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... at this ESA Hotel that got Hjacked. Sold , and another Property Mgr. Co. , and then HUD regulated too ?? , And to The Holigan Residents' here of   Anti Civilization  ? Totalled Trollz Bye Nows.

* Just recent reintroduced SRA Sonic Military type of Noise equipment here that was in other Locations starting about 4 Years I noticed. Wasnt used for about a 1.5 ago around Me till the last few Days ago here. And other here next Door , Down the Hallway , Above ... So Rude playing and smoking cigarettes in the hallway at 3 am even . After guards and desk Person was telling No . Systematic On and off dichotomy with several of Them here . Couple of times they were accomodative to the 666 . Obviously towards Me , yelling explicives and Threatening Me at My Door.  FamiLy in FamiLiars.  Even  Aspapath ( Coptic ) here.  Wont listen to the front desk or guards to turn off the Music in the Past too .

Another Guard who was sketchy here at Me , was beyond Rude on Christmas Eve Morning  . I went downstairs to the front desk ( to complain about how the Hot Water was intentionally turned off , again. )  ... the guard was yapping on the phone , making a cocky dismissal gesture at Me , with Hand as I intially started standing there for about 7 minutes while also the front desk Person was ignoring Me at the desk behind the open door to the other part of the enclosure , So both knew I was there for several Minutes like that , on Christmas Eve Morning.  I finally had a Word with that one who dismissal gesture , I asked what are You doing here , And It' Said to Protect the Building  ". This Person has made It a point to walk to Me , inches and whisp by a couple times. I complained the first time.  Yesterday , mumbled something rude to Me. Tall Male African , American ? , Ingenious ?

So , Tonight the blurring Music still on , they  al ' loud too . So at 11 pm was so upset , that I went to break My sobriety with smoking cigarettes  , walked to the gas station  ,  FamiLy in FamiLiar' ( the d , s , jez. Bpth , specifically looking as the next door neighbor  , that has allways been rude , d , s , Gmo dichotomy  , Rude here  intentional ) At the Gas Station Window pretending to count money at the register , ignoring Me and also the Familiar next to , ignoring . So walk to the liquor store 3 blocks away , and It closed. So walk back Cars still at the Gas station. A Patron goes the door , Its shut like before , then to the window , the same one , pretending , fussing ... ignoring , And She asked If was Opened , And said No ". So , Hijacked the Store. I started Yelling at The' And came out of the Store Yelling at Me , I was Yelling , " You dont belong on this Planet or Anywhere in The Cosmos " , the People ... in the Car witnessing  , saying , God Bless Me  :  ) Seeing the heist. I somehow walked about half a block to look up on My phone when the Gas Station closed It said " 24 hours " Shell like the other ones around there.

I called 911 And told Them , the gas station got hyjacked " they wanted Me to talk to Police ( I didnt want to be dissplaced' in hospital Crime Incarceration Instead again. " ) I said I am reporting a Hjacking of a Gas station ... I had just explained what had just occured and hung up . The Police called Me back , but I didnt answer , sketchy with them too . Especially after the Incident with Them in November.

So , walking back to the hotel here , can here the music playing really loud , and trying to video from halfway to there. They then lowered the music , as just prior to record. As I passes by I took a picture of them ' at the side Driveway here , still playing loud music at 3 am .

And , I dont think that they have to be here , they probably have other Houses around here too

So , thinking to go downstairs  , even though very tired and call the Police like I told the guard I want to do earlier prior to try to get cigarettes. He said He was waiting for the front desk someone to get here later Today to mention to .

I Want to be with My FamiLy In Gods Perfect WorLd  , ALLLL Cosmos .

Praying for Rapture Kjv PermanentLy Out of The Abyss GMO Sadist Pain MachinE.

They have No reason to be Rude to Me generally speaking , even though Yelling at thin air in My compartment'  L , the d , s , Bphtz Caustic Reactive with Pineal Astral Assultz Attacks to 3 level Density Reality . Im really a Friendly Nice  Neighbor . I left Halloween Candy at My Door this Year.  I just made a very much appreciated free raffle for several large and small Caregiving Food and Home packages for the People here ( the front desk Mgr. another FamiLy in FamiLiar  , Not really nice too , but at least let Me do the GoodWill. Anonymous but they know its Me. We All enjoyed Doing this )  And I just left Popcorn out at the lobby Yesterday . I try to feed the Wildlife around here too . So , Its Not like Im the Problem too

The guard said there was also a few People complaining about the loud music tonight

MFUsOweD InKarmaed InDeedz AutoInSLaveD Sras DoneD!               NO Gmo , Not of :  SouL , FLesh , BLood , Breathe , Coin , Care.


* And , there is a hotel lobby plak next the front desk that says quiet time here is 10 pm to 10 am "



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Original Post

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It didnt quiet until about 4am. This Morning this was below My Window ( image attachment  ) A damaged hotel ironing board. Archetypal Domestic ?

Also this Morning FB put a Vulgar image of Me as the first image I saw  in a  lucifer ' jez. D , S , in a very short skirt , and camera angle at My ... ( Gmo with FamiLy in FamiLiar ) Behind exposed. I was in the midst of texting . And went back to screenshot ,  It was removed from My feed . Screaming to put the Offensive image produced back on My feed this New Years Morning , Tech Not supportive , trying several times to locate It , making Me upset , to ruin My New Year To Come Morning , trying to locate that Vulgar Hate Crime picture On Me And ALLLL ! So Disgusting and ViLe Vulgar Rude MFs. Displaying and exposing Exploited like' , IT That , Sheerist EviL ! After the 5th try to find , they put another picture of a jez. lucifer fem. face Id indicate ( Not of SouL , BLood  , Flesh , Nature , Word , Gods ) instead , that wasnt the picture that was the other offensive  , that I wanted to take a screenshot of Not to Forget How  F F-ing RUDE EVIL they were to MeπŸ€πŸ’–



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So , I just came up from downstairs  , the guard from this wee Morning , Did Not tell the Mgr. that was here and gone this Morning right quick . F-ing F Rude!  Showed the guard the ironing board pic.  and was belligerent , further , F . The same one that was supposedly going to tell the management.  Would Not call the Police either this wee Morning

FUszOwned InKarmaed InDeedz AutoInSLaveD Sras DoneD!

