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🀍⬜️ The video was with Major Familars. Showing a spaceport as the video image -  to drag Children from Heaven or somewhere??? NO !!!! πŸ€πŸ’–

More convenient  , than the neighborhood convenient store??? Sickest! Pizzagate and Spaghettigate. *+ 🀍


And also , I just watched a video this   Morning  on The Spring and Summer for the 2023 Collection , Belanciega ,a  very high end $$$$$ luxury fashion brand.  The actual fashion show dipicting post Apocalyptic ... very dark scenescape and slumpy clothes , bruised scratched Faces , some carrying Teddy Bears with bondage collars ... ,   ( pics. )

... which were also part of the Photo campaign . With the very disturbing 2022 photo shoot showing Toddlers with adulterated items as their most treasured in their bedroom , including a Teddybear with a bondage collar.     ( pics )

Even Kim Kardashian wrote ( pic )  a public open statement denouncing the Imagery as acceptable  ,  aback from affiliated for several Years with the brand.

In the initial  photo shoot their is also a straw in a cup in the foreground infront of the Childs privates , Alchohol Flask on the table  ... The brand was asked to fix the disturbing Photo.  And replaced It with Not much better.  Thank Goodness the opinion of the Person who did the video is a respected French high fashion Editor. Basically strongly exclaimed' , Not Accepted , Opinion otherwise , And NOT Normal!

Is It reverse Full Disclosure  , or scoring more Assault Attack    blatantly from the fashion house ,  and ehp  Sra ?  And or Is Someone Up there interested , psyopsing Us ?  Belanciegas response circa K.K.s open statement ( pic ) .

No 666 agenda , directly connected to Sra Pizzagate Spaghettigate Pain machinE , Isdemandedz by devils not of flesh , AdJusteD"  foul fart of mindz!

NO EvilhatePain! No Gmoed!                   NO Andechrome!  , worstthanbefore'.

No Is No !

ALLLLPeaceLoveJoy Is


Also , I tried posting these Music videos and lyrics on the video clip section and It was removed several times a couple Days ago. Katy Perrys Dark Horse ,  Rise .... Connected to 666 , Pizzagate Ehp Sra mfh H ISRequirementz'  "  Pain Crime MachinE , Full Disclosure too


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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Planned to post more pictures of Today. Discovered the picture of the  Blonde Female Model in the show with bruises and scratches on Her face on the run way . Removed from My Photo files , And the video I screenshoted from .

Another Horriffic display of EvilhatePain back stage after the show , an Interviewer with 2 Male Models showing what was in their Bag.  A Baby doll , a cloth with what looks like Blood on it ( pic above )  a Snoopy and a Pacifier.  The Baby doll in the picture below looks like they changed from a Caucasian one too .

Which I tried to screenshot one of them putting the pacifier in His  mouth , and It was tricky! Looked like a lucifer in My FamiLys Form.  Seeming conceited , not wanting to get photoed like that ! About 5 Male Models I saw with these Bags with Babys dolls inside them .

The image below of a Model walking in a long dress on a muddy path , not joking they ' photoshoped just prior to posting , with alot more extra Water splash.

*+ The Black purse picture below , on top of papers showing Ashcroft Court ruling regarding Child Abuse , Pedophile. Was there a loophole in that particular case , with this ehp display with Balenciaga ? Insuiating with the Court ruling . Particularly to what It ' appears like , isnt It " , type of ruling ??

Lotz of creepy ehp sra devil | demon ,  satan, jz , baphometz  , lucifer images I didnt want to recirculate in some other videos Im watching .

Please Save The ChiLdren  [ Thats  Us Too ] !

🀍WorLd Is WorLdπŸŒŽπŸ’™ πŸ’—β›…οΈπŸ€



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🀍🩷 Alexandra Gucci Zarini , Activist and Founder of Gucci Foundation for Children. Gucci of course another Luxury brand in the fashion realm .

She had filed the Sexual Abuse Lawsuit  2 Years ago , that I think She had won      ( according to a quick blurp on a video , not much on Her and about the case online.  Except references to Her mom , as Her Mother " oddly on the Headlines of the videos . With a jzblz id marker!

Alexandra Gucci Zarini filed the sexual abuse case against the step father , mother and grandmother ... The mothers' sued for Not Protecting Her from Her step from a very young age of 6 to Her 20 s

Alexandra Gucci Zarini , Activist and Founder of Gucci Foundation for Children.  Mission is to End Child   Abuse !  🩷🌠🀍

Short video with Her Statement

House of Gucci : Gucci Family Lawsuit & Gucci Children Foundation                      4:13 minutes


Response from Alexandra Gucci Zarini to Balenciagas response to Anti and Uprising against the 2022 and 2023 fashion' Statement.


