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Hello. my phone mysteriously quit my browser when i was writing this. I will try again. 

So... i was driving home and when i was about to turn into the building driveway i spotted a crouched pitch black figure that had a masculine vibe and i could see their eyes. which made them look like a ninja.  I just thought it was curious instead of being spooked. I had to turn a corner to park the car and when i did a neighbor was there. he said he was in the garage and he heard someone on the other side of the wall. I dont think it was him. He would have to fall almost two storys without injury in order to have not been seen. well me and this neighbir checked it out. We only found a few foot prints near the electric utility box in front which says high voltage. which just could have been a recent worker. i honestly started to have my hyper focus when i saw this humanoid. so i was in a dream like state. Also i could have moved faster if i was just by myself that night. lately a girl on social media said she saw the same kind of ninja. However she saw it actually appear then morph and vanish. She might have said it spoke so I guess these beings talk as well but it didnt happen in my case. ontop of all that a more real life like case happened when i was with a group. Which ran like a cult and i have post cult trauma as well. Anyway i heard someone when i was at the computer so i turned and i saw a figure behind me. i shrugged it off this time to. I turned again and they where no longer there. later on that month a incadent happened when i was with someone. I just heard the words seize the day. It turns out my room mate was said to be sneaking around. i dont know. Maybe i have a mark for shadow like beings and ninjas but these "ninja" cases where when i was awake. have you considerd that if you spot something like this it could be you in the future or in a different timeline? Or perhaps ninja beings are real even though that culture is gone. Thanks for reading and have a good one .

Please Tell us what you think below 

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse
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