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Tagged With "time slip"


Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Rise ·
Great post. This comes close to my perception of "time". Every stream of consciuosness or time is basically one strong Intention. These Intentions gain what we percieve as linear time by interacting with each other through human beings which manifest these different ruling intentions, knowingly or unknowingly. In Gnosticism the ruling demiurge thrives on chaos and distruction so it makes sense that we start there. Then we finally begin to spiral out, but can get drawn back in anytime. I can...

Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Ghost Rider ·
Timeline 6 is rules by black hole entities known as vampires. They learn from people who provide such services. There's not much to it other than that. Each timeline is a method of learning for the shaman who can navigate it. Each timeline has an energy to master. Once outside the matrix, it's about innovation. But timeline 6 is where you start to learn to turn the archon system and 12 aeon prison on it's head and make it work for you. It's usually up to you to find a service provider as...

Re: Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Rise ·
How do you integrade physical and non physical realities in this model?

Re: Michael J Spinler

Nate YPX Grey ·
Welcome to YPX News this is your host Nate Grey. This show will be featuring a story about a MK Ultra named Michael Spinler. Michael Spinler became a Delta at age 17 A Delta is a sergeant while an Alpha is a basic troop. and an Omega is a guard an alpha is a more robotic alter from than the delta alter form, alphas are often used to guard government officials and illuminati leaders. According to Michael Spinler recruits are started out and most are killed at age 5 He is one of the few that...

The 1987 war

Angela ·
1987 War There was a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Shemitah year of 2015, on 13 September. The last time this happened was in 1987. And before that; 1931. Really bad things happen in these years globally. 30 days after the eclipse on 23 September1987, Black Monday occurred. And in October 1987 the infamous Hurricane struck Great Britain . But the worse event was on the 23 May 1987 when the spaceships appeared and released the weapon that turned all that heard it, to dust. I had the...

Codex of the Matrix from a Timeline Perspective

Ghost Rider ·
Timeline - A specific vibration that attunes to specific ideas within a universe, and the resulting effects on the world around it. Can have multiple timelines within a universe, and can have timelines in different universes. Negative Timeline - A timeline where the general consensus is that the principles cause oppression, destruction, stress, and/or unbearable/unlivable environments as a whole from the perspective of the one walking with in it. Usually deep in the matrix meaning you are...

Timeline Control

Ghost Rider ·
Ok, this is a method to control reality. Let's get started. Imagine where you are in the universe is a stream/line. Imagine slightly changing your direction up or down to catch a wave of the next timeline. This is a part of it. Now as you go up it's the same as going outwards from a concentric circle. You must visualize that you are using the power of an archetype and visualize things as if you are playing out an old mythological story. Timeline one to two is a form of going through the...

Bored So Here's Free Knowledge

Ghost Rider ·
I'm bored and contemplating existence. I've realized that quantum reality is connected through probability fields yes. But how does that matter? The question is answerable, yet complicated at times. Knowing how quantum reality does virtually no good in predicting the future unless you're a genius. It can however help determine where you are in the universe. However, it can be used to slip into or out of a reality field as I have mentioned before in timeline traveling. But can you use such...

PTSD Reflections

Nate YPX Grey ·
July 9, 2012 at 1:35pm I’ve been having my own PTSD bad time. I get overcome with all the feelings of the evil things that happened to me in all of the darkness and pain of MK Ultra conditioning since infancy. All of the times when nobody could see me, or hear me cry out until I sounded more animal than human. Nobody ever came to rescue ANY of us. No authorities would hear or even listen to our complaints. Congressional hearings brought only token apologies and sometimes cash awards to the...

Men That Stare at Goats

Nate YPX Grey ·
Men Staring At Goats...August 9, 2013 at 1:33pmMen Staring At Goatsby John Stormm, MK Ultra Survivor       If you've ever seen the movie/comedy, "Men Who Stare At Goats", with a host of bright stars like George Clooney and...

The Time slips and Stream splits

whitelion342 ·
360degree of viewing? Notes on the Drawing: A rough drawing or compilation of what we are dealing with.... so as far as what i saw, we are all on the ship, we live natively on the other planet with two suns, the origin sour code or Great Spirit code is projected to the ship, The ship is the station in hyper stasis, meaning it is in time and space all the time There is a second planet forming as a holographic kinetic frequency, almost like terra-forming a new world, this is called the Event...

Hi Everyone Happy Memorial Day And Everyday to ALL . Sort of off topic , However.....

CosmicDancer ·
~ I want to send Love to Yous " who are needing some Love n Appreciation of , from , to And for Humanity . I am sending a recipe for Bathe Bombs n or Shower Melts ** (if You dont have a tub/without the excess Oils ) : You will need a largish mixing bowl ; a wooden spoon ; measuring cups ; a clean spray bottle with water ; a bomb mold - You can use a small bowl |for half a sphere, a plastic ornament/ halved or even a tennis ball cut in half | to compress together tightly to make a firm...

Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

Angela ·
Sorry Eevie I didn't realise you had replied to this thread, even though I have it permanently tabbed. I and my family have just moved again in 9 months, so life is a bit hectic. I got told in a dream, we would be moving to a Safe house-not safer but it is a specially made house in Iceland. Basically we now live in a geode as it covered in quartz and obsidian. We three have noticed we aren't picking up stray thoughts anymore-the world is a lot quieter in our heads. In the last month, I have...

my story: years of false memories/ time loops. is my soul under age 10?

Eclipse ·
hello friends of the community. my subject is awkward for me but i thought i would record it before i forget. well i have mentioned that i shifted timelines naturally . which is confusing for people by itself. right now i seem to be mostly in the super soldier timeline. however i discovered years of lost time and false memories. well in a way. the major change in the story was when i committed suicide cuz i was pissed off at life. notice how i didnt say attempted. fyi the story is used to...