Eradicated Evil. Spectrum OnLy  , Restitution !  🀍🩷

Rapture Kjv PermanentLy , ForeverInfinty Out of          The Abyss of Gmo MFUz EHP Sra H Pain MachinE!

FamiLy , ALLLL FamiLy  , Nucleis Heavens Humanity , Resumed.  Authentic Genuine Gods Kingdom Providence Firmament Terra Firma Terra X  , SecuLar WorLd Is WorLd , Natures , Natures PrincipaLs , And Natures PrincipLe. Respect RuLe of Law , Respect Love , Nature!  πŸ€πŸ’–


And just recently been getting this Google messaging  , Not with any other website , and I wasnt visiting SSF that much , or excessively for that message to be sent.

I Also was getting these type of personalized text messages on Gmail and Texting

** Also , It dawned on Me this Morning ( in Astral Vision ) Its seeming a Synthetic A.I. program

{ Not Alpha Intelligence - in another format due to also the Chaos in Nature. }

... has been done to EveryOne that Is  Orgin , Original , Nature Being ,  Sentinels ...  Sentimental Ones too , Fyi-ing πŸ€πŸ’–


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A lot has occured further. The next night on New Years Eve starting at 10 p to about 4 am. Turned Aggressive and confrontational. Didnt like how I videod them in the hallway outside My rooms door. A Familiar' fem. African American started to charge Me , more Aggressive at the 2nd time I opened the door a couple hours later , after the 1st time videoing , Singing out loud with the loud music in the hallway then . The Two there , including an off duty employee  " * Blocked the f from charging at Me , saying You better Not be Videoing " this.

( * Yesterday , at the front desk , was said It was His twin "  ( ref. to the off duty employee there ) with that Person now there at the lobby ( ruffled , the Day after , when I came back )  as I mentioned Him there off duty both nights. ... and a new Person at the front desk there ( about a week here now )   that Lol about how I said are You okay to Him , and the new said , " He is the obvious , are You okay " and I said , " Yes , the Visual Obivious ". Then He Lol'. And I said , " a Twin with Natural Parents , Naturally Born ... " or meaning a doppelganger, a quantum polyfragmented , for what 666        EHP ??? Not a Party!  🀍🩷 A minute later His ( the new Person at the front desk ) Face was Attacked somehow ,  around His Eyes got Red and Odd. And when I asked was He okay ?  He snapped and said He was trying to work here ". And after I told the other front desk Person who was helping with the Gift package raffle before the past weeks , to look at the new Persons Face , to see what is occurring.

And the other guard that was not nice to Me and was wishy washy too , I was told Yesterday  , He was Attacked brut Physical just recent. I was told He was Christian too

Upstairs is supposed to be vacant. Its Not , again  [ I now can hear right above My room still starting at 1 am  ... 3 am , and now 6 am , sounding like moving furniture above My Head ] I went downstairs to let the guard know at the front desk know at 3 am

Yesterday , they had crowbarred the room above open , No one there. Supposed to be Vacant , according to front desk. It has a new lock on the door too . I havent gone up to see yet.  The Police were called. They said to Yes , go and come back when they were dealing with upstairs.

[ I was told management was just shuffled , and the main one I was dealing before , was promoted , and avoiding Me. sidenote *]

... I had left the property for less than 1 hour , while they were investigating  , and calling Police. [ Me , Out of the Way , to do The ALLLLWay ] The Police were here when I came back. Several residents , mainly the Men having cigarettes outside , as if from stress. Said the room was found vacant. * However [ That was Not Initially said to Me , very jumbled. ] When 3 of Them went up there , they were there for like 15 minutes.  The other front desk Person and I were worried about them .  And I thought He said , when they all came down ,  Definitely there is somebody there. I asked if it was clean and not lived-in??  When They opened up the Room. The People I asked didnt know. One said maybe coming They are coming in from the window.

A lot People and Peeps here , and a few rooms with Anti , PeopLe's and Peeps , FamiLiars'

We ALLLL came together Somehow *+ to try to make It Okay here though 🀍

*  When I left out The Hallowamus Candy by the door here , the Adults' ( wannabee d , s , kidz' ) were Not allowing the Children here to freely get the Candy I left out . The same ones at the hallway just mentioned , doing It again. I bought a lot Candy , Nuts and Chips from the liquor store.  They ( the kidz' :  (  were out in the hallway ( music and smoking in the hallway then a problem too )  taking the Candy ... instead as I was filling It throughout . When I intially put It out , the older Man asked for some and I said Yes , but really Its for the Children. I put out the Candy around 5 pm and took It away around 9 pm . The Children around here didnt get the Candy , until that same Person  got them at about 9pm when I was taking It away . They definitely seemed affected by D in their mind Spaces too

I was pleasantly surprised when , I left Popcorn bags out downstairs for the residents here recently ( mostly for the Children , I believe Older Folks can be Children too , when Not able and capable.  ) and when I came back up from picking up the Bowl,  They were in hallway playing , and many of Them Thanked Me on Their own Accord for the Popcorn. I said , " Im glad You ALL were able to get It ')  They are several very Young to  Tween here

[ Pictures Of , putting out the Candy Bag at the starting of Hallowamus last Year ' ...

{ Halloween Is part of ALLLL SouLs Day My Daughters BirthDay November 2nd }

... are Now missing from My Photo files. Kept the Bag I made , that I taped to the Wall on the Left of My compartmentz'  door here for Hallowamus. Pic below ]


The Iron Board still below My window ,  now moved closer to under the window , and the legs are now detracted  opened facing at the window . Did not want to take a picture , It looks too rude. Still there after Saturday night incident'.



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Also , I didnt re- mention the utter Pestilence ( with t Technology  ) with Pistilence , filthy hallway Carpets , Roaches that are on Stand By Familiar' ID Indicates !

