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Tagged With "Seer of dreams"


Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

Angela ·
Whitelion 342 Max said he was White horse and in my dream, that was the clue that my dream was about him. Could be bloodline/tribe abilities. I have a white wolf in mine-Red riding hood bloodine. Although I have also been called a Gyrfalcon. This is a white falcon with blue eyes. Theory: So when a white buffalo has been born, it means that someone has been born with the white buffalo ability. Then when one dies the human has died or the ability has been lost and that is why they mourn? Just ...

Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

Angela ·
Timelines have already been changed by the Uncreated creator using the 4 Royal stars. They are quasars and were used to change our timeline. This is what the Mayans call the Time of No Time. They calculated it would last 25 yrs. It started in 1987 before the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. So 25 years would have ended in 2012. I got a vivid dream in January 2012 that many spaceships had time travelled (Operation Pegasus ability) back to 1987, (23 May I found out later) and they...

Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

whitelion342 ·
VERY INTERESTING!! Thanks for this Info ! So here goes, something that is worrying me at the moment, I know that we are protected by Great Spirit/Uncreated Creator, but there is something that we are going to go through soon, been trying to get us all united in capabilities so that we can stand ready for this, A New Shift in Time using our DNA in FREQUENCIES, not the same as before, to create some sort of stargate out of our energies, using state of the art freeware such as Hydra and...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
Actually I think they were doing this 'checking up' on me recently. I have gotten a bad vibe about this Peter and I do not ignore this gut feeling ever, so they can't check on me that way. I made a mention on this forum I had had a program removed to help me remember more. As I am having problems remembering. On the 29 November this year, my Facebook page was hacked and I 'apparently' joined a load of Russian Facebook groups. It was hacked whilst I was asleep in the morning and my hubby...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

Angela ·
Stellar. I was only allowed to see this memory as I had just started using the last of those shapes/astral bodies. I have seen me, as a wolf and as an Angelic female warrior many times before. But the last one was the Green Dragon shape. I have read that dragons are Seraphim, one of the highest of the Angel realms. The first time was when I woke up from a dream where I had been fighting a man in a lab, he was trying to steal my last baby (they have stolen about 15 before). So now I am in...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

Angela ·
Eevie; I didn't realise they were asking me to stop the shit before it happens. I have been asked by angels writing me stuff and the Earth herself asked for help audibly. A Hidden folk female in Iceland asked me for help and fairies asked me to stop missles that were hitting their gardens. But I thought the Ravens were warning me because one told me, 'Danger from there'. He cocked his head towards the East where the Sea was. I usually pray anyway and just leave what I don't know to Uncreated...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

whitelion342 ·
Hello HARLEYQUINN11 I found once a native shaman tell me in a dream, that I must drink sage, I did for about a year, and started to experience some very fantastic dreams and guidance, but I learnt that I needed to set an intention in place, to only allow energy with love to connect. Interestingly when I do astral work, I place salt and stones around myself by default anyway.

Re: Nordic Aliens

bluemetal ·
Abraxas,thanks for sharing. I think along the same lines, there are multiple ways shapeshifting occurs in varying degrees and ways. And all of what you say I agree with, though I hadn't heard about those specific Aldeberans. I thought the Nazis were aided by Nordics. But I think a lot of these Nordics ar part reptilian, or using reptilians as 'the fall guy' for their conspiracy. One thing you left out though, is the idea of hosting, where an astral, or nonphysical being, possesses or...

Re: september 11th, what happened?

eevie ·
I wish i could remember more, Nate. My memories are punched with holes. He has a machine in his room that enhances psychic abilities, including astral projection. They used it on me many times. Many years ago i had a dream/oob of movign to central america to help a general. That was all i knew. Next thing i know i am introduced to him online and he procured a passport for me in just an hour. I flew there with 30 some odd dollars in my pocket. The natural food deal they publicize is real to a...

Re: september 11th, what happened?

