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I'm now staying in Los Angeles from my road trip with my children and ex
from Brookline, MA. (@2 weeks ago). We decided to stay and move back to LA.
in Manhattan Beach. For now hoteling it. Very precarious with my whole
Family from extreme targeting (very overtly programed and implanted acting
and sounding) Very apathic. I'm in a spiritual dilemma. Sitting outside in
a popular hotel chain and I witness something disturbing, in 3d while
having a cigarette out in ln front, in a designated area for that off to
the side of the main entrance. I saw a child slumped over luggage, sitting
on a child's car seat about 6-7 years old. As he was carted, rolling on big
luggage dolly/cart. He looked abused, dehydrated, limp, lifeless and like
pizzagate look and Empathe feeling. I mentioned to a couple of girls (about
mid to late twenties) that, that child didn't look well. One laughed and
said yes, and made a vile joke that "they will give him a doughnut" and
laughed it off. Literally, within 5 minutes delivery, for one
(looked like a small pizza box), a liter of lemon/lime soda.......very big
commercial pizza company, with a darker red signage/logo. And baphomet
(one of his/her familair looks as a human look and 'soul ID marker feeling'
is the bar tender at the tent bar infront of the entrance. Didn't want to
make a scene. Didn't have my phone to contact my ex upstairs with my three
children (20, 16, and 14). So I went upstairs to my ex. He was 'sleeping',
within 40mins of leaving him awake in the room. Woke him up saying it's an
emergency. He wasn't alarmed.....he played it off.....I wanted him to come
outside the room so I can ask him how I should proceed?? He was responsible
for putting me in the hospital several times. I ended up telling him in
bathroom of our room (he insisted). He didn't care. Then I said, lets ask
our son (20 years old) what we should do? Both Apathetic! Program
sounding!!!! Not making sense at all. My girls not saying a thing
basically. He told me not to say anything!!!!!! My conscience is not
letting go. When I went back down....... I noticed the insinuation of the
child same clothing, look , kinda playing with another girl child. He/they
(the abused child), was only three people when they arrived. Don't know if
he was resuscitated literally, as a restored active child. It was
definitely evil abuse I saw. I'm constantly in 'their'/evil faces online
regarding especially, pedo/pizzagate. It's getting really hard core here.
What do I do? I don't want to end up in the hospital/incarceration scenario
again. As also covertly indicated by my ex. Totally rude about it. I truly
feel, it wouldn't be a good sign as to the state of affairs at this time in
the End Time if I was again, imprisoned from this pov as well. What do I do?

......I hope and wish so. I really need and want to know there is a higher, supreme power over evil. It appears that apathy is a device to feed the vicious cycle of the evil machine. I want to know in 3d communications that there is a true formal administration, agency (ies), groups that are established and also establishing, a working organized, systematic professional force to eradicate evil design and/or rule. It's so messed up down here, it's not making any sense that it occurred here in the first place. Does anyone know of any groups who do the rescues? Any Intel? It's very hard to stomach the pizzagate and everything else along with their Unacceptable program. I saw a tv ad/commercial this morning, of the pizza company that delivered last night (@1am, 5mins after, I saw the child). The ad said something like, 'we are changing......we need "Love" (typefaced word)'. What's up with all the Supersoldiers? I don't think that mind control would be a problem, if we all wore diodes on our heads (ones we can stick on a cap hat or something??) and solar/soul plexus. "Penny" on a SST, YT video (I referred to about Dark Fleet), mentioned a metal cap that worked for her during sleeping too. We have to fix this, the boy last night looked beyond abused. And then when i came back down within 40mins (@1:40am).....the boy playing?? If that was true what I saw, he's is in "p.h.". Not okay. Exquisite Sacred Extinction (from authentic GodHead). I would want if that was the only way out. Please have Mercy for Grace, Mercy for Mercy, Grace for Grace. All Mercy and All Grace for the Children, Humanity (includes All Nature) and Sacred Universe. Freedom ��

*This new update wont post, again very bad tech play on your site and my
device.. Reporting an emergency. In regards to a blatant, overt/covert take
over, much activity on a massive, Earth and Intergalactic scale.
Communications are an issue. Please confirm your receipt of this/these
accounts. Thanks, Nanette