* [  It even seemed one Day They did steam cleaning the hallway carpets , I saw [ The Children often sitting on the filthy floor in the hallway ] The very next Day returned to the filthy Carpets,  the way ' the they were prior. With Technology  , probably ]

...  I had tested to see if the roaches are capable of understanding Me in plain English , yep ! With Technology too , in and out of thin air It seemed several times

After the Saturadys incident making worse H*ll , I noticed how about 50 tiny bugs were produced on My table where I place My drinks on. It has been re - occuring in and out since. Not My Imagination! The new management did Not do what was required to Eradicated the roach Infestation here too . A very noticeable problem when They ( several Hands and Hands')  took over the property . Wasnt noticeable when I first stayed here about over 2 Years ago


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Also, on New Years'Day Morning


... at the nearby Liquor store

( where I purchased The Hallowamus Candy *+ She gave a gift of Candy for too , because I didnt have enough $ , The Grape Vines ( I actually kept for My Children I have seen in over 5 Years : (

... they serve The Public , PeopLe and Peeps ( they just recently started accepting Ebt too ) like ALLLL Humanity , Secular WorLd  , Business is Business type of thing . They have expensive boutique Liquor there too ) She said that They didnt know It was that expensive  , and They were Not planning to purchase anymore because too much. 10$ for Frosted Flakes.

She let Me take a picture Of the regular size box Cereal ( thinking My old Photography class days of asking permission to take a picture. )

Probably should have done It without asking . Like I did last Year at nearby Walmart with a whole case of Riffles , Guns " , And after I took the picture , an Employee Older Man there ,  I asked If It was Legal to sell Rifles ? At Walmart ? Yes " ! I didnt post It here or anywhere because Not wanting to cause ruckus ' .

I wonder If the picture is in My photo files still ?



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Happy Sunday πŸ’›πŸ€


Hi , still about same type of Inane Things occured. Including My Hair Cut Obvious and Rude , Not My Hair style , I noticed one morning . Too much again to keep posting about.  I feel Exhausted too

Trying to put together ALL Inclusive Home & Care Essential Kits , 3 for Gaza . Ive been trying to collaborate over the last 3 Months. Thwarted again with purchasing Solar Panel for USB Charging with trying with Amazon again , after the product was switch to Them. The original company only accepted PayPal and Venmo .  Orchestrated by A.I. with My Bank Account balance too  , IDK  ?

Also blocking My phones ability to take Pictures now . Less than a Year Old phone. Supposedly Memory and Storage Issue.  SD card inserted " message on My phone a few times in the Morning lately

Tried to do A gofundme for the Care kit packages Today and wasnt able to take a picture on a brand new Pad ( I got for $$ for 911s , a metro promo earlier this month ) and send the Picture to My phone ( with the same carrier and phone # linked when purchased. ) blocked there too ....   πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·πŸ€

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... the name of the gofundme Im trying to Make is To ALLLL PeaceLoveJoy Is :  )  πŸ©·πŸ™πŸ€

Thinking of somehow getting My phone looked at tomorrow And dont know if I should return the brand new Tablet Pad ( the same make as the phone , one of the Major brands. )  Glitches' ( the same phony mesg. blocks as typing , popping up on that device too ) Doesnt even recognize the same phone number and My Name , email to the account It was bought as ( to Link sending a Text or Email )  The photo files Not linked too . Cant even change the password. Absurd.


... another Thing is somebod' keeps going into My refrigerator  (  Food Items ,  mostly Can Items were switch to different. Last Year here , a whole huge bag of Brown Sugar to make Christmas Candy was taken ( and other things to Not send Christmas package to My FamiLys mailbox for Them. Even the local stores stop selling Vegan Marshmallows  , allready in the Food Market system then there too ) This Year , I was able to send Christmas Candy after New Years! And Its was very difficult to achieve from My end too . About 6 months ago I purchased about 10 cans of full fat Coconut Milk ( Intentionally I prefer ) all cans were switched to lite " Coconut.  And everytime I went to the local Supermarkets , the Coconut Milk cans were intentionally damaged. To make not sellable due to Botulism  ??  IDK what to do because I am Natures , INTP , Gnostic Christian  , Humanitarian with Providence , Firmament , Terra Firma TerraX , ALLLL Verse Is  Love 😍

[ Goes Hand & Hand with Respect  | Like | Reverence | Resonance | Affinity          :  ))))))))))))  ]  🀍🩷

Lately here  and scraping the Butter obviously fouled , contaminiated , with marks in the Butter ( Plant , Vegan ) one day an obvious swirl , the next a straight line , the next an actual a fork dragged on top of.  ...

No I dont believe Disrespect further is the formula of mind to do deflective deranged sheilding or rescue(s) either.  It roused more'.


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And a lot more whats going on here further with the " vacant " upstairs room above Me ,  and management mishandling Me further with recent , also the Regional Mgr. ( ESA sold , with the property owners working with HUD | Gov and Volunteers of America , and the Property owners ??? ) Canceled the deadbolt there ( again * ) , two Days ago . As priority arised elsewhere type of excuse. It has been more a couple weeks ( since around and on New Years E ... ) with further of the banging , furniture moved ... on top of My ceiling at 1 am ,  3 am .... and Me reporting them at the front desk.

They didnt even put a property  mgr. Note and or Police tape at the room direct above  ( that has clothes in it " too ) As The same Mgr.s  did to the No lock on a Vacant room , right across from My room. Crossed off with Police tape , with a note , Stay out ' . The mgr. in FamiLy , FamiLiar' d , s , pretendy and Rude consistent.

Thinking , I should do the tape and note MySelf ?? And If They say something , say why didnt You do It then , like the other room across from Me ( within 6 months for about 3 months blocked. Still vacant too )  ?

Not to mention the intentional worsened nazi f kakaroaches !


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And another Thing ... Message I just texted.


