Tagged With "Sean David Morton"
Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder
Hmm you dreamed about the virus? i payed attention to the virus right after the day i felt playing the umbrella them song and looking them up on youtube :/ and i didnt get a good feeling about either. So far i have no other evidence about being with umbrella .However in the movie the T virus was supposed to help with age regeneration and helping the sick in a way. Guess what ability wolverine has? Like i said the wolverine image was with me for years . maybe teeth still crumble without...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
To Black Widow and LongTimeMilab. Hi, been wanting to reply and also want to confirm and validate some things, with an *, if you or anyone else knows? *Is Draco from Archangel Gabriels' Soul Lineage, Nordic?? Me too, I'm Christian. I want to buy so many crystals, gems and stones but I keep thinking it's not Christian. It says in scripture, not to use stones and that evil spirits can dwell in them. But I also believe that they can be medicinal and healing. Have you read anything bad about...
Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING
Global Hunger Games.. Destination: Nelson.Dulce.wiltshire Barry King. James Casbolt. Duncan. Jan Rodriguez. David Marrow. Steven Greer. Max Spears. Cathy Morgan. Sarah Hart. James Rink. Sarah Adams. Phil Schneider. and Miles Johnson... Breeding Services. MKultra Cathy'O'Brian and Paul Bonnaci, Johnny Gosch filter to Holly weird . Laurence to Larry King. .Hunter s Thompson/Depp.The Two Corey's...Jacksons. Disney Destinations... Wizard of Oz..there on after!.. somewhere over the rainbow...
Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.
I haven't logged in for a while. I thought I would give some new information and updates while I dropped in. New web site: http://SphereBeingAlliance.com I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. http://spherebeingalliance.com...ance-conference.html Hello, I have been going pretty fast and furious and getting little sleep, please pardon typo's as I am not going to be heavily editing this post. I...
Topic Featured
David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
"Here is the pdf of the very accurate history of banking and the future of it as promised. The split between the unified digital currency global faction and the paper gold backed faction is happening right now. This is what all the wars you will see this year are about, all types of warfare including economic warfare, conventional and non-conventional warfare. It will explain the hijacking of the banking system. It explains why all money logged into the banking system is considered "M1". No...
James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below. I have included the 1st pharagraph "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...
http://nateypxgrey.deviantart.com/gallery/ Click on the link above to see my art gallery! also check out the PDF of samples of my art
Ufo Abductee African Shaman Credo Mutwa.
Credo Mutwa A short biography and bibliography of this KwaZulu-Natal author Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - ) was born in Natal. His father was a former Catholic catechist from the Embo district near Inanda. His mother was the descendant of a long line of Zulu medicine-men and custodians of tribal lore and customs. His parents parted shortly after Vusamazulu's birth, because his mother refused to convert to Christianity. Mutwa was educated by his maternal grandfather, a medicine-man, and...
RIP David Corso
*UPDATE* Dave Corso is STILL ALIVE and is doing a bit better today but his location is being kept secret as Dave doesn't want to be bothered by phone calls or visits. Good Afternoon All. ...
are pigs a cross between humans/hogs?
I saw an interview with max spiers and he said that pigs are part human part hog I found this post on David Icke forum I was watching controversial tv yesterday, The guest ( I forget his name) mentioned that the domestic pig is a...
Exclusive "Weird Al" Yankovic Music Video: FOIL (Parody of "Royals" by Lorde)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-0TEJMJOhk Published on Jul 16, 2014 We partnered with "Weird Al" to create this music video for his new album, "Mandatory Fun." Also featuring Patton Oswalt, Tom Lennon, and Robert Ben Garant. "Weird Al"...
Pope Francis kissing the hands of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and John Rothschild
WTF? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jOCYLwrF_E
About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
I receive this message about Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa. * I’d like to take a moment to ask everyone to please pray, send good vibes, keep in your thoughts and prayers – Sean David Morton and his wife Melissa. As you may or may not know; Sean and Melissa were convicted by jury on 25 felony counts on Friday after a four-day trial. * * During this trial, Melissa had a arachnoid cyst burst in her brain causing her to go into a coma. She was taken to the emergency room unresponsive...
Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017
And nobody believes Hank meijer threatened to bury James..dead or alive. Because before James married haley meijer he lived with as a family guy with two daughters and couldn't do enough for for you, does nobody understand what James went through at fort Nelson, and Harwell...and not just James..is Cathy, Barry King, David Marrow, Duncan, Dr Greer, max, Sarah, Joanna, even miles all liers ... because as far as l am aware each and everyone one of us was put through various programs and...
Re: video of mysterious orbs
I found this forum after I had contacted James Rink about a dream I had had, where I had drunk a green drink given to me and my sister and my two cousins when I was 15yrs. We are physically linked. I wasn't ready emotionally to admit to anyone what I could be. Our family was being persecuted remorselessly. From the research I have been doing over the last few years I have found out that TPTB must have known I was coming, as they attached Generational demons to the bloodlines. I have two Thor...
