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Tagged With "winter soldier"


Failed Attempt of Abduction...

Zozo ·
Hello good people, I will tell you about one of many attempts to abduct me.The reality is not so great,they abducted me through all my life,almost every night.Among other things,Im an empath,extremely sensitive in all senses.I just remembered,that I never wrote what I really am,in their tests,in school.I always make few mistakes,just to be "under their treshold "so that they dont notice me,but all that was in vain...Bastards did whatever they wanted with me... I need to show them,how it...

unusual abilities: lets talk invisability/ tell us what yours is

Eclipse ·
hello readers. I feel I should visit the subject of usual abilities. this is real life so there is a wide range of every day abilities in general and also depending who you ask. today I will talk about invisibility. I guess in native American culture they had a teaching of invisibility. this is more of a mind trick tactic. so legends of native Americans sneaking around with signals ( perhaps bird noises can be made) to each other and also decent fighters due to faith and confidence seem to...

Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...


SKAY78 ·
Implants 101 ... article from 2000. Also she has some really excellent interviews on You Tube, brilliant lady! MICROCHIP IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, AND CYBERNETICS By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland December 6, 2000 When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted...

The Future Vampire Deception and More than One Proto-Type of Adam

Erol Asya ·
To all reading now, sorry this one is lengthy. I tell you this because many beliefs and religious systems have evolved to a point for a reason. The Vampires have been the gods all along and there was a time there was an open relationship between the...

Vampires Defined

Erol Asya ·
Breezy For some reason this system doesn't let me reply to posts so had to make this one to reply LOL Vampires in real definition is a human being possessed by Insects. The Nature of the insect or where it comes from perhaps is a matter of...

interview with james rink

Nate YPX Grey ·


Nate YPX Grey ·
MK-Ultra, DID, Milab, Monarch Super Soldier, Targeted Individual, Ritual Abuse's Questionnaire This list is not an absolute means of determining if you have had an experience and there may be many other explanations for these occurrences. If many of these questions apply to you, please see a qualified researcher or therapist. No name is necessary; this is an anonymous questionnaire. You may however email i f you desire more information. Have you seen aliens and military...

Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

Nate YPX Grey · Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

The Max Spiers Murder

Global Agenda ·
Super Soldier Max Spiers was murdered on July 16th, 2016 while in Poland doing an interview series with YouTube Channel PorozmawiajmyTV. Max was found with no vital signs lying on a couch at the residence he was staying at during his visit to Poland. Spiers, aside from being a Super Soldier was also a government and New World Order Whistle Blower. A few days before his untimely death he sent his mother (Vanessa Bates 63, an English Teacher) a text message saying: “If anything happens to me,...

The Murder of Iceland's Birna Brjansdottir: A Targeted Individuals Nightmare and Max Spiers Update

Global Agenda ·
I am presently putting together a new video (my third) on the death of Max Spiers. I have been interviewing and talking to people within the Super Soldier and Targeted Individual community. One of my contacts named 'Angela' has been a 'targeted individual' for several years. She has a very interesting story about her husband being implanted several times in the past. Angela also has two daughters and she has privately shared some pretty vivid dreams with me in the past three months that have...

Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
Hi, my name is Ylona I'm from the Netherlands. Peter Berger told me, I'm a runner at Kruger and a runner/ESP trainer at Ultimate. I'm a targeted individual, consciously for about 1/2 a year now. Lots of shit has been happening in my life...Our life. And I was wondering if other people have the same kind of cruel events happening in their lives. Before I found out being a super soldier I have had many love bites, but I survived all that. I got into a relationship with the love of my life in...

Frequency numbers and Super soldier Clones

Ylona/Elsa ·
FREQUENCY NUMBERS and ROLES: (1) Healer - ovary tissue taken for Healing (2) Healer - brain tissue taken for Healing (3) Emphatic - used for MK ULTRA (4) Laborer in Galactic City (5) Teacher of Humanity in Galactic City (6) Warrior training - MK ultra (7) Breeder - sample taken for healing - Care of children -Emphatic (8) High energy feeding of entities (9) Care of children in Galactic City (10) Building repairs in Galactic City (11) Trained for Combat - hand to hand (12) Combat - hand to...