And now Not making the Vegan English Breakfast Plate - because a reoccurring 4th level density troll(z) keeps on throwing food , plates ... and ( a Cup with Water in It too just now )

... I tried to prep for the Glorious Morning Muffins ,
I grated the Carrot for later ( without scraping My knuckles ) I put plastic wrap on the bowl , went to place It in the fridge. I saw with My Second sight ... It Again ! Flip the entire bowl of freshly grated Carots on to the ground , nothing savagable ! So nows Im Not to working for fd' futhermore. Not wanting to Again , do a Not favorite chore of grating Carrots , especially when the Salad shooter device is in storage for almost 20 Years too .

Not with My FamiLy Specially πŸ€πŸ’›πŸŒ πŸŒ²πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ€


To My FamiLys Text Thread ( which about 4 Months ago , was completely removed. About 3 Years Of. And Not able to Access backup on a service too ) We have Not been any  Communication for over 5 Years Now with My Children .  My Husband direct *+ for over 2 Years Now No phone call from. Sparse Texting , No Response to a very serious physical harm and danger text ( during late October ) and as If kind of Normal , and Naturally after That text , ... is that Him ???


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By the Way , I did manage to prep the Military wwii Vegan Sausage recipe ( part of The ( extended )  Vegan English Breakfast Plate I was making

[ Not necessarily for My Foodblog , Fb that I havent been really exercising for about 3.5 Months now.  Same with another Fb page , just last week , A Spiritual Page. ] My Personal Fb , I still check Fb . Posting minimal due to relentless thwarting bye , t with Technology

... An awesome Military Vegan recipe inspiration I saw on yt about a month ago . Referring back to the video to try the recipe this Morning

** [ The Person on the video seemed different , and saying different  ( as a tangent , Not before I remembered on the video . Maybe re - edited too , seemed real time too at a particular point in the video . On the video and page He did say He added to the recipe. Fyiing , ? Idk ]

The original recipe ( Not included now ) and now listed on the description page with the added ingredients ( ?? )

The recipe I made with what I had on Hand , turned out Amazing ,  shocked Its made with Oatmeal !

Ingredients I used :

Old Fashioned rolled Oats , Soy Sauce , Coconut Sugar , Thyme , Herbs d' Provence , Tabasco , Salt and Pepper  , Garlic and Onion powder , Cayenne  , Sweet Paprika and a lot of Smoke Paprika ( for the smoke flavor ) , Peanut Butter ( a little ) , Water . Boil the ingredients to soften the dry Herbs too   { except for the Oats and Peanut Butter last } ... mix well , cool , form and chill before pan sautee.

** I forgot to mention , a little                    Soy Sauce on top of the links when sautΓ©ing was in the recipe too . I just tried It :  )))))) very impressive recipe ! The Herb d ' Provence ( I didnt have the Sage , the Sausage Herb Blend and the Liquid Smoke .. )  has Fennel in the Herb Blend , So definitely made It

Excellent Recipe , I actually didnt really appreciate Oatmeal until My later Years. Allways thought of Mom when requiring as an Adult , MySelf to eat Oats , Well ,  And figuring out how to prepare It to My Liking         πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·πŸ€  Enjoy  ~

+ + Its Nice to know They were accomodating and supporting Vegans then too . I dont know exactly which Military the recipe is from ( ?? )

ALLLLWays PeaceLoveJoy, Good IS


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I just got back from fixing the phone and tablet , linked too . It should be functioning now

Again FamiLy , in FamiLar' the same one who sold Me the tab too . Was going over and beyond to assist otheronez , that came after Me ( aside ) with Not just a plain payment. The first one was for like 20 minutes literal , and h checking If can qualify for special promo rate if get food stamps ( an ebt card , didnt , however extra 10 minutes , data entry , the Person ( FamiLy in FamiLiar' too , rude ) was with a brand new Iphone and new SUV , walking out didnt even say Thank You for cutting infront for that long Too . I said Thank You out loud ... looked at Me funny ( ' )

While continuing , h said a few times , we dont usually do this , Im helping You .... , bitchy at some points , as a mgr. asst. ... "

[ At one point the Owner who was there initially telling to come back in 15 minutes ( because on lunch , came back in 30 , ... He even called to see what was taking so long with Me , I overheard on them , on the phone]

... I had allready said prior some Metros are more helpful than others " Basicallly Metro in the past has been professional and Secular WorLd like any other Business of Civilization before. Also seemed confused on how to easily solve the problem for Storage , as use another SD card , duh , even I know that. And I have done before with that phone too . After He initially inserted the new SD Card It should have resumed that ... πŸ€πŸ’—

So alltogether It took 3 hours. And actually asked for a Good review , and for 10 star review " , I said It was obvious basically It took 3 hours with the store to link the phone and tab together ...

The excuse was the Pad is to the default phone " was to My old IPhone ( which I had to remove as a default " . ) And the Pad was purchased with Metro ( the store ) , the same account the exact phone # , and same brand too

Supposedly Memory and Storage was the reason why My camera wouldnt work on My Phone , I purchased another 32 SD card to fill up again ,
And the phone was to be directed to the SD card , photos files and gallery was an inane' issue , for the camera to work again. Fyiing





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And the first initial Person that was helped instead firstly I believe was a mentality mental bod' as the d , s , b*ph*m*t  , l*l*th , j*z. , *rch*n that continued from  a Tarot reading card yt channel that kept on coming on to My phones feed , for about less than a Year.

I wasnt thinking OK channel , noticed jez. D , S , L Inappropriate in sexual 666 ehp sra mfh H sadist Crime MachinE FamiLiar' as a Tarot a card reading channel , however dressing provactable , noticed worse and worse , then Yesterday Morning ( @50ShadesofPissedOff ' | 5am ) I see a 2hour plus video with Her ( Me , FamiLy , And ALLLL in Gmo , Exploited further )  -  Naked with Me And FamiLy , The ALLLLVerse in the Vulgar Crime  MachinE ( I took a screenshot , in attachments ) of the Crimes exposed as normal morningDaynightmare. So Rude that Yt kept It going too , providing and enforcing the platform to Do Evil.