* Update from last night, this morning, and now at a different sister hotel
of the last distinct couple of nights. within the  last recent 3 hotel stays in South Bay CA area, the same chain
in Burbank/2014, I mentioned. Now at El Segundo. Same thing of the lastnights' hotel very overt/covert.  Here as well: dark evil, Intergalactic, bohemian grove feeling and peeps look/feel, pizzagate vibe
and noticable in 3d. * Please refer to my emergency posts, initially 'put'
in, regarding Casbolt's post/thread and I noticed the recent ACIO post/thread too.  Some here are casual bystanders, I kinda doubt it?? ***not my edit here: [Now more overt/covert,']   PLEASE send in the Troops', Legion's,
Community, Communications, *** they removed the general line here: {any established and/or establishing agencies or groups that do rescue for the Children (a 'child' could also mean a 100 year old, disabled, animals, etc.) My Family too .... } Primarily asking for the young children I spoke of this late. For Humanity Free. Any
Representatives or Envoys? I'm not joking. Peace��


*Thanks for/to the Ones who posted this from an email, after failed attempts to post here on SSF. Thanks, Nanette


Last edited by CosmicDancer

Not being funny here but you need to filter things out, remember your family comes first. second & third.

As a hyper sensitive you can be picking up projections & all kinds of psychic debris that isn't actually real, now all that pizagate info is out there it's open to all kinds of mystification & deception, deception is what they thrive on !

GreyRaven, please specify ' filter things out'. Self(s) and Family is always my focus, constantly. What happened to me and Family is happening to everyone.  I cannot and will not turn away from any child in immediate need. I've  been there, my Family has/is there too. We must unify with Community and Communication of Humanity. Not one or anyone can handle it all, 'safety in numbers'. ��

Very aware of all elements, values and factors, instantaneously in all situations and moment(s) of space(s), as a hypersensitive (Empathe/Empathy), in hyperdrive, to the very best of my ability. Based on consistency of trend of each variable of each exchange regarding: a person, place or thing, as a continuum. I know there is also a compromise factor(s) (evil), which should not be there in the equation in the first place!  ***Reedited from my yesterday's post, after another decided to edit my Word(s), come to find this morning, as usual, as of late, in the last few years past, edited by another, with evil agenda. If anyone is out there, and/or cares.

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Not Harrogate l meant " Hampstead Christ Church " watch the original interviews then by the 3/4th interview with the two children watch the police prompt the children into saying it was all a lie that they had watched a film.

You get the idea.." pizza gate " started with Laurence King and kidnapped Johnny gosch, Paul Bonnaci was altered into West Lee, or Christian he mentions "military" kidnapped children all the time for service.


Truth... Peace..FIGU..

Mrs. M ~ I've been asking for rescue for me and my own biological children formally with the US Government too (2010). Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder Jr. President Obama, connected with me, unsolicited by me to him on LinkedIn (@2013). Los Angeles Attorney General Head Deputy for Undercover Crimes (2010), the next day (of the email to Holder Jr.), had a hour conversation on the phone (he wouldn't record, as my request), basically he telling me I'm crazy and said, 'the 1st amendment of the US Constitution, is for having a 'platform' for a new religion'. Anyway, a couple hours after, the Burbank police came (I even showed them a modern medical book (about woman's hormone endo/Dr. C. Northtrop??), I bought at Barnes and Noble of that late. It, in black in white ink, in the printed book page said, "you will have exciting adventures with holograms". The one policeman, "said keep it as proof"). After that, they hospitalized/incarcerated me. The accessment dr. there, asking me if I  was broadcasting(??). My main dr. attempted to murder me with pills. Right away, they sent me to another hospital, where the Doctor came in a 8pm, to save me from the poison the other doc/hospital insisted I take. Lilterary, if I took one more, I would have been dead. I've been trying to be rescued, the 10 page email to US. Attorney General Holder Jr (2010), The CPS (many times before and after 2010), the police (I saw the Hollywood Police Precinct, be taken over overtly/covert style (again here). Right in front of me), The Court's. They are all compromised too. Where are the Humanitarians? I don't care what bodies you are in (the look) as long as you care and are able. No room for the weak. The soldiers/souldiers out playing mortal kombat?? It mushroomed overtly since 2010. That's when Lucifer approached me (initially, telepathically), in this 24/7 insane 'conversation', till now. It's so sheer evil I'm seeing in this hotel, 'game' of pizzagate????? My son last night laughing for a hour, maniacally. It's a game to you/u?? It is a total take over, I'm seeing now in 3d. Wake up. I'm telling the truth too!

