Thanks for the reply. Not sure why you feel im a " fire pov" but im a air sign in the zodiac. I may actually clash with fire sign. However i bring the strong suit of understanding so i can get along with a bunch of peeps. Actually i was attached to a Sagittarius in my family as well. Sign fortune telling may be crap but people still show traits of their sign. Like personality. so you have a monark side or mark. I knew something was up. well mk ultra mind control is one thing that seems to be in common with programs. i say esoteric mk ultra because i was not in physical mk ultra programs and i doubt i have physical hardware other then nano tech from vaccine available before the 90s. my program shows up when im more out of body. so yes they stole people from the public but then they mess with the public in non physical ways. in my case i think i have non physical implants and my parent project was umbrella. i have no documentation so its another reason why i say esoteric milab/ mk ultra. anyway there is still no love in mk ultra and milab training. Unless its love bomb during training. i do understand terms like muse, sage, etc. I can see how your screen name fits. I was from the starseed community. Thats when i thought of eclipse. I have yet to think of my own super soldier nick name that fits. reminds me of xmen animated series. There was a girl in it that noticed everyone had a cool name accept her. See was just like ... im jubilee and i can blow stuff up.🤷
Is that how ( fire ' ) " , " fire " showed up on Your interface . That fire word was shown on my spelling bar as I was writing n I took it as a suggestion . Didnt really think of it as in Astrological reference . However I used to study mostly Vedic and attempted Chinese 108 Star ( cant read Chinese though ) ) .. , basic Tropical , ..
We ALL basically have , had those Astral Implant thingys , I knew about in the 1980s when , new aging roaming as a Christian Value/Quality Person .. in amnesia .
My Pen Name here is from a TRex song , covered by Morrissey and Bowie too " .... I was Dancing out of the Womb "
Meaning Olde +❤
Yes seems like everyone in this community seems to have implants. im still not sure what you mean about fire 🔥...Sorry. i checked my profile about the fire reference but there is none. Well The red and white pic is for umbrella. it can kind of resembles a flower depending on how you view it. I moved the umbrella logo to my profile pics. Unfortunately im not sure what the reference is so i dont know what my reply about that is.
I wouldnt put weight into the fire reference , it was offered as a suggestion on the spelling bar ( I dont know if Your interface is showing that I texted that ) n I used it Gnostically n commonly ' - as in maybe an aggressive type of disposition n or energy of mind , that generally would be around here on SSF as well , a 2 sec flashing of whether it was Appropriate(d) here in quick talk n Naturally on SSF .
Dont tell me its a trigger meh n teh ??Actually the fire ' , the word and one top right single parentheses is on the Original Comment . When You commented back You had put double parentheses on both sides . Thats how I saw it texted on this side .
So I dont know , worries , there are too many crazy things to mention about , I Dont want , need or require anymore than anyway for sure Fin
I want Love Humanity Anchored In Continuum
+ 🤍
Sure. Now i see. I just said i dont know what you mean by fire pov. I use quotes when im speaking in english or studying computer code since im a tech student. Same with most people here. Fire is not a trigger for me but a house fire happened so i got adopted. it was added to my trauma and perhaps training. Im someone who is a mix in personality. Im scorpio moon sign when those have a so called sting thats surprising. o neg blood type. Plus milab. my recent training includes astral sparring with beings who are known to not be that nice. Just to name a few things. Some beings have far to go with healing. Sorry if you think i have an aggressive personality at this point. mostly because i didnt even officially go off yet and im not looking to do so.
Thats so funny I usually say one single top quotation when describing that , Daily ( recorded ) . N I decided to use parentheses instead , thinking that , ( I usually use the word quotation and glyph to describe that ) . N Im going to use it Anyway .... going to look it up , because of curiosity * n I can change it , n also I can Psyops at the same time ! I looked up parentheses this Morning ( recorded ) right just before checking in ( which I prob leave para ' now , because obviously Not worth it when the focus isnt in the Right Place , technocratically Anyways . Also because I dont feel like it ! Freedom Choice means No ehp s machine world ' dictating otherwise . Let it stand out as a Message either way . Now with last nights intention and Purpose +💟
Moral of the Story , Egomaniacal whatsoever isnt working as hombre . " Covert Hostility " in any way , isnt ever Fashionable , especially Nowadays , End Time . Life is too Precious for ALL that work , to prove Your a Lie , Liar , Pretender that signed up to be a h*** Imprint as finite last statement , isnt worth while ever to in the same Galaxy even , or At this Juncture , Macro Universe ! It Most definitely Not a Blessing to be Around . Its extremely apparent its Not an Okay standard Everywhere ! Not a Game .
And Im Not to be cued n banked off of that way too. with More caustic ripple affects . Your obvious ill intentions are Not Welcomed . And I want ALL Fs to back off from Me ~ Humanity ForverInfinity, NO GMO Ever !
