just a heads up guys. super soldiers might get multiple opportunities to give others free labor. first of all we should have been paid to be soldiers or serving in a program in any way. then in my personal life people want me to give them free labor. in most times people disguise things as a learning opportunity. here are some examples i have seen. 1) i seen a opportunity with a hospital who gave jobs to high school students for no money. i see no point but a teacher pointed me that way. was the point learning skills or just to learn how to work for free? this was the same hospital who had a mk ultra history. 2) i seen a religious group who offered a learning opportunity. awesome! however you ended up paying to do labor and the group ran like a cult. 3) family members will want you to do labor for them or help them volunteer. then you get screwed over somehow. 4) working at some booth or table? yeah this might be ok in hight school if you love your group but not as an adult.
so yeah its ok if you really want to do something with no charge. like volinteering for a cause you really believe in. however be aware others will take free labor when they can get it. super soldiers might have a lot of energy in a way so they may go to you like a moth to a light. don't be a voluntary sl!ve. especially if you where with programs before. take it from eclipse. i did free labor and left the group with post cult syndrome. take care. - eclipse