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Tagged With "umbrella academy"


Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

eevie ·
All mind control agencies are malevolent alien created and controlled......Jesuits being just one of them. They are not on our side.

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

CosmicDancer ·
It seems like Everyone N Everything in Existence is infected , gmoed , white washed , hijacked , disinfranschised , duped | plagiarized , dubbed , mocked , h*t*d , bullied n abused , mind controled , slaved in attempts to disfigure , destroy n disfunct , exploit Us and the World too ! Targeted or by Proxy n as bystanders . By default too because so much spewage of . Its looking like its getting to the point where , You know the bartender isnt the same Bartender tending Bar anymore as before...

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
@eevie yes seems like orginizations like the jesuits are not our friends. Just so you know i may say the word friend as a friendly term. Especially for groups who may get judged or do wrong doing. When i dont really mean friend. You will know when i say friends or friend and mean it. Well for example i would say super soldier projects may have started with our german scientist friends from project paperclip. In that case i said friend because that nationality is usually judged when thats not...

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer your comments are a joy to read and can be somewhat entertaining. Your always welcome to comment on topics i write.

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

CosmicDancer ·
Jesuits are + 🤍 Christian Soldiers Souldiers Cosmic Universal Beings too frome Yahweh for God n Goddess ~ Truthers | TrutHers +❤ like Templars ( picked up from where they left off , kinda changing of the Gaurds .. ) . However in affiliation to the compromised Catholic Church n FreeMasons Purpose - Humanity . Antipathy towards the Predator (s) - For Love RuLes OnLy ! Maat - Respect Divine Law And Order And RuLe of ALL Laws Macro Universe ❣ Macro Universe affected because of e " n h " = p...

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Nate YPX Grey ·
some one with top secret said he looked on a lab computer and it said i was part of "Mutant X" or "Weapon X" I forgot which one his name was felton, then he changed his name to a muslim name and broke contact with me and Michael spinler. I cant ask him at the moment cause i dont know where he went

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey well i atleast found out that english speaking countries work together. So they most likely have a program in england that messes with friends . it would be interesting to know details from that person . Looks like i personally ran into aussies in dream time . unfortunetly i got stabbed in the back in that one and not sure if it was them who knifed me.

Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...

Covid 19 and umbrella coincidences

Eclipse ·
Here is a video someone put together on the covid and umbrella topic. I feel its my personal duty to share since it was pretty well done.

Entertainment by umbrella: nemesis vs cops

Eclipse ·
Hello unfortunately we have a whole country rioting. i personally understand order and having ones voice heard. however i remember when people simply watched movies instead of fighting police. So here is project nemesis vs a special police squad and also project alice vs project nemesis. Vs cops. Vs alice.

Umbrella thoughts: cover ups

Eclipse ·
Hello. You most likely noticed there is distractions to the public like carona, riots , and uneasy economy this year. Yes i would think there would be october surprise but this is not the main election for a new usa president. not only does it seem like order out of chaos that they most likely created but it seems like a cover up. Well... a umbrella slogan is " we got you covered." So that struck a nerve. Perhaps it points to umbrella helping mastermind cover up. Maybe even helps replace...

Was the black death released again? Smells like umbrella

Eclipse ·
Hello friends. Seems like china is a disease and possible nano a.i. testing ground. This time i ran into a video talking about a modern black death. You heard it here first. This new plaque ontop of covid is Possible thinking involving umbrella. Especially if it mutates. Not saying it will get out of control but in covid world it might. Here is the link.

my story: years of false memories/ time loops. is my soul under age 10?

Eclipse ·
hello friends of the community. my subject is awkward for me but i thought i would record it before i forget. well i have mentioned that i shifted timelines naturally . which is confusing for people by itself. right now i seem to be mostly in the super soldier timeline. however i discovered years of lost time and false memories. well in a way. the major change in the story was when i committed suicide cuz i was pissed off at life. notice how i didnt say attempted. fyi the story is used to...

Milab files: umbrella dreams, gang stalking, and project greenstar

Eclipse ·
hello. i will post this in the public section to help others. This is a two part post but i will attempt to keep it in a nutshell. part 1 dreams by umbrella : dreams may be more real then we think so i keep track. well i usually am a being who mimics powers in dreams or has something simple like weaponized umbra kinesis. Well in two dreams i fought monsters which looked more like fast zombies. These dreams smelled like the umbrella faction by intuition. in the first one i was security for a...

