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... at Walmart again  , Hyjacked again , saying the power out with a 4.3 earthquake in Southern CA.  All power out excuse in the whole Vicinity.  " However in the same parking lot the Car Wash electrical Sign is working with motion graphics. I didnt think I was going back after the last(s) , I posted on Ssf. No food markets around here , and I was thinking I can get hashbrowns and biscuits at the McDonalds inside , I rarely do that anymore , And * + . The five there at the front doors Of , with a bullhorn  blaring at My face as I approached , Walmart is Closed " .   .... Actually said because I was Comfortable  ". Told them they are making excuses for Evil. They were rude saying I was    excused ." I said I am Not comfortable screaming Bloody Murders Too , Your excused , and worthless. " 🀍 Still at parking , Not liking how I also walked a ways  to too .  Thinking of calling 911 and seeing If there is really a power outaged everywhere , in earthquake Country 4.3 isnt that much to take out the powerlines - Excuse!  And Not according the the flashing sign infront Me and  Walmart nows !  Feeling I have to Call It for what It really Is          ( Hijacking of Humanitys , based on what I posted beforehand.  ) And Out! What Is It ReaLLy Worth!  🀍


Last edited by CosmicDancer
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.... looked on Edisons power outtage website , None in the zip code 90248. Which was changed online to 90501 zip for the Stores location online. No Walmart in Gardena listed. My new phone unable to screenshot due to Not enough memory msg.

And I called the Polices desk 784# after I asked for a name or Tangible Person in Uniform . The Office on the phone said , ' I cant tell them how to run there business , .... I said , " even If lying about power outtage to Disserve the Public , State And Federal Laws Too .... " Told Me to talk to the Manger there. All after mentioning I do Disclosure here on Ssf as a Civilian. And that I also Posted about this Walmart before.

About to go there and tell Them , they are Liars And Not Humanity ,  Natures GodsπŸ’—

PeaceLoveJoy ALways 🀍

Um , went up to the bullhorn dude' at Walmarts doors , and asked if they are still saying It a power outtage " , because Edison is showing No , Not around here online  . And pointed to the working Streetlights and the Electonic sign a few feet away . And still Lied , And then asked , " If He  was the Power " , pointing the working Lighted sign , and laughed and had the nerve after  a chuckle , Yes He was the power " , and telling Me , I can go to  another Walmart , looking at My Granny cart.  🀍

Afterwhich , thinking , I could go to Starbucks for something  , Noped Closed too . I thought I saw a Patron carrying out a bag of purchases from afar.

Stealing even Water .... from My fridge. I dont believe ,  dry F of mindz are The Power! Maybe powerfully Stupid!

People around here looking for Public Works.

To ' "ThemSelves " ' InVerbatimz,  InKarmaed!  I said to supposedly The Power ".  πŸ’–πŸ’ŸπŸ’—πŸ€

.... then walk into My room' , after passing by a ketu satan in My FamiLys Form , Expression in the hallway- nows with My White Bed spread ( which I quickly make and smooth out before leaving . ... totally ruffled , and some other things I have to look more closely at , like an Organizer placed elsewhere. And what came to My Mind , this is a Continuity ' meh' , With Bed "  , Comfort " .. and what that dude' at Walmart said about comfortable  '            ( Which lead Me to think , that they Think They are Bed , And supposedly I , And We ALLLL are stuck In and Under Them' in cluster FeD' ?? , makes Me think that.

Wannabeez that are Not even boing boings anymore , than before even. 666 sex sex sex agenda Is EviL - Not of Bed , Comfort , Home , let alone Sex! {  *+  Making Love Is Sacred Divine Union Of Masculine and  Feminine.  🀍Two consentinG Adults under God. βšͺ️⬜️ It is Never Okay , If It isnt          πŸ’œ YinYang FirstLy .  Two In The   ALLLL Verse That Particular Way , FuLL CircLe ~ Accord Harmony Balance Of Nature , PrincipaLs PrincipLe.  ALLLLRight isnt Gmoed balancing act' with Evil Mindz [ Criminally and Illegally there' , along with zillions' of Sras rep-ing Too ??? ] *+  digress . Not even boing boings , zing zongz in calm DissOrder ,  doing Itz - To do Ehp Pain MachinE. We are Not Even Breathing Itterally , In what is called , Life *+ , Existence  , Experience ,  in Their gmoed Hooding on , Us ??  In anyway shape or form! Jezebel is Not of Flesh "  . Casually Breathing and Lounging like that ? Itz That!

