Nate Grey on Billy Meier & Plejaren
A Short Video about the Billy Meier UFO Case. It exposes FIGU and talks about the story some. Discusses SFATH, SEMJASE, PTAAH, QUETZAL and some basic information about the UFO Beam Ships and wedding cake UFO.
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Hi 👋 Nate , I posted a comment re this in another post . I have to repost here ...
🤍⚪️ Hi Nate😊👋 , I just saw Your Ypx News video on rumble . And again an issue there with Me liking or Commenting there ( attachment of screenshot ) .
I want to comment on the Nordics . Like The Pleadians , Draco , Krueger ( ?? ) , Ashtar Sheeran ( ?? ) … I met one in London , Uk ( 2016 Hospitalization | Incarceration with Familiars I mentioned on SSF before . ) His name was Alexis , Slavic , Russian Blonde . He had capability of getting through a very small opening of a Window ( I witnessed ) . He showed Me images on His phone of Pleadians , with Demon Eyes ! Played the Folk ‘ , Traditional “ music , several x s . Sounded Evil ( and I think that’s what He was trying to Disclose ) . He said , “ Yes , It is a Samuel , Gmo Issue ! “ …Much discussion about Astro Physics with Not just Him . I mentioned this conversation more before here on SSF too . I was given a “ Magical “ Astro Physics Periodical Magazine Journal . By a Person who insisted I write on the Patio yard brick wall after He left , “ Peter are You still watching the Stars ( the Person who gave Me the magazine ) . Even a Patient ‘ had a Yellow mobile phone charger , without need for an outlet . I assume a Satelite Charger , Not a Happy Solar one … One thing that was Good , they offered really Good Vegetarian food there . East Indian cuisine And the proper English pudding , Swede ( a delicious English Squash ( often ... seemed like they were overtly promoting A Vegan protocol too . A pattern theme they were even propergating with to Nows : )
My sidereal ascendant is in Taurus where , the Seven Sisters , Pleadians are . Connected to Orions Belt , His Arrow pointing too ( ?? ) I have to look that up again 🤍⚪️
updated , and reposted
⚪️…. Hi Nate 👋also , wanted to comment regarding the video Samayza ( sedna , hera , lilith , the d , s , jezebelz , is also Azazel “ in the book of Enoch . In Sanskrit Ketu “ , the south node is also them too ( 3 of Them , ketu ( iterally freddy k. , the d , s ; is lilith | baphomet , who is also azazel , jezebelz ‘ ( Kjv ) , lyra | lyron , Guluki ( in Sanskrit ) . All from Universal Canvas of black mind nodez . Ehp Sra 666 machinE. Before only one D , Now So Many ! Lucifer , Ishtar ( Sumerian texts enemy to Gilgamesh ) . All the same Anti : People , Peeps , Everything . Just agenda , not livers and be, ers , not personalities. ⚪️
I still Pray Everyday constantly to The Authentic Genuine 🤍Ptah , Atum , Aum , Jesus *+ , Jasher , The Son ~ The Sun , Jehovah , Hermes , Thoth , Mercury , God , Allah , Beethoven , Ganeesh , Elephant Man , The very First Cognitive Consciousness , The Creator , The Poet …🤍
In the video the Illustrations show Me a GMOed Issue with His Father . The Ben Ben Issue , There is only one God , And He Is Not supposed to be GMOed with His Father { Any of Us are supposed to be GMOed } . There are 2 Bens . Ben Jr , is really Ben Sr . God , His Father , is Almighty Father . However , Not Sr . ⚪️🤍
Um , please dont tell Me that illustration isnt the d , in Dean Martins Wife ! 🥲Astka ?? I just saw about a Year ago a tv Christmas Special of Their FamiLys singing and She was there ! She looked like She was Staighte frome Heaven ! 🤍🌌💗⚪️
Is Dean , A Lu … ? I believe So .
Please Someone , Scoty , Les ProffessioneLs ! Beam Us ALLLL Up And Forward Permanently Out of The Abyss ! ⚪️🤍
🤍⚪️Hi Nate 👋, I am noticing that word Timmers .
