped him from abducting 3 boys. We fought..i had only my hammer....i'm a house framer/carpenter...says death stick on the handle. He was huge. We fought on the outside of his spherical ship. Long story short...we went to the ground and i hacked his head off with teh nail pulling end of my hammer. His neck rolled up like a tube of toothpaste. I didn't destroy his head...i...