greetings to you. not sure how to start this post. anyway i tend to switch vibrations which leads to switching timelines and dimensions. if you read my posts you may be aware that i talk about this theory. dont worry about it too much if you dont understand this yet.
this all started with the idea of weapon x as a kid. also people called me wolverine as a nick name. then i start having weapon x beings referred to in dreams. which included sparring a being that was like lady death strike.
as far as feelings i have a bad feeling of a facility in eastern Canada. this site might be near a body of water with a water fall or damn. i do have interest in projects like hydra but not sure how early hydra tech is and not sure how big they where in north America. so perhaps i was with a program and i gravitate to weapon x. i thought the big base i refer to is monarch and they work with mk ultra. not sure.
then i figured it out. my first feeling of a timeline where i was with a project. possibly a mutant origin. not sure how this story fits. maybe its separate from my usual mk ultra and ssp timeline. well i did have a turning stomach when i was thinking i might be with project ibis and tingles when i thought of being with project Montauk.
well i have no powers activated and i do not remember training right now. however this may be the first contact with a vibration that im involved as a mutant or mk ultra with a project. so is healing or telekinesis or flying real for me? who knows . we will see if i line up to this vibration. a final research note is i started in the community after i understood there was reptilian super soldiers and i was somehow involved. now i blame things like project omega in the ssp. plus im able to talk with you fine people instead of just being in the normal public. to me thats two different vibrations.
conclusion: its becoming clear i was with a project on earth. i will consider the fact that i have a mutant alter or clone. perhaps in a different timeline/dimension and not sure if the story goes with everything. as in the mk ultra timeline/ life as i see it. i have yet to manifest abilities or remember training other then basic intuition.
thanks for reading. i thought i would throw this up since i claim to be a researcher first. - eclipse the friendly crononaught
note for beginners: yes i hear things are loosely based on comics. including projects. not sure how much of it is accurate. however the beginning is being open to your story.