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greetings to you. not sure how to start this post. anyway i tend to switch vibrations which leads to switching timelines and dimensions. if you read my posts you may be aware that i talk about this theory. dont worry about it too much if you dont understand this yet.

this all started with the idea of weapon x as a kid. also people called me wolverine as a nick name. then i start having weapon x beings referred to in dreams. which included sparring a being that was like lady death strike.

as far as feelings i have a bad feeling of a facility in eastern Canada. this site might be near a body of water with a water fall or damn. i do have interest in projects like hydra but not sure how early hydra tech is and not sure how big they where in north America. so perhaps i was with a program and i gravitate to weapon x. i thought the big base i refer to is monarch and they work with mk ultra. not sure.

then i figured it out. my first feeling of a timeline where i was with a project. possibly a mutant origin. not sure how this story fits. maybe its separate from my usual mk ultra and ssp timeline. well i did have a turning stomach when i was thinking i might be with project ibis and tingles when i thought of being with project Montauk.

well i have no powers activated and i do not remember training right now. however this may be the first contact with a vibration that im involved as a mutant or mk ultra with a project. so is healing or telekinesis or flying real for me? who knows . we will see if i line up to this vibration. a final research note is i started in the community after i understood there was reptilian super soldiers and i was somehow involved. now i blame things like project omega in the ssp. plus im able to talk with you fine people instead of just being in the normal public. to me thats two different vibrations.

conclusion: its becoming clear i was with a project on earth. i will consider the fact that i have a mutant alter or clone. perhaps in a different timeline/dimension and not sure if the story goes with everything. as in the mk ultra timeline/ life as i see it. i have yet to manifest abilities or remember training other then basic intuition.

thanks for reading. i thought i would throw this up since i claim to be  a researcher first. - eclipse the friendly crononaught

note for beginners: yes i hear things are loosely based on comics. including projects. not sure how much of it is accurate. however the beginning is being open to your story.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08


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  • x-23-background-2
  • LadyArtistsStrike
  • Marvel-Wolverine-Hulk-Hybrid-Clone
Last edited by Eclipse
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Perhaps I should list the very few things I understand about wolverine.

"Old Man Logan" is a very old man assuming he is still alive, and I dont know if he is or not.  He has really bad PTSD and has brain damage from being shot in the head.  He is short around 5 feet.  He has retractable claws and his bones are covered in metal.  He has a son who is half Japanese with the same heal factor he has.  He has a genetically engineered daughter who is half mexican who also has metal coated bones.

Last edited by Nate YPX Grey

I have something in common with Daken, which is the bone that comes out of my left wrist.  I do not have any healing factor though.  I imagine the scientist who designed me added that feature from Daken, but that is just speculation.   I imagine having the heal factor would have been cool.  He appears in the comics in 2007 so I might predate him.


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Last edited by Nate YPX Grey

@Nate YPX Grey thanks for this reply. im sure the community values it. i guess i need to say people will call all sorts of things for fun. in this case its the comic character. im not any kind of character that i know. so im mostly after why i come off like that. just because people use their gut when meeting others. its like how a milab might be seen as creepy just for walking down the street and stepping or stepping into a store. so i made the best conclusion i could. i have never discovered odd gear like a metal arm or metal inside that i knew of. i even felt up my right arm when i was thinking about this. yet projects like hydra and weapon x may have done a variety of experiments. who knows . i just have a feeling i was with  some sort of project but not sure how that would fit in the mk ultra or mutant universe. it most likely depends on what life or alter we are talking about. thanks for reading.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

@Nate YPX Grey yeah healing factor would be def cool ! well i know a little about his comic history. so yes x 23 and lady death strike where mentioned in my dream time. that might be the two your referring to. it was lady death strike who was messing with me and taught me to react early if i need to defend myself. which i mentioned to you a couple of times if you remember. i havnt been involved with anyone like that in real life but i would expect some one like x 23 in contact.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

