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I have to Post This nows :

The same TV Network that produced that Popular Nighttime TV Show  that I mentioned in the previous post ( now on Its last season ) about Pedo insinuations  is at It again with - Not Only that particular incident mentioned prior , but pernacious to nows more displays of propagandizing EHP Crime Incidence on another recent Yt video short  produced' too by the same TV Network

And furthermore , a TV episode of Hot Bench , A Judge Judy Produced Show with a panel of 3 Judges ( the same TV Network )  I watched the Day after Christmas the 26th.  Which wasnt listed on Google search that It aired , in a couple of sites Today

The TV Show on the 26th ... I noticed the Court session with a FamiLy Memeber in a famiLiar' , d , s , ketu ( pre formula anti Mind of lilith )  as a 20 Year Old " Young Male (  a Self Proclaimed Sex Addict ' , with The S in His Mind Space. ) Who was suing a Boyfriend of 44 Years Old ". The Judge who did the Judgement , as FamiLy in a famiLiar' , GMO as a lillith  , D , S , baphometz , jez. indicate of Anti In Mind Space , As a Judge on TV ?  - Slightly mentioning the Homosexual Statutory Rape prior to the Verdict on TV

[ with a Distinct part of God , FamiLy  there Supposedly as regulars passed on further,  And Nowz , Legally Exploited on TV as  ,  Normal ? The New Law '  , The D , The S  Is Legality Nowz , modern day bathory , fred krueger - Blase' BourgesieNazi ?  NO Is ! That means , NO EVIL IS !

ALLLLYea To , Under , For Respect And Love RuLes [ Over sheerist EHP ] ALLLLWays ~ 🤍🙏🩷🤍

Spectrum OnLy

The TV Network doesnt mention this TV Show as one of theirs. No schedule on their search of online showing It aired on the 26th. The TV Network Channel this Morning before 5 am showing FamiLy members in famiLiars again on A Main TV Local News , with litteral a Fem. famiLiar News Anchor High fiving further Real Time Pernacious Assaultz and Attacks , Insults on TV at the end of the Broadcast , to further score' in Home Space (s)  Infected further  from TV Screen too  ? It even seemed like Ann Archer , The Actress was flashing inside that famiLiar' ,  high fiving   after ?  Rousing more ? WHOA NO !

Google , Yt even the TV Broadcast Engineers and Technicians ... as Fs In ReaL Time Too ?

NO !


Last edited by CosmicDancer
Original Post

... didnt mention The LoveLight Electrical Beings that are also involved with these EHP Haters GMO ( Not of Flesh " , KJV or Soul , BLood , Breathe , Coin , Life , Word , Nature , FamiLy , Humanity ... ) on TV showcased with Electricals ( TV ) too     Involved ?  Thats scary how supposedly Its an ALLLL Verse excepted system of IsRequirementz of InDeedz AutoInSLaveD DoneD In EHP 666 Sra , the d , s in Quantum Polyfragmented Assultz.

Where are the KarmaPolice  , Matrix Control , Law Enforcement  , Securitys , Care And Cares ! * + ,  Rescued PermanentLy  . Retribution ,  Gaurantees RESTITUTION  🤍💛🙏💖🤍

[ Guarantee , PermanentLy Out of The Abyss  , The Loop ]

Providence Firmament Terra Firma Terra X , Heavens Humanity baseline is for Natures PrincipaLs ( Of PrincipLe As Authentic Genuine SeLf ) Resonance And of Poetry ( Care ) Symmetry Synergy Affinity as Co Existence. Civilizations , Secular WorLd Is still in Nature , No Anti! Natures PrincipLe Law Is Respect RuLe of Law [ RuLe of Thumb 👍 ]


Last edited by CosmicDancer

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