Also , screenshot of the tag on the search for Alexandra Gucci Zarini in the attached pictures.

πŸ€πŸŒ πŸ’œ


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Watched one of the Katy Perry   videos , allready feD' It ! I will try to post that comment (s) post later here.


I did a short video yt clip feature of a newer scene in the video of Her ' punching the Pink Parachute. Yesterday  , less angerly . The original video Not punching at the Shute at          all ! Yesterdays was taken from My files. Supposedly that yt feature was for immediately sharing a clip too . Before It wasnt.

And noticing Dark Horse video with Juicy J is different video looking   Today . Egyptian Coptic Age scenarios.  Now looks like different lenses were used . And looking like it was done on Film , than digital.  I know because was into Photography and learned how to be a Script Supervisor in The Film Industry when really Young. The People doing different movements on the video now. So probably not good to post.  ??

Dark Horse Lyrics , " make Me your Aphrodite .... So You want to play ' with Magic , b You know what You are falling for  ...  Addicted [ To their' owneD" e erected " mindz ALone " InKarmaeD " !  ⬜️βšͺ️🀍

Very Revelant



And Alot more with Katheryn ' Katy Perry .  My Daughter [ Who I saw a Horriffic incident display occurance ' picture online today ( I screenshoted  ) of A young Child Who looked like My Daughter 🀍Ava|ALLVeenA Whom I havent seen or heard  , texted with , And My ALLLL My Children in almost 5 Years 🩷🀍 ] and in 2010 Her requesting Me to help Her video an online singing contest with Katy Perrys song Fireworks. Which I wrote out for Her , about 3 pages too ............ πŸ€πŸ©·β›…οΈπŸ’–πŸ’—βšͺ️🌠⬜️🌌🀍

And about 3 Days Ago My Text Thread with My FamiLy was removed , deleted  , the phone data storage and trash tech mocky , And My sim card was taken too !  🀍



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Also another blatant tag with the Balenciaga campaign , would be the obviously intentional Yellow Tape  in the far left side of the Photo spelled  Baal " ( another name' of S ) instead of Balenciaga . In the same Photo on the otherside of , a pile with the Yellow tape with the correct spelling of  Balenciaga . "

This described on a video  by a High Fashion blogger doing Full Disclosure.  K.K. was shown with a Yellow tape wrap dress' by Balenciaga before too.   πŸ€


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I purchased these 3 Years ago . I mostly dont wear any make up at All ! - unless I feel like it ! Ive been purchasing YSL for MySeLf on My own ( as middle class status' growing up ) since I was 15 |16.  I once forced MySeLf to go into Neiman Marcus alone in Beverly Hills ( pics in attachments  and below , the store was a whole city block , very intimidating to go to . And the images of I attached were FeD" too ! Jzbl Id marker ) to purchase more of the YSL lipstick , after My first one was used , Years after. Very intimidating to do as a Natural Normal ( shy ) Girly Girl !

Now I just found out YSL is owned by the main company that also owns Balenciaga .... as Saint Laurent.  ?? Now I cant purchase this because they are Ehp Sra H Pain MachinE !

And when I purchased the Chanel lipstick 50$ a new special formula 24 hour Stain type. The very helpfull Person(s) at the Nordstroms counter in Santa Monica , put it on My hand and it was not able to be wiped off , without the special and labeled as Chanel Makeup Lipstick ' cleanser for about 50$ also. So I purchased just the Chanel lipstick ... but not the cleanser.  Then I decide to go back and purchase the special Chanel lipstick remover , at the same place . Was No longer available  , and lied that there was Not such a product . While looking it up online too ! And Not only that they ' Actually changed the lipstick formula inside My brand new 50$ Chanel lipstick to Not the stain 24 hour product I purchased!





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I want to include this comment here from the other SSF Section. Regarding Time and Space anomalies (  I consider also caustic reactive due to Attacks , Assaultz on Nature and Natures     Beings ) .  Basically also connected to the Alpine Village ( The People and Area surrounding  ) comments in the Secular World Post as well.


