Now... much in the same way as many folks won't see the significance of seeing a master break through several surrounding bricks and boards, held by others. They'll snicker, and say something clever, like: "That's very nice to know if you ever get attacked by a gang of boards and bricks in a dark alley some night." What they miss is: That those bricks and boards are harder and thicker than fragile, even THICK skulls, and that skulls carry a VERY fragile payload. Had those been several thick skulls, mounted upon several sets of massive shoulders: Not a one of them would be any longer be capable of thought or self-locomotion, beyond that of maybe a carrot, ever again, in as little time as it took to break those bricks. Even so; I use every safe method to practice my craft, and my Dim Mak skills are certainly professional level, even after all these years away from MKULTRA. What you SEE, is the effect of me adjust my "Aura"/EMF (Electo Magnetic Field) to confuse the polarity of the magnetic mobile from Magnetic North. I then measure my own EMF spikes on a Mel Meter and you can see the numbers change. Just like the bricks and boards, what you DON'T see is: The effects that those field strength and frequency changes have on various human organs. If I was not masterful at my craft and function as an MKULTRA assassin; I would not have survived my renegade, outlaw status as a first generation ULTRA survivor. If I were easy to kill; you'd never know someone like me ever existed either.