*****Update: OMG, I could of sworn I saw James Cadbolt, downstairs this morning (9/6/2017) in the hotel lobby. Was he rescued or did I see a clone of him? I don't know. ����

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Cosmicdancer-  I can't imagine what you are feeling/seeing. It's like the west coast is worse than here than in the south. I left the Dayton, Ohio area as I couldn't handle the negative vibrations and the abductions.  I hope we will be able to van tiger and snuff out the evil on our earth and bring into enlightenment.

Mrs. M

Be the change you wish to see in the world..... Marvel

.....we need LoveLight, LoveJoy, Love and Respect to rule. None of the pretenders, posers and imposters, pretending to be societies' engineers without Respect or Love. They don't appreciate anything, they are total loser mentality, rabid within and hidden in human look, trying to play it cool, playing to be the 'new and improved' human/Humanity, while consciously promoting evil rule. They are haters, pizzagate/pedo's, Mofu's, Fafu's,   Sacred Universes' enemies, Gods' enemies, and Humanity's enemies. Peace��

Global Hunger Games..

Destination: Nelson.Dulce.wiltshire

Barry King.  James Casbolt. Duncan. Jan Rodriguez. David Marrow. Steven Greer. Max Spears. Cathy Morgan. Sarah Hart. James Rink. Sarah Adams. Phil Schneider. and Miles Johnson... Breeding Services.

MKultra Cathy'O'Brian and Paul Bonnaci, Johnny Gosch filter to Holly weird . 

Laurence to Larry King. .Hunter s Thompson/Depp.The Two Corey's...Jacksons.

Disney Destinations... Wizard of Oz..there on after!.. somewhere over the rainbow... Bronze.Silver and Gold..

Tele'vision.. being fed the vision to activate/trigger influence cognitive motivation..

Tele'phone audio frequency that also triggers  cognitive motivation.

Add Television and Telephone and we have YouTube...Add drug/drink/substance addiction and THEY have you by the short notice curly's my friend...

The overall agenda... Depopulate and destroy DNA strength, paralysis of telepathic free mind, fade out human to human creation via social media dating and non gender classification. Drip feeding virtual simulation and stimulation...

And STILL!.. against all the above against us..we all love a hugg, food and warmth..

We are now in situe of reducing physical contact via familys being split up into authorized institutions.. Schools, Hospitals and Prisons all have the same plan..To control human contact, hunger and warmth... without the three elements human man kind will stop existing...

So l ask who is the Plieadian enemies..who started the Orion wars..who wants to destroy earth and human creation...

Truth... Peace..FIGU..

Piledians, I believe are connected to archon agenda (lucifer/baphomet), to take over, the original ~God~ the Father (the 1st Sun/Son), the 1st and Only Authentic Creator (Only Love and Respect)  Creator of Creation of Humanity with the Sacred Universe. Rohini star, nakshatra, lunar mansion, in Taurus, in Orion??, Piledians (B. Marciniac mentioned this, want to know more about this). Rohini is supposed to be a beautiful woman, in Vedic scripture. Maybe there in Rohini star they use the Mother's body, to put in f*g bags?? My ascendant star too, in Vedic/sidereal. Orion is Mars (the original Osiris too). Peace, LoveLight, LoveJoy, Freedom O' Mother!

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Any thoughts on Telepathy being our 1st language and words came after... meaning what if we all had our tongues cut out and all words did not exist...

What function would we have to express our emotions...we only speak the words we have been taught to fit the image or action..

What if we only acted upon feeling and body language...

Man put words in the way!

Truth... Peace..FIGU..

Yes, but it was silence, with emotion like you said. Words came when Time 'entered the picture'. Cosmos/Lucifer/another Mature part of Him. Was doing primivative contemporary (in now standards) hierarchical precession, with the other male beings, almost like English traditional, without communicating verbally (they showed me a vision of it). Just right before the 1st battle with Yahweh, another part of himself (immature lucifer, not the Mature Self part), in a 'gmo' body merged with Time. The Mature Cosmos/Lucifer, is a famous actor now. Back then he didn't want to make Love/sexual cosmically Infront of the children. The Mother felt uncomfortable and He did too at that time. Precursor to the precessional, then 1st battle with Yahweh, against himself!

Update: **** "The Mature One", is now f*g/evil. It was confirmed this morning, after it was indicated a probability in the past week.

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See, 'moloch', I asked (telepathically) the nice owl, if I could take a pic of the 'moloch'?? here, watching over the pool?? Owls are usually for repelling birds, from a high placement, not for a decor in a hotel pool area? Right? I can't post another topic on the public forum because it's a dead field for choosing the forum. Attached: two pics of the owl here.


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  • IMG_20170908_115745
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