I just witnessed something about 4 Days ago outside , talking to a Person | Familiar , who looks like My Daughter in Quatum Mechanics Assultz , trying to help Her off the streets. And I was leaving feeling disturbed about how I thought She definitely Not HerSelf in Her Mind Space ( after about 4 Months.. )  thinking to MySelf , not knowing if I should continue anymore  (  after She said something odd , You can just create whatever here , and said Earth was Hers' ( as a D , S , jezebelz , in My FamiLys form?? ) a couple of times. After that I was thinking maybe I should just focus on Rapture Kjv , Rapteur ... And as I pivoted saying a disappointed ( thinking It was The D , S in Her Mind Space instead ... ) Goodbye walking away ,

*+ I noticed a Metro city Bus on the way about a block and a half away , the bus I needed to go back and as I was looking at the Bus , It appeared the Whole Bus was pulled back , like backwards on a conveyer belt , and the whole surrounding area of space about 100 feet across appeared swirling  cloudy and plumming and looked like the Armageddon movie poster billboard   ( that My Husband designed as an employeed graphic designer , with  the Actors across in a horizontal format , And that swirly Orange and Red in the background. ) the  Sky , Orange and Red.  The Bus completely Vanished infront of My Eyes ! Didnt make It to the bus  stop ! No streets to turn into as a detour too .  And I dont think It was My Imagination.

Everytime I take the Bus around this area , Its was either canceled ,   detoured , closed " , hyjacked , the bus stop signs moved to where all the bus are not in one place , the other across the street under freeways and no benches too . Very Rude towards Civilizations Society , Humanity πŸ€πŸ’—


Dont let Them' !

It says on the last pages of KJV to Not practice Witchcraft , Sorcery  , Divinition or Warlock. ' Incidentally , They ' been removing The very first line of The Bible " even in Kjv .

All Christian Bibles should read in Genesis 1 : 1 [ The Book of Jasher , Jesus , .... God. The Book of The Just Man ] .

" In The Beginning  Is Word.  "  Not in the Beginning God created the Heavens ... ' as the very first Verse. Beyond Blasphemy and Sacrilidge. That They ' have put that first sentence even in the 2 Bibles of the Person , who looks like My Daughter I mentioned above ! She said someone gave them to Her.

The Beginning of ALLLL Beginnings Is Word , God  - NOT Lie or Liar !

ALLLLWays PeaceLoveJoy ,  Be

πŸ€β›…οΈπŸ€šπŸ˜ŠπŸ’›πŸ’–πŸ©·πŸŒ β¬œοΈβšͺ️🀍

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πŸ€β›…οΈπŸ’–πŸŒ   .... And I just saw about a Week ago a Pastor , Kjv  preaching " Revelations 1 to 27 " The Title of the video too . There is 1 to 22 ( as attached picture ) , I wrote a comment questioning , again No response from. I dont feel the need to post the screenshot of.

Not only is It  futhermore totally off Spectrum: Disregard and Disrespectful in the Blasphemy and Sacrilidge to  Word " too . It says specifically in Revelations  , to Not change anything [ Word ] " in The Revelations Scriptures Chapter.

The Peoples ... are and were require to place Their Mind , Hand , Soul And Heart to ( swear' ) Promise to tell The Truth 🀍The Holy , Whole , Wholesome , Wholy , WHolyistic Truth And  Poetically ! The Poets Justice , Gods , Natures , ALLLL , Resonance of Its even🀍  In The United States Court ~ Under God ~  Heavens Humanity πŸ€πŸ©·β›…οΈ  True & Trut , Truth. The Whole  Truth in Emotion , Motion And Movement ALLLLWays🀍

Not a Fact " and or Factoid " -  that is Foul , Illegal , Criminial Ehp Sra would be      The Truth !  The Whole Full Macro Circle Truth ~ InKarmaed , The liarz liez mindz alone , Not of Flesh " Kjv , Zs Sra zs lopped to , Enslaved to their" owned InDeedz!  The Duh , No Ds !  H ~ HeD" !    🀍

For The Absolute Truth , Set Us   Free !

πŸ€β›…οΈALLLL L Absolutions Under For And with God🩷🀍

πŸ€πŸ’–β¬œοΈπŸŒ β›…οΈπŸ’›πŸ™πŸŒŽπŸ©·πŸ€

I did online search for Genesis 1 : 1 showed both of in attached pictures.  Even from the same source.

** Also , was adding the more Chapters to Revelations on the Video I saw some of , was that :  a SOS cry out for help , a 3rd entity sabatoge ,  Mockery , or God working in Mysterious Ways ?  🀍🩷


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πŸ€β›…οΈπŸŒ πŸ™  A New Movie coming out in the first week of July 2023 ( 3 rd &          4th *+  ) . Many Theaters in the                 Los Angeles area  are Excusively           pre selling seats supporting the Feature about a Man who saves Children out of the Human Trafficking Crime crisis.   