@Nate YPX Grey yeah. Well i was under the intuitive impression that weapon x was def in america. I have a heard time seeing something like the hydra branch be big in america. i rather not speculate to much but i would expect to be a psionic. I seem to be locked in my body for some reason so its hard to do even astral travel. Yet it may also be a safe guard from talented people all i know. other thing i would expect is biokenesis or changing the body. Maybe healing factor is apart of biokinesis. I had odd accidents that are with theory. Like flickering lights and fledgling telepathy. Nothing with healing yet but i heard talk about umbrella corp over the year. It seems like umbrella corp would value healing factor in soldiers. With respect, im not sure whats the difference between a psionic mutant and a super soldier with related gifts. like the difference between cable or someone from project ibis. Which is a casbolt origin but not exactly vs casbolt as  a person because he may be more bionic then usual. Oh yeah and i would be surprised if a bone popped out of me. I just know Its better then tentacles as far as a citizen.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

I have genetics in common with CABLE, but I dont know a whole lot about him.  I dont know much about project IBIS.  I have talked to James Casbolt before and he said some pretty outlandish stuff.   I broke contact with him when he started abusing his ex wife.  If I remember correctly he asked me if he was depicted as Daken and I said that Daken is half Japanese so probably not.  Also the heal factor and the bone claws would give it away.  He told me he encountered Omega Red in an interview I did with him and James Rink.  I read his PDF about his life and it was pretty interesting.  Anyway I am pretty certain that he is not depicted as Daken in the comics. 

@Nate YPX Grey interesting. well i brought up the cable and ibis topic because im interested in both mutant and ibis stories. not sure whats up with the real cable but im guessing that he is a psionic trained as a soldier. im interested in ibis because of the programming and not sure who else would keep very little kids under tight lock and key. It looks like Some kids have entered the programs around 3. as far as super soldiers they may be trained into telepathy and telekinesis. I actually think of duncan o'finnian first but im not sure about his backround and hardware. as far as mutants people assume they where born like that instead on intentionally trained into that. the line of difference and  separation between the two ideas gets a little fuzzy for me. Yeah casbolt can be a little out there. Claiming one is a mutant in another timeline is also a little out there which is what i just did. . we will see if i ever step into unusual abilities.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

@Nate YPX Grey actually people from ibis may be programmed to think that they are interesting things such as real angels. they may also been programmed to believe they are apart of a end time army. casbolt seems to have his own big ideas. so you said he asked if he is daken? well i personally would never claim a fiction character unless i have a very good reason or evidence. max spiers us the other known to be from ibis and he a seems to be more down to earth in his explanations. I guess ultra let you believe all kinds of things. Like how erin Rothschild which may be another ibis person said she knows of someone with jesus programming. So he believes he is that being reincarnated. if i was involved with ibis i didnt make it far in programming. my best guess is i was moved to a paranormal program or the ssp. If you read about casbolt's original programming you are most likely reading about ibis. If i have a physical story its more like a 20 or 40 and back. Then placed with the usual kind of family around 3 years old.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse

@Nate YPX Grey well maybe the original casbolt was a interesting person. casbolts in all forms was most likely good at his job. i might have ran into alot of super soldiers in a super soldier life so i have enough of a connection to get a mental snap shot of them in action. such as a mental snap shot of james rink clones being held in a open mechanical machine. all you had to do was take a clone down and activate it. as i said once casbolt is one super soldier i sparred with in my dreams for training. it was empty handed. other people like Christina Joanna heart has mentioned casbolt in dreams. the guy is pretty much everywhere and may not express dimensional self in a effective way. daken might be wolverines son so i wonder if he is still around. im not sure about meeting any being like wolverine since the real ones are most likely used as assasins. however x-23  and lady death strike may tolerate me well enough if my dreams have any basis in reality which they sometimes do in my personal social situations when dealing with the general public. thanks for the reply.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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