Life isnt about conceited grotesque hatetors , that are trying to prove that hell Universe making is a Prerogative , Option , Lifestyle Choice , Mission or Platform . WoW thats a audacious statement here , even now . Whao !
Im Not here to get My a** kicked ' and DisRespected either !
I believe Your Life Mission ' as last statement covert | overt attempt here to do as MF MH isnt Your Right to Imprint that on Me , its Criminal Cosmically FYI-ING !
I Am A Homemaker and You are obviously Not a Homie !
Everywhere I look Its Disrespect form/formula in Blackflubs n flips in grey scale ( illustrated in this thread ) as a FormulanAction that isnt Sweet Trut and Im just sick of the F*GGITORY !
And sorry You decided to do a bad agenda against a friendly conversation ". * And If You insist on saying I called You Aggressive and focuing n pointing that Out reiterated as continued trend of covert| overt antagonitist focus Isnt warranted with Me . Your picking on The Wrong Dame , Anyone , AnyBody , Anything shouldnt be with that , unless its Karma .
Its Not of Modern Society Civilization or Primordial , also in now Contemporary today to go out of Your way to be rude . Especially to Feminine Principle POV on This Planet as Well and WeLLer . And I told You who I Am on SSF on Boom Thread in case You werent further Informed and didnt Know or Gno the Basics basically . Everything wrong occurring Nowadays is because , = hate toward Love !
I wont serve F " , that would be anti - Nature and Not of Coin + 🤍
I Am Disappointed and Disengaging from those POVs . Its Not Acceptable any further than what has occurred , Up in the Sky you Guys ' Everywhere of the ehp imprinting , the nerve to YourSelves - InKarmaed Verbatim 7xs ( , 7+ ) Like it says in the Bible . Maybe then You would in apologizing Mode , to YourSelves !
No gmo/jezebels n jezos , its Not Okay standard ' Ever , Insanity !
DuBouzet +
@CosmicDancer You are really triggered or something my friend. i sit here chill and observing while you talk like that. As far as my reply to aggressive personality... i was just explaining that you perhaps labeled me incorrectly and i simply said people are a mix of personality. Maybe you meant to say a passionate personality. Instead of aggressive. i personally dont have an aggressive nature but have a side that gets annoyed like alot of people have. Which is human. maybe i should not have tried to back up your post and get your back. Which i attempted to do from the start. So I should have been neutral instead. Like my soul aims to do. So i say again ... Sorry that you think i have an aggressive personality. Now im sorry for the misunderstanding. Also sorry i even replied since it looks like being neutral is the best here and on social media. You said " your messing with the wrong person " so i tend to take that as a mild threat. i will just say im not easy to be taken out . as in its just my nature. no matter how bad ass the person the universe just tends to shut the door on them if they attempt to do me in or put me in hospital. Especially from astral. So good luck. My soul even faced a description of the astral lady death strike. so its even hard to use fear against me in astral. Just Take that as a grain of salt because i will say that to anyone here whether its a misunderstanding or not . People are welcomed to their opinion and if you really think i had ill intentions the whole time i replied then ask nate what he think or any admin that happens to be on here. I will make a not that i should make my text posts bare bones from now on so others are not triggerd. Thats simply because i dont understand triggers in physical life. Your still welcome to comment on my posts if you simply chill. i just know you where welcomed with me because in thought you had a cool and interesting personality. anyway i dont know about you but im looking to get some restaurant food since im out of lockdown 😊 but i dont know where to go. 😒 see you around.
@eevie posted:Love is a living being/entity. Not all this. Love is degraded by things......material things. What you have posted is actually therapeutic activities which are great......but they aren't love.
I met love in an oob. I tried to find something to give love as a gift. Everything I found that was beautiful, worthy I thought of love, turned to ashes in my hands. See what I'm saying? Love is not a thing or something you simply IS. I've been where you are. You are trying. ❤find the being that is love, no preconceptions. Just be open. This helps heal our painful experiences. Everyone on this forum knows of what I speak when I mention pain.
Truth is love is in war and war is in love.
America is a Looney bin being run by the inmates at the moment. We can't escape it. It's every where we turn, all media. It threatens our very way of life. It's not about race.....these poor ppl don't realize they are being used as tools to further an agenda. Love won't solve these problems......but a healthy dose of truth will.
I'm not attempting to take away from your trying to help. I do this in the being of love.
For what it's worth........humans can't solve world problems. Only those from off planet have that ability. We are supposed to work only on ourselves. This is what they said.
Thank You.All true and most important thing is,Love.Great stuff,lets all heal and focus on LOVE.Pain,we all know,just like you said,but love?Not all of us have experienced,true,marvelous,wonderful LOVE.Feeling that is bigger than life and all worldly problems.Love is the SOLUTION.
Only LOVE can Heal us all.