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@Saoirse posted:

With the exception of a polite and telepathic Mantid being, I did not enjoy my encounters with the variety of aliens that I DO recall. Namely, the bastards with the black eyes who got their jollies by drugging me with a handful of various pills, keeping me in a small room, and expecting me sit in the chair all day (tricked into thinking they were medical professionals)!  The pills didn't seem to do anything, and I suspected not so legit when they would get agitated when I got up from the chair to walk around, and didn't want to let me use the bathroom (but I snuck out to use it anyway). I had an appointment there for what I expected would be a simple treatment. by the time they were through with me, I was the only patient left . They kept me there from early in the morning until night. They were pure evil, and I was confused about what they were doing at the time.  After about 20 hours in that small room with that chair (it was similar to a dentist chair), where the female assistant zapped my face with electrical impulses. 

Dr. Steven Greer (whom I'd listen to more, if he'd only stop spending 75% of his talks bragging about whom he briefed on these things and actually just told us straight) insists that SOME of the crafts (with steel & rivets showing) are "ours" and SOME of the "aliens" are cleverly made up spooks doing their own "human experimentations".  I know for a personal fact that they DO illegal human experiments ALL of their history, even without fake spaceships, so it still makes a certain degree of sense to me.  It also helps them confuse the REAL ET issues with their subtrefuge, which has always been a hallmark of their disinformation campaign, even today with false "whistleblowers".


@Eclipse posted:

thanks @Saoirse. You know whats odd you guys? Alot of my possible ssp memories happen to be about tech. speaking of alien intelligence..  i feel greys might have a hive mind when i dont remember one. Maybe another memory. Not saying they cant be individuals. 

Indeed, there are testimonials of SOME of these grays DO possess some of their own "individuality", and there are even factions of the "unfriendly grays" that are known to work AGAINST the others and FOR our benefits.  They too are experiencing an "awakening", and they also SO have a "hive mind".  Their telepathy and empathy accentuates that about them, but they still perceive on an individual scale as well.  I believe we, ourselves will experience something not quite the same, but yet very similar as we develop our own telepathic/empathetic abilities.  It's easier to connect to the "whole", and impossible to lie to anyone, but then, truly evolved humans have no real need to lie.  The truth serves us all best.

@Nate YPX Grey there may be eyes on the site in general but deleted contend is def odd. if it wasnt you or storm. I got everyone's backs the best i can. maybe you can investigate it since you know computers? Not sure about exactly what training and software you have though. Reply not needed. Just saying. 

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

some how john stormm's @Stormm post has dissapeared?  I am the only moderator and I didnt remove it.  This is really bazzar, unless he removed it himself that means a third party deleted john stormm's post. 

Not me at all!  I've known for years that MOST of the information I spread can get people killed, or me killed for doing it.  But I work for 4-5 hours EVERY day, getting ALL of that information into SO many public hands, they'd have to kill the planet to keep their dirty secrets.  I used to have my own website ( but the Feds took that down on us, and from there, I moved to nearly every social platform I could reach and posted more and more, with pictures, names, dates, places, over and over again.  For me:  It's a lifelong WAR, and I'm in it, to win it.  Even if I had to do it all by myself.  THAT is what they made when they created ULTRAs.  But I am ecstatically relieved that more & more people are researching and also posting massive truth across the Internet.  You make this war very win-able!


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  • OutlawStormm

yeah seems like ultras have very little fear if any. i mean all flavors if ultra and super soldier. as far as hackers i dont expect anything out of revenge because i dont see ongoing drama like starseed websites. i dont blame them if tracking operations is mostly at a distance or video removal. Anything in the face might be problematic for them and for various reasons

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

@Stormm posted:

Not me at all!  I've known for years that MOST of the information I spread can get people killed, or me killed for doing it.  But I work for 4-5 hours EVERY day, getting ALL of that information into SO many public hands, they'd have to kill the planet to keep their dirty secrets.  I used to have my own website ( but the Feds took that down on us, and from there, I moved to nearly every social platform I could reach and posted more and more, with pictures, names, dates, places, over and over again.  For me:  It's a lifelong WAR, and I'm in it, to win it.  Even if I had to do it all by myself.  THAT is what they made when they created ULTRAs.  But I am ecstatically relieved that more & more people are researching and also posting massive truth across the Internet.  You make this war very win-able!

You are a true hero Master @Stormm! Our only option is to win this... I'm with you!

Hi everyone. Just going to record something since i might be on topic. Someone in dream time snuck up and stuck me in the back with a small needle with a shot. On the upper back and either on the spine or slightly right. i wonder how real it was. I said what did you do ?!    Anyway im fighting off a interesting health bug or something but i dont think it was to heal the symptoms.  

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

Last edited by Eclipse

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