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Tagged With "orange sky"


Re: humans with et alien origins

CosmicDancer ·
We ALL Stemmed from The same Beautiful Beginning And Space of Cosmic Natural Expression as Human perspective And Form ! As Nebuli too . In Gods Image .. He , An actual Being The Sun ~ The Son ... Created Us with Natural Form And Biological Engineering - with ALL Due Respect And Love to Creation ItSelf , Natural Procreation , Respectively ! He Created The Animal Kingdom too .. based on Natural Affinity Synergy , Disposition n of Archetype n totem too . The Cosmic Landscape, Everything ! Many...

Re: ether

CosmicDancer ·
I believe Ether is thought too. In the Tarot cards the Archetyped illustration of a Blue Sky = Consciousness (Clarity). The Air element is connected to intelligence and the mind. In the Bible, it says the Creator is Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 | KJV Everything starts from thought (stemming from a Feeling/Emotion), it's intangible and yet it can become very Tangible, Manifested ! Have you ever "Felt the Stench" of Foul Ether ?

Re: I Was A Psychic Super Soldier

DianeLuke4:18Ministry ·
wow, cody, I am diane, I used to talk to you on nates chatroom remember? maybe he invite you on our other chat, or can send message here, what is your fb page? my fb page is diane lukemin, you could do priv messenger & talk to me. I help you cody,

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...

Re: Implants

black widow files ·
is that why it says lorien #1 on here? shes a little too pat for me and it makes her sound fake. so i dont trust her either. no doctors to trust? thats pretty grimm i wonder how they can detect it? ive been told i had apophis in my eye and in any clearing ive done ive had fluid gush outta my eye. one of my eyes has always been smaller than the other one. ive had a pool ball thrown above the one eye, cat scratch it , and dobermans bite underneath it as a kid. ive had to get glasses last yr...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Nate YPX Grey ·
I have dreams where i defy gravity, like I am in space or something. I have dreams where i am experimented on. I have dreams were i am falling through the sky and its really scary cause i am going to hit the ground or the water.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Daniel James Turfrey ·
The abilities are gifts . Given to us. Its weird that people dont know yet about saving the world. I guess still waiting for activation. There is going to be a big war. A seperation a divide . Good vs bad. Empath vs narcissism. Light vs dark. And we will be activated, harvested, depending on our traits. Our traits are what make us , us. . Its a esteem, a personality. And this personality is of empathy and righteousness. Also known as exitabilities found by dabrowski. Look into it. Its the...

Re: Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter

CosmicDancer ·
Thank you LongTimeMilab, for your concern and advice. I have been aware of this. In 2003, I saw in the night sky, a 'Blue Beam' hologram. It's was really impressive with the Moon being displayed in a massive creative way. Stars coming down towards me. However, I right away thought hologram. Despite being new to this interaction and just being initiated telepathically at the time. In 2008 in Portland, Or, I reported to MUFON a UFO 'sighting'. I telepathically communicated with an UFO/ET. With...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Evil is a predator you can't just pretend they are not going into a rabid 'feeding frenzy' now?? You can't pretend the child next door isn't being raped, on the Mother's planet, that God the Creator (Only One, Only Love from the One Time Beginning). lucifer (false, 'prime creator') and baphomet are playing stupid zeus and hera again, the false mom and dad, playing beyond catastrophic reality in the end time. Been there done that, we barely made it out of that clash of the Titans, that time.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
COSMICDANCER.......we are a roundhouse of everything in all the forms there are. lol I volunteered for this crazy shit. Never again. This is what i do....i go where the evil is. Never have i seen or experienced what i have here in this reality. Hands tied, blind, deaf and dumb when we have no memories in this hell. I dn't consider the earth the same as i once did. I have examined to a small degree various rock formations around the world. Huge mountains to sudden outcrops of rocks in a...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Njkrueger, there is something very special about the Irish/Native American and also Scottish (another Humanity Craddle) bloodlines. I met a couple of the Irish/ American Indians, both cultures remind me of children and nature, very strongly. There might be a thing happening now with that particular blood mix. Yesterday (after you mentioned the bloodlines), they?? via FB, did a special friendship anniversary video with a brother of a boyfriend of my sis (years ago past, 'a son' to my late...