I think that is the same D , S , jez.  ( the one I said Thank You' in a belligerent way ) at the Phone store later that day , doing further with a very slightly different appearance' with the same ID frequency Indicates too

And while I was texting this at the            5 am part another phrase was typed in Yellow , 50 shadesofpissedoff' (screenshot in attachments * not )

** and they made the Persons Hair more Yellow Blonde in the image below . Asian Person , and same Asian profile with lighter colored' Hair at the Phone store later that day too . I believe' the same entity of id indicate , mental b*d!


*** Also,  removed one of the two images of , and cropped out how It was over 2 Hours " duration. That yt channel did live chats too . Yt IsN*t Okay with AntiFamiLy , AntiLove , Nature Beings Exploited as that , that yt channel was infecting My phones feeds for about a Year ( ? )  now . InKarameD the D , Ssssssssss !



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Insisting @50shadesoffpissedoff is marring  My post  ,  piggy backing My post ( NO GMO in anyway shape or form )  Itz directed to that particular supersoilder here on ssf ( about 10 times tried to remove Itz )  and I want Itz Off of Me here too . Tried several times to edit out , Nope ! And keeps on getting directed to that ss profile. If Itz Not removable at My convenience later , I will remove this ( That ) post here ... And ITZ Something else Here Instead!

MFsOwned InKarameD! Waking up to f*ck Y*us ,  f*gg*tz Isnt Life Ever from My PoV Ever ( Fz EvereD!   F ~ FD ,         H ~ HD )  Its @ 5:45 am


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***  That same Morning prior to that I was awakened ( in Astral Vision , I can feel the Attack in another Level Density ) with lucifer and Bphtz  ( the same one " , jez. wannabeez sadist,  Anti FamiLy MachinE , Anti Love ) in a sandwiching type format of  " Karlasarpa ( Sanskrit for Raha and ketu , the devil , satan ehp 666 sra configurment keeping , the Being stuck between them ' as Nodes that are d , s , wannabeez Anti YinYang ( Gods Parents Free from sexual predators too  )

... j*z. , B holding Me down As lucifer was beating Me with a baseball bat ! On Stargate ( Station for Rescue ) This occured for about 10 seconds. After 13 Years of this arrangement' of L and B , instead Of FamiLy And ALLLLVerse Is 🀍

That was the first real overt physical violent rude Attack towards Me , by lucifer on Stargate Astral  , mostly calm covert pretendy prior. Since L , H insisted telepathic approach.  As I have Symmetry , Synergy Affinity with I Am , Under The Authentic Genuine God ( Jesus Is His Name Too ) Not Evil , I dont believe in Evil , as Love and Respect , NatureπŸ€πŸ’–

The actual Physical Attack on Me about 4.5 Years ago as in a Quantum f'  tall Black Man ,  a Lucifer ( mix with Mars somehow ) Miltary background  ( H mentioned have Military Family too ) on the Streets in broad Daylight ! Punching Me in the face as if I was a guy too , 5 ' 1.5 the dude over 6ft tall ! I was Mortal , abused and with bruises too ...

My first given Name is Lo , As Venus who is Not a Planet Prison there Too , I havent even been to My own Housing ( ?? ) Of Self Cognitively . As a F depot ??? For MFUs ??? Pretending to be People And Peeps ?

This Hate Crime was shortly after they Removed Me from My nice Apartment lease in Mar Vista , Venice after so much Not steady in any one place prior ,  on 4th of July Weekend even! So Rude ,...  to some abnbs , hotels ... then to a crazy building ( that You cant get out of for sure , with only a kiosk thing ?? )  when that had occured. provider for , a schedule by a ywhh ( * , It appeared so too ) , the same thingy Anti Mind ,  Not of flesh " Kjv , FamiLy , Humanity  , Soul , Blood , Breathe , Coin , Life , Nature.

Itz pain and war monger zongz wannabee d , s dog bitches in heat to themselves' as mental b*dz InVerbatimz InDeedz Sras InKarmaed!

ForeverInfinty dont come back ! No GMO ! No Duel or Duality !

To Spectrum OnLyπŸ’›πŸ˜Š

βšͺοΈπŸ€πŸ’–πŸŒ πŸ€

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Didnt even mention the whole productions with My Arts and Crafts Items | Products , Projects ruined with extreme Determination.

Like changing a graphic designers cutting pad ( brand new , hasnt been used yet ) to complete and different pad and sticky surface , to not be able to ultilize a straightedge and knife to cut.

And also changing a Glue e6000 ( about 2 months ago ) from one major formula product from the 1980s I used for Jewerly making  , very high qulity clear and very strong .

They changed that one , I purchased  a few months ago , to White opaque Glue ( Not what Its known for Years as It labeled as the name "  , changed packaging ( Not My Imagination  , did this before back in 2003 with a new brand of Water ( to poision Me ?? Just realizing what was occuring ,  I thought and I noticed ) and when I went to research online , because Its only one specific formula Glue ( Um I took a screenshot of the Iiteral production what looked like over 50 different formulas online for      "  F " , MFs ! Not one the original , I took a screen shot ) .

After , a few weeks later  FamiLy in FamiLiar' in jez. D , S  a recently published yt video , making jeweled pens , with the Glue e6000  , clear and the same original product.   *

I when I purchased brand new Vans sneakers ( about 3 Years ago ) they were out of the box damaged with Black sharpie marker inside the soles shoes , a divet cut into the Left inside of the shoes , which quickly got to the outside rubber bottom of the shoe , making It too worn within Months of Not really wearing them out at all too . I patched the bottom of the Shoe soles with Gorilla glue 3 xs , Everytime the Glue was completely removed from the bottom of the Shoe , also I tried to fill in the very large divet recently , and was removed too .