CosmicDancer ·
I remembered when that happened. I was dreaming during the time (I don't know if it was just before or just after it happened, in Pacific Time). My husband at the time, that morning was just starting a new job, it was my mom's birthday. And my dream was about me, in an elevator, in a office skyscraper, the elevator doors opened and I can see from the elevator, through the office window, showing another building, like the one I was in. The elevator doors shut, it went up, it opened again and...

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...

Re: Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey well i atleast found out that english speaking countries work together. So they most likely have a program in england that messes with friends . it would be interesting to know details from that person . Looks like i personally ran into aussies in dream time . unfortunetly i got stabbed in the back in that one and not sure if it was them who knifed me.

Re: Are dreams ( or rather nightmares) trying to regain lost memories?

Trident ·
Peace and Love is what saved me from evil spirits attacking my brain, no joke I was hugging everyone in the dream like I had enough control like I'm lucid dreaming and the assault dissipated. If I reacted differently and make it less serious than what It was, I probably would go mad lol. It was pretty intense it feels almost like just missing a bullet.

Re: Implants

Zozo ·
Hey EEVIE, Its not,that I wouldent like to tell you as much as I can about myself,but the thing is that Im very rarely,in such a state that allows me to even write! Im a total wreck!I know I look healthy and normal from the outside,but the ugly truth is ,that Im a "prisoner" of so called doctors that ruined my life by giving me some pills that they give to people that are drug addicts.I dident know what kind of pills that really were,so after 2 weeks someone told me what they really are...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey interesting dreams. Also some of those seem scary. I hate to see the night where i have a dream that is about abduction and being expirimented on. If im looking at being a milab the abduction or expiriments is one thing i missed in both astral and real life. One reason why i look at if im actually a joe citizen. i heard of falling in a dream but thats extreme falling. I mostly fly in dreams if anything but wonder what being simply anti gravity is like. if the anti gravity...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
Update: hello everyone. Last night i had a odd dream i should record on here. In a dream i worked for george w. bush . if you dont know that was the secound bush president of my country. In the dream space i was a willing pilot if i had clearence to do so. when i told george bush i cant eat meat he got very angry like its a requitement to eat meat if this worker was supplied with it. He even asked why. While in dream time i was curious if he was a non earth entity in hiding. Its a curious...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

CosmicDancer ·
Oops my comment got moved to here . Im going to have to put back to where I placed with the post in regards to the topic ) I have had Prophetically Dreamt , like the 911 Towers as it was occurring n a lucid dreamer n lucid daydreamer n doer in astral ( affecting in the 3d n basically in every d when traveled there ) . N My Dream Dream ' Is For Humanity , ALL Nature Creation Sovereign from e " n h " design , assault , attack n or rule .

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

CosmicDancer ·
Oh , it was this post in regards to Your eating meat comment from Your Dream

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@CosmicDancer . I heard of prophetic dreams before. my prophetic dreams are usually geared toward helping in life. im sure you can comment on anyones dream or post your own . i know its Confusing machanics on the post. Thanks for supporting non creature eaters.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
Greetings readers. It looks like one can indeed be trained in dreams. I think alot of milabs claim training. Im close to not doubting it at all. I will tell you what i mean so stick with me weather you like martial arts or not. in this last dream there was a lady teaching martial arts on the fly. She had weaponized hands and nails. Seemed like Comic book like metal. This person put her hand next to the right side of my head and asked "how close am i" i replyed by guessing a 1cm in american...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

eevie ·
Nate, you are manifesting your true powers in your dream time. And remember......dreams are real. They are where we live our true lives. You can do these things and more in 3d. Remember who you are. 🤗 your abilities will blow your own mind as they come back online. With use they will become like breathing, second nature to you. In times of duress mine have manifested and saved lives including my own. And at times they have manifested with no thought at all. Lol gets interesting.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Nate YPX Grey yes metal nails. I think it was more of a full metal gauntlet. the material was like tentacles omega red has in comics. as far as death strike ... Well dream figure had nails that where not sharpened to a obvious point. Also i did not get a sense it was anyone. If it was a invader the person had the identity cloaked. However beings with a image like wolverine seem to be involved with my life. Im not saying im genetically related. People in my life even called me wolverine or...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@eevie do you have a dream you would like to post? I bet you have some interesting ones