Factions explained: umbrella corporation

Eclipse ·
hello. I guess the milab and super soldier world has factions. such as monark, ultimate , kruger, shorline, ect. Well... One of them is umbrella. Its on the bad guy side and has been a heavy hitter. peter the insider feels umbrella had a hand in covid 19. one time i think he said in reality the full name is umbrella international corporation but dont quote me on that. anyway the best explanation of this faction is the resident evil intro. So i had to post it! P.s. : listen to what umbrella...

The ww2 soldier with an umbrella

Eclipse ·
Hello. I blame umbrellas as a minor trigger for this topic. There is a great channel who talks about interesting soldiers in history. this one us about a person who packs a umbrella and even wore a bowler hat in battle. Enjoy!

tony stark watch 2: so im cool with umbrella corp?

Eclipse ·
hello. I had a post mentioning i have a dream watch thats able to call friends. Like how batman would call afred and in my case a friend or tech lime a self driving car would get me. I mentioned how this can be a dream tool for you. Anyway im posting this because when i called umbrella corp private soldiers showed up. Complete with helicopters with weapons. turns out i was cool enough to me extracted. it would be interesting to claim umbrella but never spot a uniform. Well in this one i did.

Doodleing for memories

Eclipse ·
hello. This week i decided to do my first doodles even though they are going to be sloppy. Had to record possible memories anyway. this is a combination of milab, secret space program, umbrella , and dreams. Sometimes it seems like my imagenation. if you have a question about a doodle such as what it is then please ask. perhaps you can doodle to remember in your case. This post is for everyone but mostly for guests. Note: there was a girl stressing in the cafe but this one guy said this...

Umbrella clips: comercials, trainig, board room

Eclipse ·
factions are serious to me. However thought i would have fun posting some umbrella clips. from the zombie movie franchise resident evil but baaed on reality. advertisements: My fave: Recruitment: engineering : Biotech : Product:...

entertainment by umbrella: umbrella is real

Eclipse ·
When i research umbrella one of the things that come up is these videos. It shows you multiple things. Some are made up such as comic conventions. Others are odd things i cant explain. The main thing is this gave me a awkward sense about umbrella corp. It should because it looks like umbrella is a faction. Number 2) Number 3) Number 4) extra video

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Nate YPX Grey ·
I have heard about tech, but I never made it as an engineer into Department of Naval Intelligence. I missed a big opportunity

What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Eclipse ·
guess what? Umbrella finally came up with a force field that can actually contain you.... Just kidding friend! im interested in tech and in my case its a major clue leading to the secret space program. please tell us what kind of tech you remember? All projects are welcome.

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey hi nate. Well that would have been interesting. also im sure navel intelligence has or has knowledge of hidden tech. yeah i was wondering if you remember any interesting tech. Even though alot of us cant remember. Oh well. thanks for the reply.

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Nate YPX Grey ·
I know some it but its hard to remember anything because my memories have been altered and erased

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey it does seem like alot of members have mental blocks. Including me It happens 🤷 . i did think of how mental blocks can be a gift. Only example i have is how the mind can suppress a memory. i heard my brother had some. I just dont know where his comes from and not sure how bad my natural suppression is.

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer hi! Havnt seen you in a bit 🤔 thanks for the reply

Re: What kind of tech do you remember? all projects included.

CosmicDancer ·
Memories were blocked , and can be corrected back into place . I dont get Quantum Physics , they split you into fragments , and try to make you forget who you are , and pick out your fragmented Selves , Dissed .. , gmo,ed and then cross you , with Additionally infecting you with somebody's else making you worsen , causing Disfuncts and Disfigurements , Crimes Everywhere . Thats why Natural Procreation , Gods way is the onLy Way . No mk ultra .. , unless the real God needs it . Its so beyond...

covid 19 agenda: project rainbow moonlight on super soldier talk

Eclipse ·
greetings. this is about covid 19 aka rainbow moonlight by umbrella corporation. the info is via super soldier talk and this is the first video on the topic out of about 2. currently i hear there is indeed a mutation of covid 19 in Europe. have a good one and lets think positive. especially since we co create timelines with our consciousness.

my mk ultra timeline in a nutshell. according to my memory.

