hello. I was thinking on people we know about. Max spiers came to mind. He claimed he got a letter in the mail one time. I was talking about joining the hell fire club. After he fell asleep he found his place on fire. like the letter combusted or something. Well I was in a house fire when I was two. you may think it's a every day accident. The thing is my mom was a ex nun so the jesuits may have had a closer eye on us. they also had a chance of putting me in a physical program because of the house fire accident which they might have used. i would expect the hellfire club are a elite group that is still around. I bet they also do rituals. anyway the marvel hellfire club is sort of clear in this subject. however it's hard to tell if they had a pyrokenetic. I just know the fellow member mr @Stormm said mk ultra would actually burn someone's home. I found that interesting. I'm not saying that the hell fire club messed with me. However I'm saying they are most likely still around and I wonder who they are. Perhaps they may know something about milab cases since they seem like an occult group. Have a good one.
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I know the marvel comics have a organization called that. I dont know if there is actually a group called that however. usually there groups are based off of something.
@Nate YPX Grey hi bro. yeah I tried to say it does not seem like a marvel like person messed with us. So marvel checks out. Unless you know a fun fact about the marvel group that I dont. I just think emma frost was a interesting choice to add though. anyway yes in my opinion it looks like there is a real group called the hellfire club. If one looks on youtube it seems like the origin was ireland. I guess you can still visit the original structure and I guess it's haunted to. the original building even had a fire and has a legend of being visited by someone who had hooves for feet. I dunno. I'm open to any story's and possibilities though. I personally think burning someone's home would be a odd ritual if it's even considered one.
well this guy named adrain said I had a sexual encounter with emma frost, but I have no clear memory of it. He probably fabricated the story knowing him. He said i had twins with her, one boy and one girl. I would have been around 14 during the date he said the encounter happened. Emma frost can erase peoples memories so it was a somewhat believable story. I dont trust anything he says though, he screwed a bunch of people out of there money promising refunds and never doing them. I tried to buy his programs, and when I wanted the refund he promised me he made up a story that he was unable to pay. PayPal forced him to pay me back, as he did have enough money and was lying. Do not do business with adrain guys, he will not honor his refund policy.
@Nate YPX Grey sorry to hear. if i was in your case i would be tempted to contact emma frost . just wanted to say that. however what would you say to her and also keeping away from stalker laws while doing it? i dunno anymore.
@Nate YPX Grey actually I was going over the marvel hellfire club members. I wouldn't put my house fire accident past selene gallio. I know there is a goddess selene which makes the marvel character seem less likely in real life but perhaps that means nothing. you can say I was born in a timeline with no mutants but then again there are multiple timelines and perhaps higher vibrational can reach the lower ones. it's strange to think a house just burst into flames. They blamed it on my brother when he says he was sleeping. I don't remember anything I witnessed.
Anyway there is strange connections with selene. First she has a whole list of powers. Yeah like 20 of them. With include pyrokenetic and energy vampire when we know vampires may reside in a higher vibration then usual. On top of that her first issue was not 1983 and the fire was like a month or two later. Plus her career involves being a Catholic nun when rome should have an idea about what nuns and elite bloodline descendents are with them. I'm not really blaming a real selene and I will be the first to say I wanna meet a magic using mutant which she is. Just food for thought.
I have no way of contacting emma frost. I was told by adrian that she owned modeling companies and pornography or something. It might be accurate i am not sure where his information came from.
@Nate YPX Grey well im not sure how advanced telepathy would work. the telepathy i expirience is not like a telephone. i will say there seems to be a emma frost in cali via public search who is old enough. im not gonna contact anyone though. adrian seems to operate a a.i. but not sure how effective it is. yeah im crazy enough to look up people for fun if its free public record. like the comics say that cyclops went to school in my native state of ohio but im not gonna contact our friend cyclops. yes I found out there is a summers family from that state. also the comics talk about chris bradly ( the technopath from weapon x ) being in a fair from springfield ohio as a employee. guess what? there is actually some sort of fair grounds in that county. life can be stranger then fiction like you have sort of pointed out sometimes.
I don't think cyclopses real last name was summers, I think it was to make him harder to look up in case some one like you tried.
@Nate YPX Grey yes. i personally know the names can be different. i also know its hard to tell how old someone really is even though the real character version is usually older. especially in the case of marvel. mmm ... i think marvel started in like the 50s and sixties which is before my time.
im actually happy you said that comment. im personally grounded enough to no contact someone without permission. however info is a double edged sword. so someone might have just figured out that you can even do a public search. i just know people who grew up before 2000 would have noticed the phone book moved to the internet. which has been a little creepy to me. a friendly reminder to keep your info internet dark. im not sure how a younger person will connect the dots but some are very def tech savvy.
on a personal note in general: my physical version is currently not that powerful. im just a guy who wants to get back into martial arts. i have seen threats amoung super soldiers but no worries here. i just dont recommend attacking me in the astral or related plan. defence of mine is actually too automatic in non physical form.
thanks for reading. this comment is actually kinda for everyone. my inbox is open to friendly members. p.s. i changed my name myself. so i know what its like to have a legal form of alias. one should consider a name change if they wanna clear thier life situation a little.
@Nate YPX Grey another friendly side note is on how people move around alot. also public lookup only covers your country in some cases. thats another thing that can def cover people with characters. cyclops is one of those pople who should have moved a bit in both real life and comics. just confirming there is multiple people in ohio with that last name when the clame was cyclops was there before the fiction version of xmen. cyclops can blow me up anyway because im not fast. im actually jealous of fast characters like quick silver and nightcrawler. so yeah
well I asked some one about nightcrawler, and he said he is dead. The person i asked has a very similar ability to nightcrawler, he is featured in origins wolverine, he is an african american guy who can teleport, and I have met him and talked to him in person, however we are no longer in contact with each other, i think he is scared to talk to me. I have theories why but i am not going to share them. I have very clear memories of meeting him, some of the others are very blurry memories as my mind was erased after contact with them, in other words they remember me a lot better than i remember them.
@Nate YPX Grey yeah I would be very careful if I had powers myself. it would be interesting to fly at will but never do because someone may see you. so I would want to have no contact with others more then now. I really just track others for fun general research and helping others out. like the awkward emma frost topic. I rather just be a good guy educating others on what can be done to stay safe. as far as nightcrawler I hear azazil might be related and have similar powers/mutation. My logic says atleast mutant family lines exist. as far as the hellfire club topic I learned that moloch is related to fire. moloch is the entity who was given child sacrifices. that's more evidence of mk ultra possibly burning homes that is too close for comfort.