Sound of Freedom | Theater trailer | Angel Studios image in attachments.



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I saw Yesterday while out in Torrance , CA the new motto on the Black and White Police cars  , " We serve our  Future ,  Los Angeles  " ( And It seemed like a familiar id marker furthermore ' mentality as a JZ ' Police officer , as the driver. No other one in the Police car. Going to a fast food drive through ) . Instead of The original motto , " To Protect And Serve The Public "  Society  , Civilization ,  People , Children mostly     γ€Š as We are ALLL in those types of ehp    situations'.  Businesses , Places , Secular World , Humanity Generally speaking . ALLLL Children ( that includes Elders , And Adults ) who were and are Born Free Naturally of Nature And PrincipLe🀍Gods Sovereignty ~ ALLLL Beings | ALLLL Beingness🀍🩷


Also , I have been noticing really crazy rude lately . Swiping People And instantly changing into another totally different Person , especially gender. Noticed this a couple weeks ago on a big LA Casino Commercial on TV.  An Old African American Male is sitting at a table  , And the same Person sitting completely morphing into a Hispanic Feminine Nature Being appearance ' , and walking off screen.

A couple Days ago outside. I noticed this Van making circles around the parking lot , a very large Corporate  lot  , the guard was looking at them funny too , taking pictures. For like   10 minutes driving around in circles , I was just sitting there doing My own thing and noticing and observing them stopping and parking ... and trading seats a couple of times to drive and stop and park for a second a couple of times ... erractic behavior, and I notice who was a Man in the passenger seat prior , is now at the driver's seat looked completely different and a Female appearance  '. Could It be My imagination  , I dont totally think so , the furthermore' insinuation there.  Were they learning how to drive ? I dont think so , they were two about 30 something Adults with tattoos that looked like Hipsters. One was a bald Man. Seemed like the French flag colors banner of Navy Blue ( like a Midnight  Blue ) , White and Red hanging from the rear view mirror . I felt like asking them ( I didnt ) or do a French exclaimation to see if they were French when they about 5 ft driving pass by Me in several rounds.    πŸ€πŸ’–

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🀍πŸŒ₯πŸ’–πŸŒ β¬œοΈπŸŒŒβšͺ️  I have to relay to Yous about the rude and beyond sketchy tech experience 'Yesterday on  JuLy 4th trying to go to see , Sound of Freedom " Feature Movie by MySelf in MDR ,        Los Angeles area. So scheduled rude , furthermore .... ( .... in Secessions.  ...  . ) , from when I was in the area last  before a few Days ago . My olde Neighborhood with My FamiLy for about 8 Years.

I had previously mentioned the Feature Sound of Freedom here on SSF. I didnt go to watch It. Purchased the pre sale ticket on the 3rd.  ... Too much to write about right now πŸ’–πŸ€

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This Post Thread was moved to Members OnLy section. Not sure Im Okay with that. The Public allready knows basically whats up too .

Im really tired  , I just wanted to get started with saying from the Bus systems  hyjacked still ... 3 Buses and one Metro train to get there.  Not according to the online schedule and or regular routes again , detour totally away from fireworks area . The last bus driver Familar  L , creepy , bitchy . The last thing He , said to Me upon exiting to My last stop , "....  there is nothing there ... for You  " .

* + And the Barnes & Noble that was a huge building ( I noted prior the other week  ) on the opposite corner was completly Moved , another Constructed B&N to the other corner , a much smaller one. A building there a Week prior. And was a Vacant , closed down business. I remembered thinking oh thats a big B&N the week prior walking up to a another store on the same street  [ and thinking to MySelf  ,not to purchase further from them because most of the Things I purchased were stolen 2 and one Years prior ] .  Many Christmas Presents , and Esoteric things. From a B&N  couple Citys away within SouthBay ,    Los Angeles . Not My Imagination.

So basically the same type of Technology and Movements of Anti Human  , Humanity with My Full Disclosure a several pictures removed on SSF regarding The Los Angeles County Museum Completely Obliterated!!! And the Real time Technology was very simaliar. With the same energy Id marker then.

