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not sure if this post is worth it but what if dreams are our real powers in some cases.

what about my dreams. im pretty much a telekinetic that can fly. my darker  dream combat alter has not figured it out but that is what it pretty much is.  the other thing is i have been a mimic. as in i took on powers with a thought. like the power of cyclops one moment and powers of spiderman the next. in real life that might translate into a magic user with a side of telekinesis. the thing is that would make me dangerous. not only could i mimic time travel but i could mimic the abilities of the best fighter and most powerful mutants if i believe it enough. i have yet to get in contact with my subconciousness but this is not reality for me so far. however i dont know where my personal work would lead. so yeah picture a scarlet with cross with the mimic. scarlet witch developed telekinesis and she learned her magical skills. then there is mimic who is someone who can mimic any power. his comic handy capped is powers are only half power. i would paste a link to the characters like the mimic but im note sure how to copy and past with a chromebook.

so yeah this is just a note exploring dreams and powers. mostly about if powers in our dreams are our acutal abilities. thanks for reading. your welcome to share any thoughts on powers and dream. maybe those worlds stay seperate but who knows. sorry if i wrote on this before.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Original Post

whats interesting is i found something about anubis the god of death and judegement. anubis was attached to the zodiac sign called libra. when in dreams i have seen hell hounds and i have wielded things like the darkforce/ umbrakinesis in my dreams. interesting how i can put that together. im sure anubis is one of the myths the projects would use in some way and even program milabs in a certain manner according to beliefs. just a educated guess with that but im not aware of any projects like that. i heard of project ibis but that is it.. thanks for reading this note.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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