*  I have memory of My Mom driving Me in Culver City ( close to our neighborhood  ) to purchase Van sneakers in the late 70s. We mostly purchased sneakers at Big5s Yearly Sale nearby  . I really wanted Vans that Year for school ( usually Nikes , I Like Them ALL. ) and She made a special trip to get. We were economically middle ( * ) class , My Mom worked as an Executive Secretary  , And My Dad ( in His late 60s when I was Born ) Retired , stay at Home. I think there is a thing about Vans now , idk what though. Basically My FamiLy with My Husband , ALL like Vans shoes. The one that got so damage was a plain the short style Black with Black Bearclaw stripe. The about 3 Years ago purchased ones.  And when at Sketchers a block away recent ,  a Person asked Me about those Vans I was wearing (  seemed as a F though )  , He was a shoe designer for Nike , and I said these shoes are not that old , looking like allready 10 Years out worn and faded looking , He express as shocked.  I want KSwiss to make their original design , Vegan!  :  )  🀍 I read on Vans site they were doing Vegan logos ( the Bearclaw mark' ) on their shoes less than a Year ago  :  ) YEA🀍🩷

And just recently a Purple highlighter , missing from a set , by that Tr*ll pushing it to fall , and then snapped out of thin air ( Ive seen that done before , I mentioned on SSF before )  .  I still have to look for It around to make sure  , but Im pretty sure It did , to where I want to throw out the rest of the set , Not purchase a mini copier ( thats Color ink too  to do Humanity baseline projects in the meanwhile' , like send Caregiving Kits for Gaza ...

So many evil incidents to mention , so petty , with that much power ,            IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Respect Love Is ~

No Evil Is !

NO Is !

ALLLL YEA Under God , Spectrum OnLy🀍

... thinking about how They are Definitely Not Of Color ' , Not even Beautifull Black !


* added above re Glue and shoes

** added re Vans ... shoes


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And thinking about , by the phone store ( earlier this Month.  In a market level shopping mall ) next door Baskin n Robbins with FamiLy in FamiLiar' , a bpht' there at the counter , and was very vain rude when telling Me that BnRs stopped offering the recent  Mint and Chip , Veganized. The first sample there one was hmm , sabotaged ??? The next time I sampled there , better , not thinking is this , Cannabilized ??? Then that occured when paying My phone bill next door ..

Der Wienerschnitzels Veggie Dogs were changed the last two times ( about 2 months ) thinking It seems not Veggie Plant based only because of the certain snap when You bite into a h.d' is like how I remember that decades ago . The last time there , I asked the Person If for sure Its the Veggie Dog and He said Yes. The same offness , the last time. Different than the Good Food  :  ) experience prior to .

As I mention before everytime on that long Boulevard , I smell Dead Bodies waffing from the sewage drains !

And on that specific Boulevard  , FamiLy in they ' as a parking lot security guard station , actually Maced Me ( the  Police wouldnt help Me or go to Investigate  , or do a report "  ) at a expensive Kannabis Store ( that I was allready a Patron of. Also once there , just prior they bent My California I.D. Card in half , still bent today . They have a  huge Flowery Goddess type of mural on the outside of the building . And Also the Gas Station Hyjacked I disclosed about  too across the street nearby , and then , again the Police Not really ...   too , Fyiing

PLEASE DO RESCUE FAMILY  , ALLLL FAMILY  , HUMANITY with Nucleis Heavens Humanity , Too Restored , Resumed HoLy WhoLLLy , Restitution 🀍

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And another aspect' to the phone thing too , I was Not able to simply pay over phone for about a year , I had to call It in with customer service ... It worsened,  to where I cant pay at all via phone , hence the last @4 times I had to via , constant compromised and canceled , hyjacked , passing Me by , changed routes ...  Bus system ) to pay the phone bill.  The automated voice prompts I mentioned before [  sedna , bpht , lilith ... from a specific tv food channel ID Indicates ]' , in real time ... was jumping to other Companies including The US Post Office automated voice output when sending a Christmas package to My FamiLys mailbox recently. Fyi


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And nowz My camera is showing Camera cant function due to storage issue again message ( with a new sd card and 39 % " internal storage space used'. ) as prior to It Fixed proof(s) at the metro store. The last thing before I left the store , or depot *F'

Took a picture in the store with phone ( image below ) .  Without that constant blocked msg  . Including the pictures of the Gaza care package collected this far picture on the Tab , went to take a picture of again Today with the phone Camera and noticed. That H transferred tabs pics via shared linked ( Now Not too ) are missing from the Tab and and the linked shared Mobile Phone too

In store working phone Camera ( after 3 hours ... too  *+ ) image below.

And the analyze msg. thing I screenshot a few times , No record of on the Phone , and that msg block was appearing on a brand new first week of the Year Tab , Samsung Galaxy too 🌌



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More had occured Yesterday ( Friday , Venus , Vedic )  including waking down' to a cut on My left Thumb ( Venus phalange,  Vedic ) positioned to where My Thumb ring would rub wrong .

And then in less than 30 minutes of realizing that , a very deep cut on My left ( Jupiter , Index phalange , Vedic ) . It bleed a lot I kept on a tissue. The camera wasnt funtioning to take a picture of.

[ After It was corrected and functioning from that phone store debauchery . I still have the tissue , I have to check if the Camera and Tab together are still disfunctioned.

I consider the Left Hand to Esoteric Exoteric to receive.

* + + + FYI  , I Definitely Dont accept EHP SRAS MFUs H as Okay to receive! The Duh.  And Not as a Cue , Conduit and Catalyst , a mech as Defaulted '  Impositionzedz in Gmo Crime dichotomy too


And they ' took the last of My bank account ( BofA ) on Friday after the phone store , with Not enough to get out ( intentionally left over for ) a 20$ , to "  @ 19$ " . About 75$ in account balance prior. Stemming from the phone store , I purchased 33$ for another SD card. And across the lot to the 99c store to pick up some Food items ... one bag that didnt equal the @ 26$ ... that made itz not ', dictated!

[  :  One bag of Potatos ( @3$ ) , Garlic (@1$), a cooler bag (3$) , Juice (@3$), OatFlax Milk (@3) , Platain ( @ .80 c ) , Napkins ( @2$ ) , the 99c store prices

So less than @ 20$ ,  assuming that there is enough left for the next Day , Friday to My further the requirement for Kannabis ( Kanna Bosm , Kjv ) medicinally dealing with these Haters and Gmo , Anti | FamiLy & Love machinE.