I started an Asttal Stargate ( about 12 Years ago , due to seeing Humanity Assaultz ( in Secular View prior too ) in My Pineal and Telepathic Ability , that was turned On 2003 , initial’ Wake Up . I am Naturally , Empathy , My Other Name.
I CoCreated , Creatrix ( without Verbal communication in Astral realm , Texting withe The other astral Cosmic Affiliate Stations CoCreated For ~ ALLLL , L+ ) in Astral . Station to Stations , ALLLL Providence Firmament , Almighty Heavens Humanity Platform , Plateau , Resting and Comfort , Stargate{S} , Rescue! Out of the loopy looped , rinse and repeated No Sense - Ouch machinE , the pittz , worse than h** , pz , ph ( perpetual h as the base ?? ) makings , Made It To - It That ???
NO MOREOVER In any Space , Natures . ! ** [ That was the 3 rd time having to put a period there , ( It kept changing It to a comma , making It look funny next to Gods. Also I might as well to mention that extremely way buggy ( Bugged Off Permanently , supposed smiley face that another 3 rd entity of mindz intruded with too here on Post . Screenshot in attachment below . That has occurring for about over a Year . I have taken a few screenshots of ] .
Gods Kingdom And Authority ! No means No , WorLd Is WorLd , Natures , Natural , Gods Kingdom , The OnLy . The Duh ! Creations Reality And Story . Not that Salvador painting of Dissed Nature ! ⚪️🤍
The ALLL Timmers ( Not X table 4d prior ) Affiliate Stargate Station withe Humanistic ( Neuron connections of properly Organized linked Communications for Rescue! } That Station combined specifically withe [ ALLLL , L *+ ] Like G3 Communications , I mentioned before on SSF
… Humanistic withe Good Techy ~ ALLL Timers * ~ ALLL Niners ~ ALLL Moment And Spacers , And Scripty | for Continuity , withe Organized Neuron Connection of Communications , No Chaos or Confusion traction of the d , s .
+* For ALLL Sync { “ Pillow Top Rescue , No GMOed and Dragged n Towed around anymore than before , Main Objective } : Synchronization ~ Silmultaneously ~ Serendipity for Humanity [ Nature , Creation Free !
- out of the archons devil jez. 666 Ehp Sra dhp , hate ruled and rules ! No evilhatepain machinE !
The Problem indicated In Scriptures and Accounts of Testimonies , Journalized , Facts , Evidences ( even in Macro Astro Physics scale Of , the d cancer ‘ . VERBATIMS , … InKarmaed the Ds! ) regarding The obvious saturated Attacks Assaultz on Nature And Natural . The Predators “ Were “ upon . ALLLL , L+ { Ehp , d , s Neutralized And Eradicated InKarmaed , “ Contemplatively “””” , InJobbed , Accountancy , Accountable as Responsible Adultz’! Serving Humanity ! 🤍 } ~ Humanity Resumed , Reclaimed And Restored⚪️🤍
Restored , Updated
⚪️ I am seeing that this Post keeps on getting f+gg+d . I dont want to keep Restoring It re-editing It . It appears that I dont know how to write withe proper grammar with those editz . My ICloud disabled this Morning too … I am feeling Not to go any further with That , This ‘ Nows .
Itz Not Good enough , Itz EVIL , I dont write content for Devils and Satans Evered! And My Existense , Expression , Breathe , Blood , Plasma , FamiLy , Nature , Life , Home , Heaven , WorLd , Humanity , WorD , Does Not belong to EviL ! Fyiing
⚪️ I am seeing that the Post above ( and other places prior ) kept on getting f+gg+d . I dont want to keep Restoring It re-editing It . It appears that I dont know how to write withe proper grammar with those editz . My ICloud disabled this Morning too … I am feeling Not to go any further with That , This ‘ Nows .
Itz Not Good enough , Itz EVIL , I dont write content ‘ for Devils and Satans Evered! And My Existense , Expression , Breathe , Blood , Plasma , FamiLy , Nature , Life , Home , Heaven , WorLd , Humanity , WorD , Does Not belong to EviL , wannabeez jezebelz ! 🤍