Like the Gary Numan song format of Down at the Park ( I posted on SSF too ) Soft to Hard Full Circle Disclosure    Nows .  Also the Wolfsheim ( When Im Gone ) music video showing the instant changing of the Set'. I also posted about , the Technology  , producing Ehp 666 ???  ) .  So the Theater that It was supposed to be in was then changed!  The B & N was parallel,  on the same block to the Theater , on the online Map ! Checked several times.  Now Not!  Made sure It was the same Theater  , the seat diagram okay . Definitely Not the Theater across the street , which I didnt want to go to , Ive been there with My FamiLy before , Years ago . The same Theater company too . Jzblzs FamiLiars at the ticket booth and concession at the Theater It was supposed to be in. Decided Not to go .

So , Initially discovered this , upon going up to the upstairs theater ( making it 15 minutes prior , somehow )  noticing boarded up store fronts , mostly eateries ( the dine and theater " online advertisements I saw online that day checking further , Im noticing , different than across the streets format.  )  coming to , and see FamiLar (s)   , as an old ketu satan fem. Appearance said to Me , " are You here to see Sound of Freedom , Its Not here  " as they were walking out from the theater entrance , exit pathway .   ....

There is more to It , maybe I will write about what occured furthermore  ' . Perplexed why this very important post regarding Children is on Members OnLy section. It says in The Bible , that those things like Samson and Goliath issues should Not put fear infront of ALLLL Due Care. The Whole Truth Is Freedom            ( Love )   πŸ€πŸ’—

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hi. i will not be seeing the sound of freedom movie myself. yeah i might be a pizza gate kid because of foster care but there is other stuff i deal with to. the other day i thought of how i met Bill Clinton. he indeed had personal magnetism and is one of the best with eye contact. i was 11 and with my current family at the location. it looks like he felt shaking hands with kids was good politics. its still a interesting thought from a eyes of a kid at that time.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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I want to also mention on that Day the 4th trying to see Sound of Freedom ,        I had purchased Kannabis                           ( Kanna Bosm  , Kjv ) from 2 Stores Ive been to before when living in the area . After not being there for about 3 Years.

The 1st was a good experience  including the monetary , product and customer service.  The other store I purchased from that Day a lot closer to the studio apartment  | leased ( somehow able to * +  )  for @ 7 Months there , was Not.

... A lucifer jzblz bar tender , FamiLy Infected , and charging over 50% taxes for a preroll , for a 11$ = 23$.  The next time I went to the area the Kannabis store that was good , to raised  taxes  to additional @ 10%  Some places dont charge any taxes , inclusive , same quality and a lot less $ too . I have to find the receipts. So less than 3 weeks after the other , now the other store with raised   taxes' . From State , City and another tax too .   πŸ’–πŸ€

And other strange occurances on the 4th too . The same type of Technology with Instantaneously ( ... solid 3d buildings can change , within a second!  Like I posted over 2 Years ago @ The  Los Angeles County Museum ... ) the Cafe I was at had a huge broken window , that wasnt there prior. It was boarded up prior , without a huge hole there patched.  Even another FamiLar , baphometz lilith jzblz  commented to another walking to the cafe about the broken window , the storefront window just right infront of Me ( about 4 feet  away ) sitting outside sipping coffee. I would have noticed too . Also because I kept on thinking why did they put that large Wood panel on their window , from inside and outside.  I would have noticed then too .  The locals' who mentioned  the window sat on the curb for awhile a few yards away . Many seats and tables outside , no one their except Me.  Quiet Culver City neighborhood.

Supposedly , My Children Living around that area , leaving them texts to meet at the movies , the coffee place that Day ... No response still.  Its been almost 5 Years since I last saw them at an Airbnb Redondo Beach , CA taken away without Goodbyes πŸ€πŸ™πŸ’–

Additionally :

Another thing , that I kind of noticed re the window  , It seemed very airy fairy , intangible  , confusing Mentally. Typically a sign for Me indicating probably e*** . Intuitive sensitivites knowing , something is odd. Affected , involved with a clicking remote control to faux reality ??

Similar to the Haunted House ride in Disneyland , when going to the platform to take Your seats , You have to go into a very large Elevator that holds about 20 to 30 People at once , on the Victorian paneled and pictured wall of , Paintings ... as the moderator pda speaks about the pictures , they are slowly morphing visually into another  picture , like holographics. That type energy reminding of that technology in real time witnessing the phenomenon  , and | or Crimes towards Nature Physics , affecting PeopLes And ALLLL  , NO !  🀍🩷


Update :


The 11$ preroll that I purchased [ a lucifer Feminine FamiLiar as the budtender ] mentioned about taxes when I purchased the one Item . It was = 23 $ as the total  charge . The receipt does not reflect that . So over 50 % taxes , and changed the receipt!