Re: Timeline Control

Eclipse ·
@Ghost Rider not sure how to respond to this but thanks for the post. i wonder if i can choose more then one archetype even if its one at a time or all at once. hehe. in the end i will choose to be what can only be called a source human. why? its because its what my god side is attached to. also i feel it can be considered one of the original super soldiers. anyway i would have much to think of if i choose a archetype if i choose one. i still wonder how hard zeus or odin would be to carry as...

White house press secretary: vax will kill you, freudian slip

Eclipse ·
sometimes it takes the subconscious to tell the truth. I rest my case and it was better to post this one video then multiple evidence videos. only problem is can I work and shop without a vax? I will only take half a two part shot if I have to and can get away with it. In my opinion it's worst to live with horrible side effects.

The case of missing time. Alot of us have it.

Eclipse ·
hello. Recently I been thinking of missing time. Yes there are extreme cases like being in two different locations but not remembering how you got there. Then there is hypnosis while driving. In my case there seems to be missing time over a long period of time. like it seems that I had a few years where I mistakenly didn't work. Plus I had my suicide programming triggered during that time which I survived. I remembered some things during those years but I get a odd feeling. Especially since...

Re: The case of missing time. Alot of us have it.

Nate YPX Grey ·
i had this happen to me I dont feel convertible going into the details on a public forum though.

Re: The case of missing time. Alot of us have it.

eevie ·
I've had missing time all my life. I'm usually beat pretty bad from it. They throw me into battles without notice.

Re: The case of missing time. Alot of us have it.

Eclipse ·
@eevie sorry if your beat up from trips. It looks like I'm a active asset in dreams which you helped me figure out. I noticed how im still tired after sleeping. Or I have days where I sleep very long. Like 14 hours total. I can still wake up ok. the most interesting thing with my adoption story is I was taken away from my brother after a day at my first foster parents home. I was running that day because my brother wanted to race to toy blocks. on the second foster home I had a "shot/vax" in...

crossing vibrational boundaries within time and space

Eclipse ·
hello. i have a recent idea and i want to put this down before i forget. i will try to put everything in plain terms for the readers. recently i have noticed that vibration that makes up the current reality might be held in a vibrational container. if you cross it you can do a number of things. i will mention what you can possibly do as a result and also related topics so what can you do as a result. i first thought of time travel. in fact i think the past is simply a kind of timeline. then...

advice for my younger self/ young people. not excluding older learners.

Eclipse ·
one time in a dream i was asked what one advice i would give to a young person. my conscious thoughts were absent due to sleep. so i decided to post it. the one thing i came up with is i wish i had more time. interesting thing to say. not sure if any milab experience was influencing that. so yes consider not wasting your time. thanks for reading. - eclipse

remembering abilities: possible time distortions and anomalies

Eclipse ·
hi. so i did say i will keep the forum posted on things like abilities. well i started keeping track of one and i will try to keep this post digestible. im starting to keep track of time distortions which might be a invite to train for cronokinesis if i can figure it out. a big factor is believing in your ability. whatever it is. it can happen because one time i was waking up and i believed that i could fly until i fully woke up. one thing about time is that you need to be aware of the...

known super soldier powers list in general.

Eclipse ·
this is more of a fun post. i have noticed abilities in the multidimensional super soldier community. so here is a list of powers and where they come from. 1. telepathy of course. this is more of a natural power. this has been used to sense what will be used against you in battle and even finding others when attempting to do a assassination. 2. telekinesis. self explanatory and it was a weapon that was always with you. this seems to be a more common power they bring out. however that does...

eclipse blog: time space anomaly on camera. involving myself.

Eclipse ·
at the moment im here to explore a possible time space event. it involved a camera and myself. not dreams or faulty memories. i was sitting in a office at work. at the time i was thinking about a marvel character and super soldier stuff. then i decided to check to see how my dog tags are holding up. they are just custom because of my blood type. when i tucked them back in my shirt i noticed the camera froze. the footage showed my arm moving super fast as it caught up. when i checked the...

Re: eclipse blog: time space anomaly on camera. involving myself.

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer thanks for your reply. all i can say is wow. i dont know what that is but i do believe you. no its not your imagination or something. you indeed seemed to have experienced this in some kind of way. thanks and stay safe.

Re: eclipse blog: time space anomaly on camera. involving myself.

CosmicDancer ·
I just witnessed something about 4 Days ago outside , talking to a Person | Familiar , who looks like My Daughter in Quatum Mechanics Assultz , trying to help Her off the streets. And I was leaving feeling disturbed about how I thought She definitely Not HerSelf in Her Mind Space ( after about 4 Months.. ) thinking to MySelf , not knowing if I should continue anymore ( after She said something odd , You can just create whatever here , and said Earth was Hers' ( as a D , S , jezebelz , in My...

Am i a time traveler or do i have a dobble ganger?

Eclipse ·
so today i went to the bank. the teller asked if she served me yesterday. i said that wasnt me. when she was like well... didnt i serve you sometime? i was just like sure. to be honest i was there about a month ago and she claims it was yesterday. im used to people saying they saw me when they did not. however it makes me think when someone at the bank thinks i was just there. time travel could be one of many possibilities. i did check my dreams to see if i was activated. i came up with...

reality shifts and time slips: the cut on my finger, credit card glitch, and a dobbelganger

Eclipse ·
so today I will talk about reality shifts or something that seems like it. 1. I cut off the tip of my thumb twice when I was younger. I was learning the professional kitchen at the time. the other day I seen a cut on the tip of my thumb and a part of my tip missing. I was just thought it will heal. the next day it was gone! when I look at the scar now it seems different. now its just a small patch that does not have thumb print lines. reality shifts? 2 so I have a old secured credit card.