Re: Felton Maise

Nate YPX Grey ·
"Felton is my trainer. One of many . We served together often. But one instance was in afghanistan and he was not in alter. He was tenth mountain. And I was being used. He saw me there. And found me years later. I had remembered afghanistan with a afro american soldier and two white dudes in a hum v trying to transport a lady through afghanistan. I've met two of these 3 men. One is no longer among the living." -Michael Spinler

Re: Felton Maise

whitelion342 ·
What are the Super Soldier categories, is there such a thing called gen x ? total leaving of body at will and take over others and then come back, don't need to jump time , manipulation of time etc..just curious

Re: Felton Maise

whitelion342 ·
Tis funny that you mention that ,I thought it had something to do with age or year when the programs started. I know that there was a super soldier program initiation in the 70's as many of us I think were known as the generation x, so the comic industry started using the -x-men as some marker, programming hybrid soldiers...or it might have been announced, I'm not sure. I remember while in primary school, we were groomed with visitations by doctors in white lab coats, that came to do tests...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
Indeed, I make orgonite for friends, facebook friends and their families. I think we need a lot of positive Chi energy on the planet, to ruin their low vibration agenda's and their global GSM/WIFI grid. When orgonite is made properly with good Crystals and lots of Quartzsand and Selenite clippings it can filter the negative energies much more sufficient, than the ones who are almost fully filled with metal or copper parts. People need to try this, it helps a great deal. And the Toroidal...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
I have had several dreams myself, but also my husband and other Dutch super soldier friends have had dreams, about me being a Runner/ESP trainer. Beside the fact I did a ESP test online once, and had a pretty high score... What made me wonder. The fact that I was a lot taller than my dad, in the dream with my dad is also a big indication something Peter told me must be right, I had the dream 8 years ago, while I was pregnant and very clearvoyant at that time. And he told me I am longer dan 6...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

ArlichKaminski ·
Hello Ylona, My name is Anthony. I can honestly say it is nice to meet you. I have wanted to connect with other super soldiers for quite some time now and that has led me to this forum. I have been talking to peter for about 4 months now on and off getting what information I can from my melba file. Peter told me that I am a manager of Kruger Runners. I have done 4138 missions for Kruger. I am also infiltrated into Monarch, I have done 1324 missions infiltrated into monarch for Kruger. I have...

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Ylona/Elsa ·
Hi Anthony, I am certain, we'll make the difference my dear friend! We all have good hearts and we will be able to make a forcefield as a group of good energy they the "rulers" just can't deny... And they know we're not the ones to mess with. They already know they lost... Just don't want to accept it I guess... That's why they targeted us, me and Kim my twinflame husband so severe I guess. I found you on facebook, I invited you there, glad to finally meet another colleague, I found a lot of...

Re: The Murder of Iceland's Birna Brjansdottir: A Targeted Individuals Nightmare and Max Spiers Update

Global Agenda ·
Mrs. M, nice to see you are in a good place. The Super Soldier Forum is an excellent sharing website for those of us who believe in government controlled mind control and manipulation. Peace and Love. Mark @GlobalAgenda

Re: video of mysterious orbs

Angela ·
I found this forum after I had contacted James Rink about a dream I had had, where I had drunk a green drink given to me and my sister and my two cousins when I was 15yrs. We are physically linked. I wasn't ready emotionally to admit to anyone what I could be. Our family was being persecuted remorselessly. From the research I have been doing over the last few years I have found out that TPTB must have known I was coming, as they attached Generational demons to the bloodlines. I have two Thor...

Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is david Rockefeller after his RNA sequencing, they basically enhanced him. He is now taller and stronger than before. this is much more sophisticated than steroids. its like captain americas super soldier serum

Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Misses LDR ·
For such a rich guy he puts water into an old gatorade bottle. Seriously? Buy a new bottle of water, the money looks like it circulates back to you anyway lol. Hell is he in a public gym? You'd think he would have a home gym. Yeah man you could do a lot better and you just sit on the money, release it to the world if you aren't going to spend it and recycle gatorade bottles. Sorry but to be so powerful he really needs some management to help him fit his reputation. Al Capone looked more ...

Re: Pizzagate is not Fake

Ms. Marvell ·
Thanks for sharing this great info! I believe that it is real... got this feeling in my gut- Take a look at Cathy O'Brien. She was not a super soldier, she was used as a presidential prostitute and someone who delivered messages to other heads of state with her programmed and separated mental compartments. Her story is fully documented. She has been deprogrammed and remembers everything she did. She and her husband (who was the one who rescued her in 1988) recorded all of her events, wrote...

Re: Hey all, I'm new here!

Nate YPX Grey ·
Welcome to Super Soldier Forum! please check out as well! my article on max is there

Super soldier/ninja caught on my block

Eclipse ·
Hello. my phone mysteriously quit my browser when i was writing this. I will try again. So... i was driving home and when i was about to turn into the building driveway i spotted a crouched pitch black figure that had a masculine vibe and i could see their eyes. which made them look like a ninja. I just thought it was curious instead of being spooked. I had to turn a corner to park the car and when i did a neighbor was there. he said he was in the garage and he heard someone on the other...

Re: Boom!!!