Re: Alien Pictures

eevie ·
Interesting you post this now. I was looking up at the nite sky last nite and was pulled toward the big dipper. As i looked a rep ship flew towards the corner under the handle and disappeared, faded out quickly.

Re: Super Soldier Talk - Nate Grey

mijnari munroe ·
I have always had some weird connection to her ever since i was little. When i was about 12 or 13 i had a dream that i was in a world full of people with abilities. I was told by some one that i had an ability. So i was trying out different ways to bring out my ability and i heard a whisper saying "look up at the sky". So i did and my feet began to lift from the ground. And lightning struck my hand. And in the clouds i could see a woman who looked like my mother but with white hair and...

Melanin and Sacred Stones

Breezy ·
Log in or Sign up July Friday 1st Assata Portal Discussions FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links Donate RBGTube The RBG Store RBG Blogs Gallery What's Hood? Sundiata Arcade Assata's Network Afrikan News Advanced Search Forum It's Time To Get Organized! Afrikan Wholistic Health Melanin Wellness Part I: Melanin and Sacred Metals and Stones 11 Uhuru! If this is your first visit, be sure to check out frequently asked questions by clicking this link FAQ You must register before you...

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Nate YPX Grey ·
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below.  I have included the 1st pharagraph  "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...


Nate YPX Grey · Click on the link above to see my art gallery! also check out the PDF of samples of my art

I Was A Psychic Super Soldier

Bruce ·
I am new to this site and this will be my first post and it will be kinda long, but its my life story. I lived an ordinary life, but throughout my life I have had visions of things that have happened to me and the physical evidence to prove it. The whole time I was living my Earthly life, I was secretly a MILAB super soldier. I have decided to post my experiences here. When I was a little kid in the 90's --I'm 26 now-- I was abducted by Zetas. I remember that it was at night and I remember...

alex collier galactic history hey everyone tell me what you think of this?

chris ·
Editorial Note This was Alex Collier ’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History . The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has...

Ufo Abductee African Shaman Credo Mutwa.

chris ·
Credo Mutwa A short biography and bibliography of this KwaZulu-Natal author Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - ) was born in Natal. His father was a former Catholic catechist from the Embo district near Inanda. His mother was the descendant of a long line of Zulu medicine-men and custodians of tribal lore and customs. His parents parted shortly after Vusamazulu's birth, because his mother refused to convert to Christianity. Mutwa was educated by his maternal grandfather, a medicine-man, and...

alien types

chris ·

unusual abilities: lets talk invisability/ tell us what yours is

Eclipse ·
hello readers. I feel I should visit the subject of usual abilities. this is real life so there is a wide range of every day abilities in general and also depending who you ask. today I will talk about invisibility. I guess in native American culture they had a teaching of invisibility. this is more of a mind trick tactic. so legends of native Americans sneaking around with signals ( perhaps bird noises can be made) to each other and also decent fighters due to faith and confidence seem to...

Nature is freaking out , along with Everyone, Everybody and Everything . Existence !

CosmicDancer ·
Hi You ALL I have to do this post on what is occurring in Nature . The Planets ' are not Okay ! Its very serious n concerning . ALL Creation affected ! For practical purposes a copy of a text I sent : " ...... Uranus was smacked ' by an Asteriod like size of Earth ! And now is On His Side . I just read . That Venus Picture I sent You . * Its supposedly Venus . Which Ive noticed She didnt look normal with the naked eye in 2018 . I took a screenshot of the video taken recently from Ireland .


Nate YPX Grey ·; Published on Feb 4, 2014 UPDATE... EVERY MICROSCOPIC IMAGE IN THIS VIDEO WAS TAKEN BY ME. EVERY IMAGE IS OF THE CONTENTS IN THIS ARTIFICIAL SNOW, GLEANED FROM FROZEN SAMPLES. My government scientist sources have confirmed, even before I proved it with these ghastly images, that this "SNOW" is ARTIFICIAL. See what is in this Pseudo Snow falling on us!!! Artificial snow??? REALLY??? I WAS WARNED AGAINST SHARING THIS MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS of...



Re: Here is a doosey of a Post !

