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im not sure if i ever posted this before. both mk ultra and people with personality disorders will love bomb a kid, abuse them, and discard them. i dont have a working memory of being in the mk ultra programs but i know this is related and its basic programming.  to be honest it only makes you stronger. for example who else has the confidence like you when they are alone? also you should still explore your humanity when you feel safe enough instead of automatically being a robot going through life all the time. i will keep this post short since i dont have any solid points or memories to back this up but something to think about. yeah i will say that the person who raised me is already doing hoovering or baiting me to come back into the fold after he messed with me to much. yeah it would be interesting if the adoptive parents where with ultra and no on knew it. not even them. anyway thanks for reading. 

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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