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so recently like 4 tornados went through my state. one in the greater area that I reside. right before that I had car trouble and had the car towed. a few days later they had a tornado.  the thing was I was going to work on the highway and a tornado just missed me when I was in a uber. as in just north. it also just missed my work and home. when I was waiting for the car to be fixed the alarm clock broke so I could not reset the alarm. there is a corporation called monarch of course which does milab and is very involved with time. the broke alarm clock was a symbol of them in my case. not really going into anything in detail. yet I at least had spiritual protection. I wonder if I had powers acting up though. how does powers fit into this? well sort of a dormant scarlet witch thing. like I was a house fire survivor and now a tornado survivor. perhaps time space can be odd for me to. so I just question if I have dormant powers sometimes. thanks to Nate and the members for the patience when I speculate about things. talk to everyone later.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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