And I have been requiring proper cessation too [ Not under the , d , s  web , matrix'  and Gmo ]

And So much with My Food Items ...  ( since mentioned and peculiar too ) ...


* now bank account looks different and making sense with another entry that wasnt included on the ledger as the last purchase

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One Γ²f the things that occured , with the Food , was after the troll ( 4 level density , L d  ) threw the bowl of fresh grated Carrots out when placing It inside the fridge.

[ for the Glorious Morning Muffins for a Vegan ( extended ) English Breakfast Plate , for MySelf , wasnt even planning posting in My Fb Foodblog . I disclosed about on this post thread ]

I was so upset I swiped with the plastic wrap that was left in the bowl , most of It on the Kitchen floor.  I just threw all of It away ( Not liking wasting Food , thinking I would have to grate more , and possibly grate My Hands. The day before the Cuts on My Fingers. ) ...  threw It away , that project' then .. , the empty bowl in the sink.

10 minutes later , see in the fridge  , the same bowl with the remaining grated Carrot with the plastic wrap there !

Its still there having to be thrown away 🩷🀍

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One Γ²f the things that occured , with the Food , was after the troll ( 4 level density , L d  ) threw the bowl of fresh grated Carrots out when placing It inside the fridge.

[ for the Glorious Morning Muffins for a Vegan ( extended ) English Breakfast Plate , for MySelf , wasnt even planning posting in My Fb Foodblog . I disclosed about on this post thread ]

I was so upset I swiped with the plastic wrap that was left in the bowl , most of It on the Kitchen floor.  I just threw all of It away ( Not liking wasting Food , thinking I would have to grate more , and possibly grate My Hands ( which I had avoided ) The day before the Cuts on My Fingers. ) ...  threw It away , that project' then .. , the empty bowl in the sink.

10 minutes later , see in the fridge  , the same bowl with the remaining grated Carrot with the plastic wrap there !

Its still there having to be thrown away 🩷🀍

*** Noticing a Glyph at the very top of this post comment on the o of the of. O = 6 Love and Harmony , The Lovers card in Tarot

According the the Pixies song ( 1989 ) This Monkey Is Going To Heaven ( * + more to this in London )  referring to the lyrics , that has Numerology references  , the numeral 6 = Man ( as Infected ) =  " devil " 666 . First target by the d , s , jez. , is Man.

Which really stems from 5 pointed Star🩷🀍 King of Hearts , Time who Is really supposed to provide Safe Space as Moment [ To Be ] as Well Man in His Mind and Space surrounding , and Affected Universe , Cosmos , As A Pra , Primordial Cosmo , Nuclei FamiLy Member ( Is Father Nature ) Naturally of Natures PrincipLe of Respect RuLe of Law due to ALLLL Due Care " ( Ian K. Curtis ) ⛅️βšͺ️

Beyond 5 Elements , to the Intangible Eso , to concrete Tangible Exo with Cosmo . Emotional of Who and What  " He " ( they ' ) Affecting He & She , We ... ) care most for. With the additional Eso Mind thinking with another 6th sense Of ???  Love or Hate Crime machinE depot' as a legit Man , isnt a question. Specially Gods FamiLy , Natures

Gods Father ( Natures FamiLy , Protector. Thats what Fathers do Protect ) from Cosmic Trillion  Aeons ago Naturally expressed out on to   the Blue Canvas , Amazingly as Perfect Man ! *+


* I elaborated the paragraph with the 5 pointed Star


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Copied and pasted the lyrics to ~        This Monkey Is Going To Heaven by    The Pixes ,  5 times. Each time Not pasting the full lyrics , now Not the title part of the credits
Lyrics , Tell  :
.... A creature in the sky
Got sucked in a hole, now there's a hole in the sky
And the ground's not cold
And if the ground's not cold, everything is gonna burn
We'll all take turns, I'll get mine too
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
Rock me, Joe
If man is five
If man is five
If man is five
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
And if the devil is six
Then God is seven
Then God is seven
Then God is seven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Monkey Gone to Heaven lyrics Β© Rice And Beans Music
...  Hey , The Pixies
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
"Uh" said the man to the lady
"Uh" said the lady to the man she adored
And the whores like a choir
Go "uh" all night
And Mary ain't you tired of this?
That the mother makes when the baby breaks
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Hey lyrics Β© Songtrust Ave, Universal Music Publishing Group
Copied and pasted result , Definitely Not The lyrics !  With a Jez. Id indicate.
e're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
"Uh" said the man to the lady
"Uh" said the lady to the man she adored
And the whores like a choir
Go "uh" all night
And Mary ain't you tired of this?
That the mother makes when the baby breaks
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Hey lyrics Β© Songtrust Ave, Universal Music Publishing Group
e're chained
We're chained
We're chained
"Uh" said the man to the lady
"Uh" said the lady to the man she adored
And the whores like a choir
Go "uh" all night
And Mary ain't you tired of this?
That the mother makes when the baby breaks
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Hey lyrics Β© Songtrust Ave, Universal Music Publishing Group
e're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
"Uh" said the man to the lady
"Uh" said the lady to the man she adored
And the whores like a choir
Go "uh" all night
And Mary ain't you tired of this?
That the mother makes when the baby breaks
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
We're chained
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Hey lyrics Β© Songtrust Ave, Universal Music Publishing Group
** Not even close to the Lyrics online !
Maybe It sounded too sexy for 666 ???

Main Results

Been trying to meet you
Must be a devil between us
Or whores in my head
Whores at the door
Whore in my bed
But hey
Where have you been?
If you go, I will surely die
We're chained ...
I copied and pasted just the top part.
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...  even blocking the paragraphing spaces to read easier ( tried @6 times )  Not of :  Flesh " ( KJV ) or SouL , BLood ,  Breathe , Nature ,  Coin , Word , WorLd , Gods

... mental b*dz rabid and belligerent petty Evil Completed caught themselves' Alone , Only ! No Gmo , Positive Propulsion Repulsion and Repellent , The Proximity Technology , InKarmaed! InDeedz AutoInSLaveD DoneD Intheirowned IsRequirementz of Frack Uz!

