I would like to know anything you know about these interesting non terrestrial "Tall Whites" or "Nordic aliens" or "Pleadian"
I would like to know anything you know about these interesting non terrestrial "Tall Whites" or "Nordic aliens" or "Pleadian"
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Here's some interesting information. John Robbie died right after he released the info on how to identify Nordics. He said that they have a screwed up finger.
And this article by Montalk is very insightful. He's a very careful and lucid thinker. His style of writing and analysis is nice to have in a field rife with craziness, assumptions, and paranoia.
I ran across a dea agent that looked like these pics. He was cold blooded tho. Eyes that cut you like a sword.
could b venusians. the same markings were on freya in the movie vikingdom
In regards to the Nazi, and the race from Aldebaran (Nordics?);
What is the obsession with white skin/ blonde hair/ blue eyes?
For those reptilians who happen to be cyborgs, why do they disguise themselves as blonde haired, blue-eyed, white humans?
What is a cyborg reptilian? They're different from the normal reptilians???
Aryan genetics were considered more advanced than others by the Nazis, probably because they were connected to Nordic aliens and were biased. I think some of the Nordic 'aliens' are time travelling Nazi Aryan SuperMen trying to tweak their past of their timeline.
What is it with white people, do they have more reptilian dna in them, some of them, which makes them more compatible to be reptilian hosts? In mind control research, caucasians are biologically more easily mind controlled they say.
Not all white people are easier to mind control. That would be the blonde, blue eyes. This is why they choose the blondes over others, easier to mind control. Could be something done to their genetics eons ago just for this purpose.
the white race has creativity and technology. It is more similar to the ET nordic races. the nordic races communicate using their minds and use creativity. Surviving in the snow is hard. It is survival of the fittest, not the easiest to mind control.
Yep! You nailed it, Thank you, Nate.
I wonder if Abraxas here is the entity that Wes Penre wrote about who talked extensively about other dimensions and Draconians on another forum? If so I'd like to ask a bunch of questions.
James Casbolt (Michael Prince) talks about the nazi's, and more specifically the Aldebaran's, "Vril" power being derived from a reaction between extreme heat and extreme cold.
According to him, a type of metal is being mined on Enceladus that constantly stays cold. This is being used to make the bones of the cybernetic super-soldiers, and then they pump a hot liquid magma-like substance through the metal; the reaction between the two causing the "Vril" phenomenon that the Nazis coveted so much.
So was it these Nordics that were the race from Aldebaran that shared this cybernetic tech with the Nazis? Or was it a reptilian race that used their cybernetics to appear as blonde/blue/white? Or was it both? Or neither?
James Casbolt (Michael Prince) talks about the nazi's, and more specifically the Aldebaran's, "Vril" power being derived from a reaction between extreme heat and extreme cold.
According to him, a type of metal is being mined on Enceladus that constantly stays cold. This is being used to make the bones of the cybernetic super-soldiers, and then they pump a hot liquid maga-like substance through the metal; the reaction between the two causing the "Vril" phenomenon that the Nazis coveted so much.
So was it these Nordics that were the race from Aldebaran that shared this cybernetic tech with the Nazis? Or was it a reptilian race that used their cybernetics to appear as blonde/blue/white? Or was it both? Or neither?
I don't know Abraxas for sure what the answer is. My understanding of exopolotics is very limited. I guess we are talking shapeshifters here? Don't the reptilian wear some device by their chest or thigh that maintains their physical human form as a disguise? I think I heard Aaron McCollum use this device in a video, it made a noise. And you can see a newscaster with something like this on her thigh she covers up. Perhaps it was malfunctioning because her speech was slurred.
Too bad this thread died. We should keep it going! What do you say Abraxas?
As far as my knowledge of reptilian shape shifting goes, there are multiple modalities by which it is achieved by various reptilian races.
One is by actual shape-shifting, meaning that the individual can (at-will or by another means) change form into a reptile. As far as I understand, this actually occurs very infrequently and is certainly not the norm by any means. I am not sure how this is even possible, but I imagine it is some sort of advanced from of "Chameleon camouflage".
Another, method is by use of Holographic imagery as you spoke about, Blue Metal. This is more common and is advanced enough technologically speaking as to be completely indistinguishable from an actual human and can for all intents and purposes disguise a reptilian being indefinitely.
Another means is when HUMAN individuals happen to possess such a high concentration of reptilian DNA that they can at times actually appear reptilian. Usually aided by extreme emotions that originate in the reptilian brain.
The other one that I have heard about is a species of reptilian that uses cybernetic tech to grow human flesh over their reptilian body as to appear human. This may have been done AEons ago during wars that occurred between reptilians and humans in other star systems. The reptilians, in an attempt to infiltrate the human society, (or Pleiedian or Lyran society more accurately) disguised themselves using this technology.
I have heard reports of Blonde/Blue/White tall Nordic looking beings with reptilian eyes with the vertical slits. I believe this was the race from Aldebaran that aided the Nazis.
I have also heard of instances where the reptilians will eat humans in an effort to consume the hormones which aid in maintaining the human form. When this is done, they apparently prefer children who have not hit puberty yet. After a human hits puberty, and again after their first coitus experience, the hormones in the human body change. This apparently negates the desired effect or severely diminishes the ability to maintain a human form when consumed by a reptilian.
That is the information I have gathered. How much of it is true or not I cannot verify through any personal experience.
So like all information in this field- take it all in with a grain of salt. Just as long as you take it all in.
Abraxas,thanks for sharing. I think along the same lines, there are multiple ways shapeshifting occurs in varying degrees and ways. And all of what you say I agree with, though I hadn't heard about those specific Aldeberans. I thought the Nazis were aided by Nordics. But I think a lot of these Nordics ar part reptilian, or using reptilians as 'the fall guy' for their conspiracy.
One thing you left out though, is the idea of hosting, where an astral, or nonphysical being, possesses or connects with and influences in varying degrees, a human being. Many normal humans get the slit pupils when their reptilian brain becomes active. I wonder is this more of an effect of reptilian biological genetics, or of astral influence? When a reptilian astral being connects to or takes possession of a human, wouldn't that cause the slit pupils?
I had a dream I think was an abduction. Walked through an underground tunnel with military guys in gear and guns. We walked through this gate, like a check-in area with guards. One military guard was a woman and she had slit eyeballs. She looked at me and communicated with me telepathically, and I thought, 'she knows I know who they are'. I wish I could remember more of those dreams... I think I recall other effects, like her body showed morphing effects in different areas too.
Do you have any abduction experiences or experiences with aliens or spirits like this?