The receipts showing several taxes , when some Kannabis Shops dont charge any taxes at all !

And Notice how They also charge over the total purchase , to give $ change back , very odd.

Addition  : I just checked My online bank account and ledger , No records of 4th of July purchases there . One of My receipts for Kannabis has the 7 |4 date on It though. And the Uber drive back was charged on the 3rd. " The Day prior. And No records of any of the Kannabis store credit charges on the 4th too .


Actually distorted the Date on the receipt picture and the actual receipt  ( just checked again ) . It wasnt before f*d.


Unbelievably , Beyond Belief thought they were My Beauty And Beautiful Life Too .

Day Is Day , Existence Is Existence ,  Life was Not Lived Yet , ALLLL !

- Not AL' !



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.... found the receipts looks like they were changed. State , City and Excise tax. With about 20% showing taxed instead. Lie! I will Post them later.

Also , on the 4th I went to another Cafe prior to the one with the window incident. Across the street from the 2nd K store. An upscale German Bakery Cafe , privately owned Restaurant Company I knew about decades ago that was in Santa Monica before ( now closed ) and I sat there to have a Coffee and Croissant.  Sitting and noticing the Waiter | Cashier ( who just gave Me coffee at the table ) as He was there at the counter folding Cloth napkins around Silverware for about 7 minutes directly across the table I was at , and then within a second , I see a 4 inch Brown finger smear on the back of the Person White clothes  ( * + also He reminded Me as FamiLiar , and noticed the lead singer of the German band that I mentioned recently here Wolfsheim , re the instantaneously technology , too ) , that shite' stain Definitely wasnt there before ! Obviously . He was just folding and talking casually to another Person there.  He wasnt that particular friendly towards Me.   However of course  , I mentioned to Him the stain. And He went right to the restroom for 5 minutes to check , and then fixed It. He had to cover It up with His shirt.  πŸ’–πŸ€

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Yes , very convulted , I just saw videos on the Theaters were refunding tickets , turning off the air-conditioning  , empty Theater  , sending People away ... Also some researching on the People involved with the Movie . The Movie was completed 5 Years ago , they had problems finding a Distrubtion company , Theaters.  They Prayed , And Angel Studios came to          happen I heard Today

Apparently  , did well making 100 Million so far last I saw . Getting the message , Emotion , Motion And Movement going

Supporting the 1# Cause is very important. Recue ALLLLVerse        from evil erectus , Satan , gmo ,            666 , The Pain machinE! The d , s  InKarmaed!  Not letting Ehp into or  on ALLLL Life regardless.  πŸ’–πŸ€

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Addition to the additional window and holographics comment above , there is something else to that is really out   there , and probably not believable .... back in the early 2000s I was watching Oprah , and a Dr. Christine Northrup was on speaking with Her about Endocrinology , Women hormones , peri and menopause regarding mature years of Female.  I purchased the book even though not at that stage. It had the content expected in that type of medical topic .... However , there was a page that had copy that read completely out of context  , " You will have holographic adventures " *+ !

When I was taken illegitimately to Hospitalized | Incarcerated a few Years later reading It then , I had showed one of the Policemen the book ( I had in My Hands ) and copy , and He told Me take It as proof " . I was then almost assassinated by the Doctor with medication at the hospital I was taken to  . I showed the Dr. the book with the copy , He asked if there anymore references to that type of context ", and I said and showed No . If I was to take one more pill then , I felt I was not going to make It . The Judge ( hospital court ) would not even let Me change My Dr. who was poisioning Me ,  wouldnt change My meds. I couldnt breathe and had  vertigo .  The next Day I was transfered to another facility and Dr. far away from there , and then finally released after @ 3 Months !

Not thinking what I saw as                     " holographics " , an effect. What I had generally reported about here , I believe was Actual Instantaneously 3D Change.  Not Blue Beam , or the  Other , E.T. alike' [ out of Mankind capability , Octaves more sophisticated. Out of this Specific Natural World ] as My first SSF post. Mostly seeming with that Id marker ( I mentioned above , Esoteric  , Intangible , Intuitive ) with 3d  Tangible , Physics Affected , concrete , Exoteric 🀍🩷

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Last night I forced MySelf to watch the Skinwalker Ranch TV series show , they were investigating phenomenon in the Arizona desert on Indian Land.