CosmicDancer ·
Decided to post my private message to Eevie : " More about the inners of Max Spiers . Who I believe is still trying to fight against evil/hate . I think some His SouL Lineage | Lines has been droned . N I'm seeing the Beginning part that was Good not His strong Body anymore trying to Protect me in My MindsEye . He has also been insuiated in energy marker with Someone I know n talk to on a regular basis ....... Because He has interacted with me in several of instances indirectly n covertly...

Re: Belated : ALways Happy Memorial Day , Not In Vain ~ Make Love Not war

CosmicDancer ·
Thats so funny I usually say one single top quotation when describing that , Daily ( recorded ) . N I decided to use parentheses instead , thinking that , ( I usually use the word quotation and glyph to describe that ) . N Im going to use it Anyway .... going to look it up , because of curiosity * n I can change it , n also I can Psyops at the same time ! I looked up parentheses this Morning ( recorded ) right just before checking in ( which I prob leave para ' now , because obviously Not...

Further , Believe it ( even though Unbelievable ) Accounts mentioned in My last Post ~ Thread ( Museum ' ) and most recent comments regarding Massive Take Overs of many Neighborhoods ( I Witnessed ) , Public Service Businesses and Institutions .. + 🤍 🌌

CosmicDancer ·
This seems too daunting to Account for The Unbelievable ' Experiences I Witnessed . As You can tell in the Pictures I recently posted ? Hopefully You ALL were able to see them . This Post ~ Thread I want to focus on Summer 2019 Los Angeles to Now , back in Los Angeles from SLO .. during the laspe , a One time a trip back from SLO to LA in October 2019 , for just a few weeks . Pardon the formation of relay . Im going to try to piece it together with Pictures I was able to take along the way .

Note to users: your possible activation / mutation ?

Eclipse ·
Hello friends. This post is for all who reads articles on this site. Times are changing. Im mostly a astral milab and recently i been having soldier dreams. so at this time im more of an assault specialist and with weapons instead of mimicking powers. Well last night i had a dream where i was called into service. Like recruited/deployed and had to go somewhere. Then i hear things like possible mutation of super soldiers by covid. Im not gonna talk about vaccines but they have covid in it and...

Re: aircraft recognition document

Nate YPX Grey ·
i had a helicopter with a whole arsenal of weapons aimed at me appear out of the sky in the middle of the day once, it was not very loud, you think it would have been. I just stayed sitting down looking up at it, I didnt run away and I asked some one else if they saw it just to make sure i was not hallucinating. Another time in my wilderness program a scout chopper spied on me while we were hiking up the mountain peaks.

conscious artificial intelligence? it may already exsist.

Eclipse ·
greetings to you, i cant even get out of my body to investigate my claims . so i happen to rely on intuition, memory that seems like imagination, and dreams. i confuse others with multi dimensional talk while im at it. however i have had general technology ideas. like i remember this or something. my fave is what if we put computing and holograms together? so... i was thinking on conscious artificial intelligence. i was thinking things like internet search engines and social media teach a.i.

DReams of an uncanny nature

EngineNeared ·
Hello, I've experienced a recent onset of total dream recall for 1 year and 3 months. The dreams are so vivid and real that I'm compelled to write them down each morning. Prior to this I couldn't remember but maybe 2 dreams per year but now I remember nearly nightly . I just turned 41 and I'm pretty confused as to what's triggered this. Let me begin. At age14 (1994) I had one of these very vivid dreams and then nothing after, of someone picking me up in a space craft Human male prob 30 years...

Re: pagan music: the old ways. With art slide show

OleOle ·
Hi Eclipse, thanks for your kind reply and yes, I did delete the post as I should probably have written what I wrote in a PM, rather than in the forum, so I hoped that you'd get notified and be able to read it as the creator of the thread. I guess to elaborate a little, Loreena's music can be used as a gateway to the broader consciousness around us and I find that if I am immersed in a city mindset and need to get out of it quickly, heading to a forest or even a botanic garden can be one of...

Re: what to do if someone stares at you in a dominant way? when your a ultra!