[ Pilllow top Rescue out of ehp sra 666 abyss , loop ] In ALLLL Synchroncities , Gods Serindepity , OF THE DUH !

Who is pretending To Be  ?


Evil Erectus Finite Concrete AntiChrists wannabeez devil dog b*tch*s pricks in heat ! F FD! H HD! EF FD!



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So many other Beyond Rude things' occurred after { I wanted to post about the other' prior , like how a mini keg of Heineken  , that was in My fridge for @ 3 Months , slowly but surely , thought maybe It was too easy too , was tapped , left a glass of Beer when It was about at 1 | 2 I consumed before , @ 1 month ago } Im sick of writing about It , And It wasnt corrected meh too

The Water is infected here again , with whatever they ' are putting in the Municipal Water system here in            Los Angeles  , CA .  For about 2 Years straight noticing off and on , drinking the filtered ( with Activated Charcoal .. , and or microwave for  seconds ) makes Me very thirsty , and My Skin is crepe like now , I beleive from toxic in the Water intentional . It doesnt taste the same.

My First Element is Water.  Now also Metal , by Criminal defaulted' , forged. Grail.   Ace of Cups Archetype of Love OverFlows ,  Abundance.  Love OnLy goes Hand in Hand with Respect. As Mary Magdalene  ( Magdalena , Mother Nature , Mother of God , Evergreen , Venus ( Compromised as ) Creatrix of Natures PrincipLe of Respect RuLe of Law  , Heaven , Moon , Earth for FamiLy  ( as Word Too , as proven in  Against Black Sky , Poem ( 2003 to Steven Patrick Morrissey of The Smiths , Author )  Nuclei FamiLyMember .... Lo  , Pavartti , Isis Maat Hasheput Cleopatra , Nefertari Nefertiti , Gwenivere **  ( prompted to mention that Aeons of Itz again then too , Arthur's compromised then too ??  ) Pochahantas ... so many rinse and repeated , Goddess Incarnate ) I Am connected to The Moon in conception , precursor To Earth , Gods🀍🩷

* My White Dress ( White represents , The Moon ,  Water  and Nucleis Heavens Humanity Providence.

The Cotton dress I purchased at the 99 c store about 3 Months ago , I finally got to wash and iron This Morning to take a planned bath ( Yesterday too tired to ) on Monday  , Moonsday And I will be able to finally wear My brand new White Cotton dress ( that looks like a modernized White Goddess looking type of dress ) . As I was ironing they ' within a second put a seem in the center of the dresses back , in the middle! It supposes to be at the both sides , hiding the unsightly . So after that , I decided to Not take a Bath , or wear that dress.

On a waxing 5 : 30 AM Monday , so definitive. Was given to the d , s , l  '  * ( " L " )  I placed there intentionally prior , now looks like an I  ) by an ashtar ( saturn' jupiter' in a Spaceship  , Ive been seeing in Astral Vision for the last 13 Years , Not OK on Me , And The FamiLy , ALLLL🀍

That was just ( waked down' to Itz as If Itz Normalcy ... ) after they allowed a ketu ( A'L the same ) sent an implant of an Astral node into My Belly ( My SouL , And SouL Mind Space And ability to think in My own way ) ... as lucifer , baphomet , lilith  and a few more on Stargate pretending that they were a conversation by the Water cooler,  and baphomet pretending as Kissers , and Lovers 🀍

Also they did this too , to another dress ( about 2 Years ago here and the place prior )  I purchased for MySelf  ( to wear as a sleeping gown possibly  , dont where I be wearing something like that without My Husband or FamiLy ) It was a silky maxi dress , very luxurious ( I purchased in town ) budget expensive price. Afterwhich , lucifer as a transvestite'  , jez. d , s , lilith ... was taking the ( after I tried on once ) dress , this occured a few times , so filthy each time , Black  , Brown dirty , stunk , the Water left was  , I had to Hand wash , soak , sanitized??? About 4 times , each time. What were they doing to Me , And FamiLy in Gmo in that dress. ???  I stopped wearing It.

[ InVerbatimsKarmaed as mental b*dz" Alone !  And Specialized. Appropriate Appropriation , Ombre Under Gods Kingdom Providence Firmament Terra Firma TerraX Respect & Love IS! ]

When I purchased It , I was thinking this looks like My other Daughters Color more , If It not right for Me , probably She would want It.

I mostly wear comfortable casual clothes , however sometimes I require to dress for MySeLf in a certain way . And We are Not Clothes or Victimhooded , Silence of The Lamb or Lambs Legal πŸ€β›…οΈπŸ’–πŸ’›πŸ©·πŸ™πŸŒŒβ¬œοΈ

**  added to paragraph 3

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Also another Thing that had occured recent , there was , is a Vigil at a Tree next to the entrance of the parking lot to this hotel , since for the about 2 Years here. The FamiLy of the deceased would Seasonally decorated the Vigil.

Obviously  , everything removed from the Tree πŸŽ„ now , except for the Nails in the Tree.

[ There was a vase of Flowers left when We went back to remove the Nails. ]

... I had purchased a hammer for a project prior , And I decided to pull out the Nails. Except one was too high to get to , so I asked one of the guards here if they would do It , and did. As He finished We both notice many old rusted staples , which He oddly tapped one into more the Tree , as we were just leaving .

[ He asked If I wanted the Nails too , I said No I just left the old ones at the ground nearby earlier , and I wanted to see that People would Respect the Tree. ] *

About 2 weeks later , I went to visit the Tree ( about 3 days ago ) and noticed new Silver Staples now , And one big Nail that wasnt there before , ful into The Tree🌲   :  (

Evergreen πŸ’šπŸ€

Also I saw this billboard down the block same Street , Last Month.

[ I Didnt with intention just post My name there on the fb post , btw ]


O Tannabaum !




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