NO Evilhatepain , Sra , MFU , MFH , H !

After 13 Years straighte trying make a Stargate , Station to Station ~ Stationary ( Cherry Stationary , Natures ) for God And ALLLL of Us Out , I started seeing the texting in My Minds Eye | Pineal , " Pain And Painful " texted on My Right side of view this week. I Am aware of Depective and Delluisionary Thinking And Wishful Thinking . There Is direct Correlation Of and towards in 3d.

I gno It says Not to change anything on the last Pages of Kjv , in Revealations.  However , It also says To Protect the Children " in the Bible , which I refer to as Within Totally Kjv , however matching within Context ( No E ! ) to other Scriptures , with Common Sense , And also particularly to Me , And FamiLy , The PrincipLe Of.  ... God is First Child , And We as Elders ( Too ) are Children in The Situationals! I cant watch That Done horriffically Ehp on Him or AnyOne , And Not Do or Say [ ... like No , means No! ] anything about Itz!  🀍

I ALways Pray in ALLLL Atum , Ptah , Jasher ... ( The Book of Genesis Kjv , The Book of The Just Man " , The Author God , The Creator .... ALways    ( and mostly ) in His Name Jesus! πŸ’–πŸ€ Junior is Senior because He Is  God!  Heaven Kingdom ~ His WorLd is WorLd! Fundamentally , Natures , PrincipLe , Humanity Platform For ALLLL . God is The First Cognitive Being of Nuclei , Nature , Love , FamiLy.  The Beginning Of ALLLLL Beginnings! He is ALso known , gnown as The Son ~ The Sun , Mercury , Hermes,  Thoth , Jehovah  ... So Many Incarnations  , Of Him             ( Incarcerated' ).   πŸ€

Secular WorLd of course cant accommodate Pain Criminal MachinE.

Resonance of PrincipLe  Space And Its , Even!

I keep on asking  where are The Karma Police And D , S , jezebal Matrix ControL! While also Praying for Rapture,  Rapteur!

The jez.  are AL ' the same thingy mindz , InVerbatimz , InKarmaed! The Duh!  🀍

πŸ’œYinYang  , Quatre Quatra  , There is OnLy One , just like There Is OnLy One God! The OriginaLs , Genuine Authentic🀍

NO polyfragmented Assultz And Attacks of Archon sinmore of The D , S   MachinE  -  on Beings And Beingness!

Please allow and enforce Pillow Top Rescue ,  Nicely , Gently , Mildly { Not Gmoed } ~ Positive Repulsion Propulsion Affect ,  OTOS of Spectrum OnLy ~ Transcended Out Of The Pain machinE and loop(s) , PermanentLy  ! DONT COME BACK FOREVERINFINTY ! ⬜️βšͺ️🀍


Last edited by CosmicDancer

... And also prompted to mention , as  OnLy Veganism Is.  Ive been a Vegetarian since 1985 ( pseudo til at the middle.. , as mentioned on My Floodblog on Fb , Veganizing recipes. ) I also thought about 12 Years ago McDonalds ( In Flux unsolicited with the other.  ) ~ should change Their Golden Arches to Gold And Purple signifying They are showing Providence. No the Trojon , Gold and Red. No offense or Pun towards USC of course.

And Burger King , Did Veganism on The Moon ( Pineal ) as King Burger around then. As suggested.

I requested several x s for Starbucks turn their offensive siren wannabeez logo , to At least a Mermaid swishing Her tail to the side . And or holographic swishing to either side.

Weienerscnitchel , at least did their Vegan Hotdogs recently , as I mentioned in another Ssf post . No Vegan Chili Fries though , I keep asking for. And there Today ( same lot as Walmart ) Wienerscnitchel isnt really going forward with  Reclaiming Veganism , and Movement , Continuity  because they have been advertising and introducing more Animal Kingdom Meat ' instead . Probably, Not feeling too safe to do ??

Please Support Veganism OnLy Too . OnLy Good , Respect , Love!  🀍

And Stabucks

... and by the way , I did not text just above , " And Starbucks ".


Last edited by CosmicDancer

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