Hello. You most likely noticed there is distractions to the public like carona, riots , and uneasy economy this year. Yes i would think there would be october surprise but this is not the main election for a new usa president. not only does it seem like order out of chaos that they most likely created but it seems like a cover up.
Well... a umbrella slogan is " we got you covered." So that struck a nerve. Perhaps it points to umbrella helping mastermind cover up. Maybe even helps replace people. Maybe the slogans are made up for a franchise when the project is different. Who knows. i just know umbrella has actions that are not of interest with the public. its more like they got the illuminati covered.
Just use your internal knowing to guide you in uncertain times. its a page from the christian play book but give it a shot. i have a connection to nature and the natural which has a celtic twist. however i never learned out doors or off grid stuff. Maybe i should change that. anyway have a good one.