These are some videos with nate grey talking with adrian about the skynet program
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still can't get enough people to share their experiences. Is this out of fear? If we die we come right back either here or we can choose to go home. Once your body is dead wait around awhile and your ancient cosmic memories return and then you will know what to do and where to go.
Hi. I was curious on if skynet can be accessed via reguler internet? I doubt it but just asking. I may step forward if i have a topic that is valued. I dont have a chip thats government or alien and was not involved with government but i try to keep my possibilities open at the moment . comment for both nate and eevie.
I was wondering how to access skynet myself. No clue. Sorry.
i bought skynet recently, its a program you have to buy, right now its down, it should be up and working again at the end of the month.