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hello. i feel i was just kidnapped, asked to pick a girlfriend, then put back to wake up.

in short i had a dream that i was expected to pair bond with a someone. anywhere from a celeb to someone small time like a streamer. not sure what else was going on. this was about genetics and potential. not what you did as a job. there was also singles events with other candidates like me. complete with dancing. some there happened to be girls. possibly they were in the same situation as me. it did feel like i was kidnapped. they also wanted to bribe me to. with money over time. i was like in return for what? i assumed until i found a mate. so the forum is kind of for this kind of accident so i decided to make a note. thanks for reading.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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i wanna say sorry to the ladies because it seems like whoever i picked did not have the luxury of picking me back. seems like the powers that be can still act like that if they desired it. i still had to make a note even thought it might be against my countries standards. i hope you understand.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Eclipse, that is continued 666 - sick , sick ,sick | sex.   Anti :  Man ( 6 , " The Lovers " , YinYang ) , FAMILY !  The FamiLy , ALLLL Family , Humanity still dealing with that Gmo , Evilhatepain Sra MachinE.

Its obviously pernacious H sadist Crime MachinE  . Not of comfort and or pleasure , the satan , sadist machine.  Totally connected to Anti : Nature FamiLy | Love | Good | Respect RuLe Of Law.  Itz Pizzagate , Spaghettigate  , Evil Yuppy Fashiongate.

I Am Still saying NO SEX , as a Formality Here Again . We are mixed in That' [ It That! ] with Word Too ,  " Rescue " !

My Body Is looking Disfigured As Goddess [ MortaL | ImmortaL , Yin ]         I actually noticed Horriffically this Morning what they did to Me further.

Also , still messing with Me badly here at this  hyjacked hotel too . Very intentionally Rude and Threatening Violence  ( especially lately , @ a Week consecutively , in 3d , starting late Night to the wee Morning even ) . The Security Guards not protective here. Would not call the police several times , when said they were going to , because Itz so Rude. Last time , the sec Guard  finally told Me to call the Police. Which I didnt. They changed the City Precinct to another , Im in Gardena  , Ca . They changed to Harbor City.

Rude and Anti towards   Me , And ALLLL.  Fyiing


Last edited by CosmicDancer

@CosmicDancer hi. thanks for the reply. im celibate myself and trying to continue that life style. yes forced reproduction/relationship is sick as you say. yet they want strong beings made for some reason but those beings would be used for the will of others. yes degusting. i have no children that i know of. i could have little hybrids running around but i dont remember anything. please stay safe.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Yah , I refer to My current as Celebastian  , Celebrating Life' [ Trying ]  even though Celibate. Which I have practiced and exercised before many cycles , as a Young Person in 1980s Los Angeles too .

I wasnt even able to be with My own Husband because of the Gmo , Anti FamiLy  , Anti YinYang . To preserve Intergrity and Counter the 666  tactic . We were married in 1996 . Very convulted compromised , Natures PrincipaLs

I havent seen or talked on the phone with Him for about 2 Years now , My Children 5 Years with Not even  texting . My Husband doesnt really text Me now too .

Sheerist Evil , Systematic EHP SRAS           - Anti : Love & FamiLy pernaciously literary for Cosmic Trillion' aeons , 666 Agenda machinE involved with This.

False Universe!  Quantum Gmo dichotomy of Full Circle Progressed  , As Fullblown' YinYang Too 🤍💖

Not of SouL , Flesh , Blood , Heart , WorLd !  ~  In Their Owned , AutoEnslaved InDeedz InVerbatims InKarmaed!  Truly Is Required.

ThanksGivings To FamiLy , Nuclear FamiLy , Secular WorLd , Nature , Humanity , Gods FamiLy💜


Last edited by CosmicDancer

hi everyone. i might have been taken recently. that is because i remember putting my arm around a celebrity in a dream in a protective way. yet she rejected me. it feels more like a monarch corporation dream instead of kruger. about the next day i discovered a oversized scratch on the same arm. go figure. i dismiss scratches on my arm but this one was after a odd dream. thanks for reading.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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