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
click on the file to download and please print it and save it for your records! Get it while its still available
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
This is david Rockefeller after his RNA sequencing, they basically enhanced him. He is now taller and stronger than before. this is much more sophisticated than steroids. its like captain americas super soldier serum
Re: David Rockefeller's Leaked Document
For such a rich guy he puts water into an old gatorade bottle. Seriously? Buy a new bottle of water, the money looks like it circulates back to you anyway lol. Hell is he in a public gym? You'd think he would have a home gym. Yeah man you could do a lot better and you just sit on the money, release it to the world if you aren't going to spend it and recycle gatorade bottles. Sorry but to be so powerful he really needs some management to help him fit his reputation. Al Capone looked more ...
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
i was gong to give the same warning and this is the perfect place to alert everyone. I know she was targeted. They alays use the same ammo...heart or brain. Oh they have many ways to take us out while we are driving. I was nearly tboned by an ambulance in an intersection...i did not hear the ambulance coz my ear began screaming in the same tone. I don't put up with their shit and they know what i will do if they keep the shit up on me. Only way to get their attention is to take them out. and...
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
They are getting everyone where it hurts them the worst....these attacks are beyond personal.
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
i see why i wasn't allowed to stay in europe.....unconscionable what htey are doing to europe and her people. Milabs can clean the muslims out in no time if they would let us. Working on this shift, too. Taking battle on every level and reality for the timelines.
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
Yeah you can share any public threads on Facebook, please promote the website. The ones in the members only section are for members only though
Re: About Sean David Morton and his wife melissa
I think this is what he looks like in case you need a visual aid
Re: clips from logan
interesting. he has a son not a daughter . this series is pretty good about david rockerfeller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9OKL5no-S0
Re: Here is a doosey of a Post !
Decided to post my private message to Eevie : " More about the inners of Max Spiers . Who I believe is still trying to fight against evil/hate . I think some His SouL Lineage | Lines has been droned . N I'm seeing the Beginning part that was Good not His strong Body anymore trying to Protect me in My MindsEye . He has also been insuiated in energy marker with Someone I know n talk to on a regular basis ....... Because He has interacted with me in several of instances indirectly n covertly...
It will happen by january 2021?
hello. I remember how i had a dream of someone in power saying get rid of him before christmas. I thought they meant me . well then i found this. a vaccine plus 5 g radiation. What do they have in common? Perhaps artificial intelligence. i been mentioning a.i. a bunch lately and this is why. possible a.i. tech in the new covid vaccine plus a.i. running on 5 g waves in view of the public more then usual. how would they get ai in vaccine? well things like nano tech and black goo. Right now i...
cult leader videos: heavens gate cult leader and my ex cult leader at Ted talks
at the moment I'm interested in footage of cult leaders. At first these may just look like real everyday people. Yet try to look under/past their image. Are they a narc? Do they manipulate? Do they control? Do they want extreme attention? What is my intuition? do they have blind confidence in what they think? are they delusional? etc. its hard for some to see body language but maybe one can still pick up traits a cult like leader is trying to hide. My group that acted like a cult had a...
Re: Nate on Galaxy of Unity
🤍👋😊⛅️💖🙏🌌🦋⚪️⬜️ Hi Nate , hope Yous are well. I met a friend when in London , We were staying at the same place. She is from Capetown ( and Germany ) and Her FamiLy was a known German FamiLy both in Vitch and Nazi , She said Her Grandfather was an early Hilter defecter [ Sounenbaun , the spelling ?? , Smit ) And Her FamiLy had articles in German Museum , And is a Heiress to a mass of German Forest Land. *+ ~ She told Me She was a Test Tube Baby " , basically Engineered' like You said.
military motivation: embrace the suck
hello. this one is a shorter post. looking for some motivation? look into something called embrace the suck. david goggins on embrace the suck is a pretty good one. whether he is actually former military or not. the military calls something uncool the suck. im not former military but pretty much. like do you not like sleeping with your head in the mud? welcome to the suck. advice involving this is things like do something that sucks every day. so yeah no motivational video today but look...
Re: Wondering if anyone knows about Vrill and or Vichy .... ?
... also what comes to mind regarding Vrill are the lyrics to Station to Station , David Bowie ... " the Thin White Duke , ... Kether to Malkuth ( still dont know what that means * ) .... making sure White stains " Basically about an anti Love , And Lovers ' type 🤍💗
Major Hostile Occurances regarding Secular Society , Conscience and Inconceivable Corporations ( ?? or Hijacked , Trolled ? ) affecting Humanitys Business Sector and Fundamentals.
Very disturbing and disappointed to report ( via a Fb I just had to post recently due to Conscience , Public Concern and Responsibility ) regarding My Corporate inquiry on a Luxury brand Pharmaceutical Beauty Product ( I have known since the 80s and I had recently purchased at a recent Business Closure at the Local German Alpine Village sadly closing nearby ) . Thinking Pepsi One , Pizzagate , Ehp Sra MH , H. 🤍 The copy of My Fb post below . However , I really have to mention This To - A...