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i thought this topic would be worth posting. so here goes nothing. have you considered knowing who you are and also being whole and complete? hard to explain but there is something to it. it means not looking outside yourself because your whole. for a being like me this lesson is more serious. why? it points the way out of my personal matrix. plus unlocks the subconscious on the side if you progressed enough. yeah never mind the deeper meaning if your reading this. for most people this is just a note that your whole. also a reminder to seek yourself in more of a spiritual way. the being whole topic goes into gray areas like talking on faith or talking on relationships which i will not do. i will just say that for me dating might be a counterfeit to finding myself and adult activity is for children only. at the same time the universe allows being to have the experiences they want. so food for thought. i cant really say much on this topic. especially staying off the toes of members at the same time. plus im not a expert. i ran across a quote about being alone. it was about having the benefits of sitting silently and alone in your room. whoever said that may have a point. last note is some teachers actually do teach knowing yourself. im not making this up. im sure you can look this idea up in different words but the idea is pretty much the same. such as knowing yourself/ knowing your whole and complete/ being ok with being alone/ self validation/ looking within/ etc.

since you stayed this long i will mention something. what you consume can help with being complete. yes eat healthy. yet i suspect that some things that can imitate mothers milk can help. there is cows milk that i drank as a kid. not sure adults should drink that. anyway two things i found that help replace mothers milk in a way is spirulina algae and stuff from bees like royal jelly. please mind your health condition when considering anything i said. i personally dont drink milk since i try to keep away from animal products as much as i can. plus milk may not be as useful for adults. so anyway that is it for now. consider how your perhaps whole and complete. just for a moment. maybe even consider how everything is connected in a strange quantum soup. have a good one.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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