Eclipse ·
hello. i guess i owe the community my timeline. this is sort of practice for me in case i go public. i made a pact with the matrix as an entity. then i stepped in as an ancient hybrid in yet another avatar. a side effect is im also able to be an energy vampire but use my environment instead of others. when i gain energy i gain more vibration. when i gain vibration i change timelines. also changing myself, how i think, and possibly abilities. my soul was born and placed in ohio. it was an...

Re: my mk ultra timeline in a nutshell. according to my memory.

eevie ·
You described a lot that I have been thru, abilities and such. Only I was abused thru and with religion due to who I am and what I came here for which is true for every one of us in the programs. Yes the milab astral is stronger than ever. Wake up a lot lately with the erasure hangovers. Have you tried catching your smaller alters when they are triggered and incorporating them into your core? They are no longer alters once you do so giving you more control over your life. I feel I've done...

Re: my mk ultra timeline in a nutshell. according to my memory.

Eclipse ·
@eevie well i kind of got a taste of religious trauma. So i cant imagine what a real project would do. a side of me thinks being the fifth horseman is a cool thought. However i dont remember that kind of programming. Its nothing like your expiriences but i mentioned i was in a cult. Well it was actually a christian group but i dont mention that since i respect all kinds of faith. The group was in a cult news documentary called mind over mania. I posted a video about it. My family was...

Re: my mk ultra timeline in a nutshell. according to my memory.

Eclipse ·
@eevie thanks for the awesome reply. i can also see why your a valued friend in the super soldier community. Anyway i will look at work with alters and directing timelines with positivity. Im also looking to get out of my body at will when i seem to be locked in. I just know all is possible. Thanks again

Re: covid 19 agenda: project rainbow moonlight on super soldier talk

Eclipse ·
@Saoirse thanks for the great link. fist bumpz

Re: covid 19 agenda: project rainbow moonlight on super soldier talk

Saoirse ·
Thanks for posting this Super Soldier talk. I had not heard discussion with Peter previous to this. The Queen delivered a speech in April 2020. Discern for yourselves of her reference to rainbow symbology : Most symbols that were hijacked by mainstream, were purposefully corrupt so that the hive collective would associate them with something negative, rather than their authentic blueprint.

thrown for a loop by umbrella from rihanna

Eclipse ·
currently umbrella is a sensitive word for me. so you can say im confused/ non violent triggered by the video umbrella from Rihanna. like i was def apart of the elite group or something. not sure if i felt welcomed or feel some kind of way. check it out.

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
i will also tag @Holly Baglio and @eevie for their reading curiosity

is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
i had to write down my thought real quick as a researcher and your welcome to read. umbrella corporation in resident evil seems to be soft disclosure and umbrella corp seems to be far reaching. it makes sense if the secret space program runs into them. it makes sense if they build hidden tech. especially off world like the ssp. also they invented the multidimensional covid virus as well as very possibly the vaccine. which might be the beginning of earth cyborg by intelligent nano implants. i...

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

OleOle ·
I have no idea and have never heard of Umbrella Corp or Academy, etc. It does remind me of the ways that conglomorates are structured, like an umbrella with many sub-corporations 'hanging' from the main corporate entity at the top/centre. Which in turn reminds me of the umbrella that is used in the Citi/Citibank and Travelers Corp logos: I suppose...

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
there is a city in resident evil called raccoon. there might be a few raccoon cities in the USA. my native state is ohio. there happens to be a raccoon city in kentucky. if you don't know America its the southern neighbor of ohio. i wonder if they have a dumb! Raccoon, Kentucky - Wikipedia

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
i guess i will add more. i had dreams of an umbrella wristwatch that can call my friends. in recent dreams it the umbrella corp extracting me. it turns out there might be a wrist communicator in the ssp that shows location via the holographic interface. also you can talk into this wrist band. the leader of the landing crew is sure to have one of these. video calls to ? it would not surprise me. they have versions of dumbs or military bases that are possibly called hives but I'm not sure.