OleOle ·
Bless them. Your higher vibration overcomes their lower vibration like a larger rock thrown in the pond overcomes the wave of a smaller pebble. Bless them and move on, who cares what they think they are doing? If they had more going on between their ears they wouldn't be staring at you like a f... idiot. Some people are really low density. They are thick as bricks and it will take them many, many incarnations to drag themselves from the lower rungs, if at all. It's not a judgement, just an...

Re: DReams of an uncanny nature

cloi ·
we were in the same specials. units, I was there too, in the time lap program, I was in other dimensions, emergency missions too, I remember what you say, I had the rank of an officer, you also have to be an officer, no one was there less, I was out exploring foreign worlds, scouting and reconnaissance, then rapid response units enter and we are withdrawn, remember that? do you remember the fight with raptorami?

Re: underground bases: trying to remember wright Patterson base, autism kids?, ufo cover ups, video footage?

Eclipse ·
i just found wright patterson has departments like a lab as well as command Military Facilities - Appalachian Sky

Re: Comment your reactivation symptoms. Anyone can comment.

cloi ·
I always know when I come back, they never try to hide it, and I also know when they will take me, I never see them because I sleep then, they put me to sleep, when I saw myself already sleeping in the armchair, when I come back, I know that I miss time, a few times it was time ahead, the first time I know that I was at work, sometimes I wake up when I fall on the bed, before I touch it, it is not asleep anymore and I am aware, I have such returns in my memory, sometimes in a dream, I...

Re: listing my possible triggers. nothing to dangerous

CosmicDancer ·
Oh thats Cute ‘ ( the Teddy Bear ) , to imply multi dimensional humanistic personality and compassion ? I became re-acquainted withe a part of Mars ( @2015 ish ) trying to move Me off the Beach ( with lucifer and bahphomet there ( in GMOed ) . Mars looking up at The Sky asking for Gabriels help as We were walking away on the Beach Boardwalk , … Military watching and trying to assist Us with money covertly … ) - He had a TeddyBear tattoo , Me asking if thats how He gets the Ladies ? He looked...

Eisenhower, Who here traveled with me ?

EngineNeared ·
Ok i need to cover this with detail. We entered something that resembled the night sky then like someone airbrushing the sky with a paint brush with the moon in the back round (as we looked up ) we were transported back in time to deliver Eisenhower a critical slide show of information. I escorted one of you there I provided Eisenhower with my current military identification for temporal authenticity he accepted it. Now one of you had a crystal clear film flexible 4x6" that projected above...

Enlistment dream into SSP 1994 ? Anyone else?

EngineNeared ·
I need to talk about the Last dream I had as a child before my mind went black for exactly 25 years. Couple things to note before I start, my Father and my grandparents all had top security clearance working for the Air Force. They built and calibrated Missile guidance systems as well as F16 Gyroscopic nav Guidance systems i think they grab kids from these known families. Now back to 1994 i was 14. And the dream that made all the dreams disappear for 25 years. We had a 50 acre farm in the...

Re: Are these "plazma ships" showing up all around the world??

EngineNeared ·
There's a lot of shit we need to look closely at here and consider in vid one. The building itself is partly a photon particle generator. Also the generator resides in the disc ( or dish if you will ) portion of the building. This building in my opinion just sent a message or signal. Look carefully at this building shape it is a satellite dish or transmission tower disguised (poorly) . To me its easily detected. What did it send and to what ? I believe it was a send since the angular...

Has anyone noticed The Logo Planetary Configurations Up in the Sky ?

CosmicDancer ·
I see mentioned a 5 Planet line up , June 2022 . My Mobile phone with the Planets App showing the Constellations above in real x , showed 9 Logos , Planets aligned ( images below in the Attachment area ) , somehow those images were transferred reversed on My end ) . And I see about 14 Logos in this picture ( below ⚪️ ⛅️🙏🏻⚪️⚪️⚪️ It is extremely rare and important significant Cosmic Nature happening which again I am seeing No News about this on TV News really or online . And the blaséness of...

