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today i am leaving a note that self care is priority when adjusting.

lately i have a new apartment that i dont really care for. i am also leaving relationships that were abusive at times. it is mostly family that im leaving. then on top of that im expecting to connect with my subconscious that has been locked ever since i was little. im not sure what will happen when the subconscious activates but it will definitely be the elephant in the room as far as im concerned. a tool a need to learn how to wield. not just like a tool like a regular hammer. more like thor's hammer because of my suspected unusual self care takes care of yourself which im not going to preach about. it also helps keep the mind busy. most helpful when you have nothing but stress on the mind. i gotta go so have a good one.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Original Post

i would say follow your heart when your adjusting. including with ptsd. like i feel i should keep to myself at work and not talk much. its a odd thing but it might be the best thing in my case. im also curious what will happen if i dont really talk to others for 3 months. excluding on the forum of course. so i guess my note is consider doing what you feel your gut might be telling you in order to adjust and heal. thanks.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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