The Beings under investigation seemed like Cosmic Tribal Shapeshifter Familiars that seem very Hi Tech. Intuitively sensing also Secular , City types in Poly Quantum too ( ? ) Thinking there is connection to the Network' of Ehp Sra ,   S , H , The D . I left a comment on a YT Skinwalker video this Morning  regarding  .   πŸ€πŸ’›


FYI,  Oops I didnt mean to write their show name in lower case.

Now watching a new episode that just came out Tonight , and now It seems like High Technology that is connected to US Spaceship Technology  ? Im going to continue to watch. I was prompted to comment about this. I did not want to make a seperate post , thinking Its still within context.   πŸ€πŸ©·

*+   Addition , I mostly know of Empire of The Sun from My Daughters music Playlist 🀍🩷🀚😊🀍


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yeah i heard about skin walkers before. i cant judge anyone but it would be interesting magic if they pull it off. i would stay away from those in general because they may not be a good hearted person. in this case it would be a shaman that feels that others and the culture has wronged them. speaking from education on the myth.

- Eclipse, Multi dimensional being/ Active milab dream asset

- Umbrella Corporation Level 08

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... whatever whats occurring there , apparently is tearing the fabric of the Stratosphere ! -   Its Anti Nature , Anti Natural !

Thinking It could be like what I saw in @ 2013 in the Sky in Burbank , CA             [ Trying to deliver a very late and sabatoged giving a BirthDay gift for My Son , when as Excommunicated FamiLy , was blocked at late Night from staying at a hotel there , I had to sleep outside in a Park in freezing December too .  Still' And worst nows! ] a Black Grey Mass of a blob [ felt like not an Okay Yawheh somehow , maybe about 100 feet wide , with FamiLy Stars ( that appeared to be dwarfed by the mass ) However,  The FamiLy Stars ( 2 ) , very small compared , appeared to be Attacking the Astral blob in The Sky !

By the way , I believe I Witnessed  ,      " Sky Fall " occured in 2010 too in Burbank  , CA 🀍🩷

Reminds Me of The Pixies from  Britian , the music bands song ( Definitely Disclosure ) the lyrics ,          " there is a Hole in The Sky , ... and We all are going to take turns ... "  Also , with Gemetria and Numerology references in the lyrics of    " This Monkey Is Going To Heaven " , The Pixies


Lyrics :
There was a guy
An underwater guy who controlled the sea
Got killed by ten million pounds of sludge from New York and New Jersey
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
The creature in the sky
Got sucked in a hole, now there's a hole in the sky
And the ground's not cold
And if the ground's not cold, everything is gonna burn
We'll all take turns, I'll get mine too
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
Rock me, Joe
If man is five
If man is five
If man is five
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
Then the devil is six
And if the devil is six
Then God is seven
Then God is seven
Then God is seven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
This monkey's gone to heaven
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Charles Thompson
Monkey Gone to Heaven lyrics Β© Rice And Beans Music
Wikipedia says the song was released March 20 , 1989 . I think I remember The Pixies from around that time.
And when I was in London [ Somehow ] with My FamiLy in 2016 something about that specific song being played , And Me getting Hospitalized | Incarcerated there in The UK.   I was trying to listen to It in the hotel , a whole thing occurred stupidly , and I was sent to Hospital | Incarcerated. A lot of FamiLars there ...  And the song was actually played at the Hospital while I was outside , and I noticed one of the Nurses staff , a Male singing to the Song .
NO Is No ! Thats with No Gmo  , Rescue , Return Perfect WorLd.
They have other songs that seems like about full Disclosure too like Hey " ,       Los Angeles "  ( Solo )
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... Please Lay The E.E.F [ evil erectus finite ] mindz { OFF ALLLL Beings }  Neutralized and Eradicated InDeedz Of Sras InVerbatimz , InKarmaed!  AdulthoodeD

Please Protect and Sheild Nuclei FamiLy And Nuclear FamiLy Humanity , ALLLLVerse , ALLLLFamiLy

No Pain MachinE of Satan , nowsz many of them , the same.

False Universe , UnaDeleted!   πŸ€πŸ©·

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... the link of the song T.M.G.T. Heaven  I put in the comment , said Official video ". Isnt ! And the original video I was viewing for about 10 years , is now removed from the results of the search of the song . This Morning I viewed the one that I considered the Offical Video , showing the band members , one of Them , Who looked Glowy !  🀍🀚😊🀍

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I saw more of Skinwalker Ranch latest Video ( 1 Day ago )  took some screenshots of what appears like a Black Hole anomoly . They were referring to as a blob too , Not Natural " . From above , Affecting the Ground.  Objects are deflected ' somehow. An odd Red Circle around the Black spot in another record mentioned. Black Hole in the sense of a Portal was mentioned too . Definitely Not Goodness!   