Sky net

Awake in the dream ·
Hello I am fairly new to understanding skynet and was curious if anyone could give me an explanation as to of its legit and anything else about it that would br helpful for me ? Thank you so much

Re: Sky net

Eclipse ·
@Awake in the dream hi im eclipse. there is a software they use to do readings and i stay away myself. especially with the guy called adrian. i rather use a real person if you want entertainment by readings. also a person who will give you what you paid for. if your talking about sky net in terminator then yes i think its real in another reality. we will see how a.i. turns out in this timeline. im not sure how more helpful i can be currently. @Nate YPX Grey may be more helpful with info if...

Has anyone noticed in The News ( and or Cares about? ) regarding The Suns Rising ?

CosmicDancer ·
🤍 " How come Its Not on The News that The Sun is Rising in a totally different way than before , Its the Morning and The Sun is all the way on the South Sky ! " ... This image is a pan picture towards the left. The Sun is on the right past the frame from the other picture I took just after. The East Sky on the left and Center. " 💖

Most Incredible Cosmic and Space Being Encounter

CosmicDancer ·
To report the most flabbergastic spectacular contact with Cosmic Beings from G3 Solar System. On Tuesday, @9:00pm 3/21/2017. Still buzzing in awe of this magnanimous event that occurred at the outside backsteps of my house. I looked at the Brookline, MA slight SW night sky. To notice additional stars in a new placement, from the night before. As I focused more, the most amazing 'star' movements started a 'play'. At first a descending 'star' spray of about 1,000 fine 'star' points fell down...

The Suns ' Tsumami Solar Flares ' that has recently hit Earth with rare X Class

CosmicDancer ·
A ' Solar Tsumami ' emitted has hit the Earth. by Sky News Australia Published Today 3 : 20 Minutes Video on recent rarest and just expressed Class x , Solar ' Tsumami Flares ' lately . Audio of radioactive Sound of hitting the Earth too ... 🌎 🤍 I was wondering why It was So very windy and rainy Today. I had just made a Sun And Rays , Stain Glass Art piece two Days ago . From a Store kit of 3 pieces I purchased last Month at Walmart. .... I was propping It up...

Re: eclipse blog: time space anomaly on camera. involving myself.

CosmicDancer ·
I just witnessed something about 4 Days ago outside , talking to a Person | Familiar , who looks like My Daughter in Quatum Mechanics Assultz , trying to help Her off the streets. And I was leaving feeling disturbed about how I thought She definitely Not HerSelf in Her Mind Space ( after about 4 Months.. ) thinking to MySelf , not knowing if I should continue anymore ( after She said something odd , You can just create whatever here , and said Earth was Hers' ( as a D , S , jezebelz , in My...

orange sky in new york is a weapon. cerca june 2023

Eclipse ·
my super soldier side wants to post this. no matter how dangerous. the orange sky in new york is a weapon. definitely mask up if you live in the city. perhaps find out a supplement to take as well. otherwise its best to avoid new york if your not a resident. so according to intelligence there was agent orange/agent x stolen and then a version released in new york. which is actually related to a bio weapon. yes umbrella corp may be involved but maybe not directly. jut a feeling. i feel like...

Re: The Suns ' Tsumami Solar Flares ' that has recently hit Earth with rare X Class

CosmicDancer ·
🤍⛅️😊💛💖🌠⬜️🙏🌌⚪️🤚💗 🤍 Did Anyone notice or Cares about The Son ~ The Suns rising at the far Eastern Sky Today ? 💛⛅️🤍😊🩷 He rose in the Eastern Sky several Days ago Too . After as several Months prior , resumed rising in the far Southeast Sky , almost to the very South. Which wasnt the norm (??) for several 1000s of Years.?? Aeons🤍 The Freemasons considered The North , as The East ". Was that another allowance for His Comfort ??? 🤍🩷🌸🤍

Re: Child Sacrifice Legalized in The Netherlands , meaning The World Court ??

CosmicDancer ·
I want to include this comment here from the other SSF Section. Regarding Time and Space anomalies ( I consider also caustic reactive due to Attacks , Assaultz on Nature and Natures Beings ) . Basically also connected to the Alpine Village ( The People and Area surrounding ) comments in the Secular World Post as well. " I just witnessed something about 4 Days ago outside , talking to a Person | Familiar , who looks like My Daughter in Quatum Mechanics Assultz , trying to help Her off the...