Eclipse ·
@chris well i can tell you that intergalactic counsels exsist in a way. Maybe not as much in your timeline but it does. pleiadians and andromedans have interest in this system so yes they would be fighting. the one bully on the block seems to be reptilians as a whole. Even though it looks like they can have independent thought they do stuff like follow orders in their draconian system. On a side note reptilians where the first time i comprehended supersoldiers. I also felt the kind of armor...

Re: Boom!!!

Eclipse ·
@eevie so i had umbrella synchronicity in 24 hours alot more then once. its to the point of possible triggers. here is the list: 1) i was finishing up resident evil and the anti virus free trial popped up. Odd but expected just by itself. 2) there was a rolls royce in resident evil. Well i posted an awakening car commercial from rolls royce. i had a nose bleed after a day after the awakening like my etheric implants where tickled. Then it got odd . 3) i was looking at a catalog and i seen a...

World events: hidden king, riots, covid attacking vaccine, royals vacating

Eclipse ·
Here is a intelligent guy talking about recent events which where mostly taking place this year. he is attempting to put it all together like i would. He doesnt seem to be super soldier but consider what he us saying. What do you think?

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

Eclipse ·
Thanks for the reply. Not sure why you feel im a " fire pov" but im a air sign in the zodiac. I may actually clash with fire sign. However i bring the strong suit of understanding so i can get along with a bunch of peeps. Actually i was attached to a Sagittarius in my family as well. Sign fortune telling may be crap but people still show traits of their sign. Like personality. so you have a monark side or mark. I knew something was up. well mk ultra mind control is one thing that seems to be...

Re: milab accident: i chewed out a cop. Case study.

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey thanks for the comment nate. i wrote that post shortly after so it may make some readers a little confused but i will say yes its great that nothing too unusual happened. thats why i was thinking what might happen to someone like a trained super soldier with triggers or developed mutants. so i mentioned it in the post. the only thing acceptable to me is if teleporting happened. it would have been funny to have a cop see me accidently teleport down the street. hehe. actually i...

Re: questionare

Eclipse ·
hi. i dont think this is very solid for some of us. my answers are very esoteric. such as ansering with dreams. possible ptsd and odd body jolts like im paranoid. any possible gang stalking is excused for other things like keep getting calls asking for someone i dont know,or police in my town questioning me when im walking down the street, or a car out of place in my building parking lot. any millitary equipment seen is in passing. such as waving to soldier convoys as a kid while on a road...

Black goo by sarah rachel adams

Eclipse ·
Hi. One of the more interesting interviews i seen. also the black goo videos that are kept up on youtube dont really say much. So decided to post this. This person happens to be on the spiritual side . so i will say this is the world according to this person . just as a simple disclaimer

my story: years of false memories/ time loops. is my soul under age 10?

Eclipse ·
hello friends of the community. my subject is awkward for me but i thought i would record it before i forget. well i have mentioned that i shifted timelines naturally . which is confusing for people by itself. right now i seem to be mostly in the super soldier timeline. however i discovered years of lost time and false memories. well in a way. the major change in the story was when i committed suicide cuz i was pissed off at life. notice how i didnt say attempted. fyi the story is used to...

Re: Further , Believe it ( even though Unbelievable ) Accounts mentioned in My last Post ~ Thread ( Museum ' ) and most recent comments regarding Massive Take Overs of many Neighborhoods ( I Witnessed ) , Public Service Businesses and Institutions .. + 🤍 🌌

Eclipse ·
Hi. Keep posting what you feel. Sometimes it takes a bad feeling to think there is something going on instead of just using logic. Which people like i get. Actually one has to watch a bunch of videos on umbrella to thin something is up. in cases where you need to use intuition it may be a decent thing to have multiple points to bring it together . im just sticking up for certain posts that seem esoteric. Im sure a few will be posted by myself as well. Anyway carry on super soldier.

Re: bases: weapon X north America. possible locations?

Nate YPX Grey ·
a soldier named Felton looked me up in a military computer lab and it said "weapon x" or "mutant x" I forgot. I think it was weapon x. I lost contact with felton, but I made an article about him on the forum if you want to search for it. I had his permission to make the article about him. I was unaware that it said I was part of that.

Note to users: your possible activation / mutation ?

Eclipse ·
Hello friends. This post is for all who reads articles on this site. Times are changing. Im mostly a astral milab and recently i been having soldier dreams. so at this time im more of an assault specialist and with weapons instead of mimicking powers. Well last night i had a dream where i was called into service. Like recruited/deployed and had to go somewhere. Then i hear things like possible mutation of super soldiers by covid. Im not gonna talk about vaccines but they have covid in it and...

Factions explained: umbrella corporation

Eclipse ·
hello. I guess the milab and super soldier world has factions. such as monark, ultimate , kruger, shorline, ect. Well... One of them is umbrella. Its on the bad guy side and has been a heavy hitter. peter the insider feels umbrella had a hand in covid 19. one time i think he said in reality the full name is umbrella international corporation but dont quote me on that. anyway the best explanation of this faction is the resident evil intro. So i had to post it! P.s. : listen to what umbrella...