I keep thinking of the Nodes mentioned in Sanskrit about 5 , 6K ago .  North and South , Lilith and Gulik.



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Update on the  7 | 22 entry regarding purchases at the K Shop before              ( 6 | 30 ) and on the 4th of July explained with the pics of the receipts. The 3 taxes , and how a 11$ purchase was actually 23$ ( with those taxes , and overcharge to give You the excess change non sense   too ) - which was accommodated to H Crime MachinE further.

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πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©· Hi , Im hoping Everyone And Everything is Okay  . I havent been out and about in several Days . A bit distressing in the vicinity then , taking the bus metro system.  Very sketchy  , subhuman , false reality-based  , surreal ... I tried to keep a positive Mind set about It .... And Everything .... , I posted a positive Fb post that Day , image in attachments. Today I was kind of prompted to post on SSF .

[ While Im still trying to keep The Continuity of Praying πŸ™ 🀍🩷 and Somehow Producing  Humanity , for My FamiLy .... despite recent events'. ]

.... I saw quickly this Video ( image in attachments  ) earlier on My mobile stream on Pastors , Clergymen ... having to Be Rescued Too  ( held Prisioners'.  )

Thinking about Suzie Dawson , Julian Assange , Snowden , Greenwald ,   the recent Hospitals.

... Praying for Rapture  , Rapteur  ,   Rapture Kjv  , Rescue  , Restored Comfort Baseline | Homebase | Empathy , Sustained , Maintained As Protected ChiLdren , FamiLy | True Nuclei , And Nuclear , Natures  PrincipaLs , of PrincipLe , Resonance  ~ Humanity πŸ‘ͺ πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·

ALLLLMercifull , ALLLLGrace And ALLLL Peace For ALLLL SouLs , ChiLdren , FamiLy , Humanity



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Keeping in thoughts still , ... No matter convulted with Diss of Anything , Deflections , Dellusions ....

The Continuity of ALLLLDue CareπŸ©·πŸ™πŸ€ Not to Ever forget ...  ChiLdren , FamiLy  , WorLd , Civilization  , Poetry  ,    Humanity !

An update Video 4:00 minutes published Today CBN News Yt.            A 700 Club Christian based Channel , regarding to continuum and momentum of - The Sound of Freedom

That just was released to the International Secular World a few Days ago . Box Office is over 163 M now ?? The numbers online were not making much sense prior.

Some turbulence in regards to The PeopLes involved there ... However , anyhow , .... Doing Continuity here to PLease [ We somehow , Organized Served Ourselves , Out of Itz' too . ] what is Right Is Right. Sharing , The Message Of Rescue (s) , WHolyistically  Out of The Loop  , " Abyss " , PermanentLy! πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·




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Update to 8 | 5 | 23

Post regarding the Christians , Clergymen ...  now some released.      A screenshot of another video from CBN News Online Published Today .

Some still there Not Okay , Situationals Until Immediately  Okayed ,  As with Everyones And    The ALLLLVerse Too πŸ€πŸ™πŸ©·



I dont know much about this , I saw the just online published video on My feed. After I posted this lastnight the video was removed. This Morning wasnt easy to find.

They are asking for Peoples who have ability to say and do something [ Like Writing the Embassys ... I think As Organized , Safer and Supported too . Also Supporting Law Enforcement Officers too , Served Organized , out of the way , however Supporting and spotting . ] These Christians were locked , Imprisioned without any Legal proceedings , some for 19   Years !   The initial 2 Pastors held captive ( for 7,000 Days' ) Apparently , Not of the 13 who were just released.

ThanksGivings  , Good Is                     Of Spectrum OnLy  , OneπŸ€πŸ™πŸ’—

The Video description in the attachments.

Update :  I just saw the picture of the prison.

πŸ€πŸ’œ You ALLLLs Praying for Rapture Kjv , Rapteur, Please Rapture PermanentLy Out of the Abyss " of The D , S !  Matrix Control , Neutralized And Eradicated E!  An image of the Horriffic looking Prison. There are Everywhere what Can be Done ~ To instigate Anti Ehp Sra 666 H ISRequirementz' maxhinE , Systematically ??? NO PST , PLEASE RESCUE WHOLYISTICALLY πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ€ Thank YousπŸ’œπŸ€



ALLLL Due Care , Ian K Curtis



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