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
@OleOle hello again. this topic is actually on soft disclosure. in resident evil there is something called umbrella corporation. that corporation exists in some form. it a multidimensional corp and is a faction for groups like the secret space program. umbrella corp has a hand in the affairs of the world and has different kinds of super soldiers. umbrella academy is something different and is about a group of people gifted with super powers. so in this post I was wondering if there is a...

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey i just found something odd. its the new resident evil (umbrella corp) vampire character vs the hulk. well some claimed to be project hulk from umbrella. coincidence?

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

Eclipse ·
@OleOle thanks. um actually its images of umbrella logo or umbrellas that are awkward. rona bulletin net to an umbrella is an almost trigger. for me triggers are nonviolent memories. however, I would hate to be actually triggered. yet the only way I think that would happen is if I was assaulted. it would be scary and interesting to go from undertrained and not experienced to a one man unit. anyway yes it does look like a malta cross. you know who else has those? well it just hit me that the...

Re: is umbrella corp and the umbrella academy actually related ?

OleOle ·
Thanks for your detailed and informative replies, Eclipse, very much appreciated. I have been mulling over your comment in the quote box above and agree that it is interesting. It's also quite curious as I am not exactly sure why I joined this forum or what I thought I might find. I guess I am just happy to open myself to new opinions and perspectives, as from what I could see from the site (supersoldiertalk) there is a great deal of openness and from what I have read and listened to so far...

In current news: rona19 alters dna. possibly vax to.

Eclipse ·
what did they say on the news? yep it indeed looks like rona19 alters dna. also what do you think is in rona vaccine? It's at least the rona. this might have been Umbrella Corp in our reality. so I felt I should post. I'm not here to say whether or not you should take the vaccine but there is possibly nano tech in the vax. Which side altering of things like your dna. Don't forget to check out my post about project rainbow moonlight by umbrella with Peter the insider here is the news link. ...

zombies with implants: a type of engineered super solider

Eclipse ·
greetings readers. today i have an expanded idea about zombies. in movies zombies are pretty much made by a virus that keeps on spreading. some of us fight zombies in our dreams. I'm here at the moment to expand the idea of the zombie. it seems as if you may run into zombies if your in the secret space program. even if your just using them as practice. also umbrella corporation might be involved with a timeline that involves umbrella and zombies. then an insight came to me. zombies can be...

Re: zombies with implants: a type of engineered super solider

DataPoint ·
I think it will be definitely possible, but I don't see happening in this timeline. If you look what is happening with artifficial intelligence and wireless technology, it is a not far fetched idea at all. Few years ago I read that there is some kind of worm in forces which can actually make ordinary man acts as zombie. So yeah, there are natural biological systems that can do this, as well it can be mimicked with engineering. Many different ways.

Re: zombies with implants: a type of engineered super solider

Eclipse ·
@DataPoint yeah zombies most likely will not happen in this earth timeline. you gotta be put in the ssp to even have the chance of seeing a zombie of any kind. i will even add that there is the black eye club i think its called. a worm from a reptilian comes out and goes into the humans eye. then the human gets controlled somehow. i think the species is vril. i will say that i learned about it when alex jones had odd black left eye. then i noticed it happens to all kinds of people in power...

Re: zombies with implants: a type of engineered super solider

DataPoint ·
Here are the screenshots: On first image is the mechanical system for inserting the implant, which is possible with new technology but through nasal cavity and ears. The second one is kinda like some alien(maybe Reptillian?) And the third one is interesting because it has the all seeing eye inside the pyramid, which is there all the time throughout the game. Also maybe it could be the reference with the skull about human experimentation happening all over the world to aware and unwitting...

Re: zombies with implants: a type of engineered super solider

DataPoint ·
That's pretty nasty. I heard about that, however I heard that they get black eye because during the process of initiation they get punched, thus getting black eye stuff. Regarding the worm stuff, what you mentioned reminds me of a video game called Dark Seed. The guy has nightmares. An inside dream he gets implanted between his eyes. The art for game did H.R. Giger. Pretty amazing but satanic stuff. I will try to find screenshots and post it here. If that stuff in the game is real, then were...