Phantom ships: flying dutchman

Eclipse ·
hello. Yes this is the super soldier forum which seems to be dedicated to beings and inside knowledge but i thought i would post something about a odd navy/pirate ship. I found the legend of the flying dutchman. if it rings a bell when your a land lover like myself, i will say it was in disney films. Have a good one. Here is the link

The ww2 soldier with an umbrella

Eclipse ·
Hello. I blame umbrellas as a minor trigger for this topic. There is a great channel who talks about interesting soldiers in history. this one us about a person who packs a umbrella and even wore a bowler hat in battle. Enjoy!

Re: my 20 year and back investigation: kids living in the county building!

Eclipse ·
comments for everyone: 1) since i was given a teddy bear when i was with the state i found a article talking about mk ultra tactics. I cant post the link because it may be triggering. so i will copy and past key things. "Young mind control victims are often given Teddy Bears by their handlers to make them develop an emotional attachment to them. This attachment is then exploited by the handlers to create emotional trauma." "The symbol of a teared up teddy bear sometimes utilized by mass...

Re: Music video: science, cymatics, and vibration

Eclipse ·
@Holly Baglio just want to say thanks for your reply. Im able to talk about the matrix and frequency as well but i dont bring it up usually. beings seem to handle things with substance better. since esoteric things can make people trip. I even had to meditate on the eternal void for attempted self training. i might have went to fellowships of the spirit school if it was in the cards but i just have a multi faith card since i was just looking to do readings or healing modality. now its just a...

Doodleing for memories

Eclipse ·
hello. This week i decided to do my first doodles even though they are going to be sloppy. Had to record possible memories anyway. this is a combination of milab, secret space program, umbrella , and dreams. Sometimes it seems like my imagenation. if you have a question about a doodle such as what it is then please ask. perhaps you can doodle to remember in your case. This post is for everyone but mostly for guests. Note: there was a girl stressing in the cafe but this one guy said this...

Re: Nano tech

Stormm ·
Yup! Those look like my "Martians", back in 1958. And I'm not surprised they erased your memories of such. The very next day, Dr. George Estabrooks (established MKULTRA Hypnotist) had me and my parents believing the whole incident was just the vivid imagination of a child prodigy. I couldn't deny I had one, and until I saw the implant on an MRI almost 60 years later: I'd have never believed it. On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:08 AM Super Soldier Forum < > wrote:

Re: prior video that was posted is no longer available

Eclipse ·
@Saoirse thanks for the reply mm. perhaps we are indeed past disclosure. that is so uncool because of a possible orwellian future. In my humble opinion disclosure might be the alien boot on a human face. they have boots if a et soldier class used armor like i possibly recall.i think it was johan fritz who pointed out super soldiers might be called to duty if some et does a full invasion. reptilians arnt all bad but i expect them to be the first if invasion involves human lives as a treasure...

Re: Nano tech

Eclipse ·
yeah seems like ultras have very little fear if any. i mean all flavors if ultra and super soldier. as far as hackers i dont expect anything out of revenge because i dont see ongoing drama like starseed websites. i dont blame them if tracking operations is mostly at a distance or video removal. Anything in the face might be problematic for them and for various reasons

Are you being activated or put back into service?

Eclipse ·
Hello. Recently i heard a super soldier mention they feel like the programs want them back in service. well we are in interesting times. If this is you maybe talk to a friend about it? Of course there is turning to your diety. Im not sure about other cases. Like astral milab or secret space program. It would be interesting to hear if some are mutating in some way. Like abilities in dreams become real life. Will they get back physical ssp soldiers? In my case i wont mind if someone nocks on...

Hydra tribute: hail hydra! Just venting.

Eclipse ·
Hello. im not sure how real it was but last night they gave me a blue serum in a dream. They chose my right arm as the location. one of 3 pharma shot sites total via dream this week. Not sure if its milab abduction in astral or even physical. Then today i was in line to redeem my coinstar and i heard winter soldier whispered. Wasnt sure if it was aimed at me or if it even was voice to skull tech. it hit a nerve but not triggered enough to harm. i was even interested in things such as hydra...

Milab studys: possible covid sympyoms. Is covid a hoax?

Eclipse ·
Hello. This is a confession that i have covid symptoms. Is it a hoax? Well peter the insider said its project rainbow moon light by umbrella. its a cross of nano tech and pathogens. Kind of makes sense with what i know. A.i. and humans is a odd thought. Also if i was physically in the secret space program there is a change i have black goo. Which i hear is kind of like living artificial intelligence. Interesting. Ever since sept 29 2020 i have been having dreams of pharma shots. Three of...