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... I have noticed since @ 2012 . Now worse. In real x  , in even past recorded Videos , TV .... in back Space Technology ??

For What ? And for Anti Whos ??  For recreational entertainment ' of Anti Purpose , via Sra crimes further ?? 🤍

***  I ve seen this on TV constantly , My mobile on Videos , Phone Calls , Automated ' voice systems , pda systems ... With real ehp intent of the same anti ALLLL SouLs  , antis. Third entities are inside anothers Form engaged in motion , without their own Mind or Purpose , attacking and assaultz Imprinting ehp satanic ritualistic abuse ,  666  H  pizzagate Pain machine issue furthermore?? 🤍

Mockingly  , covertly overtly in full view , with Electrical LoveLight Children ' holding up the ehp  machinE ? By default  , or none  , droned ... ?? 🤍

Makes Me think of " Are our Friends Electric " by Gary Numan song , tell. Just pull the wires' out from { the E machine } walls ' ~ Nicely,  Midly 🤍

And wanting to gno , know they are more Ashkenazi  , than Nazis , and Not blacklisting People and Peeps like that .

Looks , rainy and wicked outside .

Rapture ~ Rapteur !  🤍🙏🩷🤍


And how are they able to do Telepathy ability ? Like Nazis. That the e mindz , are not of Flesh ( Kjv ) or Heart , FamiLy ~ To Care to Know anyway ... to Hear , See , what Isnt Theirs'!   🤍

Claraudiently I believe Im more in that particular way .

Where are The Karma Police , D s And Matrix Control ?

Please RESCUE ALLLL Children [ Especially Gods FamiLy ]  Born Freed  , Humanity ~ ALLLL FamiLy 🩷

Natures Space of Spaces , Resonance of PrincipLe of ALLLL Beings and Beingness ( Including Its ).

Existences of ALLLLL Existence , Is Gods🤍🩷

Respect Is The RuLe Of Law , Natures

Stay Safe

PeaceLoveJoy ALLLLWays


Last edited by CosmicDancer
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... And also the copy and pasting ... blocked,  with deaden field.  And the recent remix option on some Yts videos , to copy a few seconds of a video , was very frustrating to get the right sequence to take a specific simple screenshot in mid stream of a video .  Many x s paused out of sequence  ...mocky vibe , and always the same Id markers , archon , familiars.    🤍🙏

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