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@eevie interesting dreams. Yes im starting to notice i should watch out for artificial intelligence. infact i mentioned lady death strike to nate and comics says she is part cyborg. perhaps she is someone who would mess with your confidence when i thought she just had agility. infact my dream invader had decent agility and my confidrnce was kind of low. hmm 🤔. Atleast they aproached as a teacher even if it was a possible cover for a kind of sucker punch. I been through the spiritual...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Nate YPX Grey ·
I have a dream that my memories were stolen from me when I was little, not sure how accurate the dream is, @eevie but your comment reminded me of that dream.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Nate YPX Grey ·
@eevie I am an Aspie too. Looks like we have that in common. I have a cut scrape thing on my back and I have no memory of how I got it, its been there for a few days now, I cant see it that well but I can reach back and feel the scabs on it. I woke up with needle marks in my stomach after having a dream of being operated on before I did my interview with @James Rink years ago. He gets the needle marks in his lips for some reason, thankfully I don't think I get those.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

James Rink ·
i dont know who she is . i ask for a lot of people to come forward most people are not brave enough to do so. Dont want to get involved in this pissing contest On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 9:24:52 PM EST, Super Soldier Forum < > wrote: | == To reply by email, write above this line. == | | | | | Hello, James Rink: You were mentioned by Nate YPX Grey in the following topic reply. | Subject: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder Reply By:...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
hello readers. i feel like i should update with one more dream. i have trouble with my parents. they are not only attached top my hip but they are a thorn in my side. they are my foster parents. i wont be surprised if im involved with the physical project surrogate. side note: even though i wasnt brought up by a politician my father was a dentist when a friend pointed out a milab could have bad teeth. also my birth family line has alot of politicians if they are known. anyway the dreams...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Stormm ·
My major repetitive dream is being debriefed in "the chair" at Bldg.400, in Rochester, NY. The scenes on the screen in front of me are horrific. The sound coming from the speakers vibrates all the way into my bones. And I roar and try to break free of the chair and I GROW! I have to have grown up to 100 feet high and I am calling to people all over the city around me to see what I do next. When the TV cameras arive to film me as a giant, I reach down and rip off the roof to Bldg. 400, and...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Daniel James Turfrey well you attempted to reach out so im just saying a hello. i understand the world of intuition and psycic abilities. Its normal life to me at this point. I understand downloads of all kinds and wish i had my own downloads of chosen languages. did you say you physicaly fly in a way. um well i actually undeestand because i feel telekenesis is a basic talent and flying or levitating is related. If i have anything i just have accidental intuition and im looking into being a...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Zozo thanks for your replys and thoughts. did you have any dreams you wanted to post? just asking because its mostly a dream log as well.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Zozo ·
No problem,Im here to help others and to know more about myself.Writing about those "special"experiences is activating my memory,but,again(!),its so late that is actually morning here...I just came home and Im barely writing,same like last time,but Il do my best...For me it is hard to go to sleep like "normal"people do.I have my own cycles when to sleep.Im often more than 48h awake.Sometimes up to 4 days.Its all messed up,you know. I will tell you about few of my dreams and many other things...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Daniel James Turfrey ·
Hi , thanks for the reach out. No not physical fly, physical flying is not possible without tec or vibration change of avatar. Flying in astral travel. All these gifted individuals on here supposedly and no body is helping save the world???? A dream yes i have a few. End of the world dreams. Also detail from the white house. Also i am looking for the ACCORD You people might not of heard of them.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Zozo thanks for sharing all that. eclipse is at a loss for words. one can only say sorry. or if i see a vet the only thing i can say is thanks for my freedom. when they might have lost friends in action and had no time to think of it till after the fact. i talked to a girl in isreal and her town has a history of taking rocket fire and things like that. i thought that is a crappy thing to get used to. i also noticed in general that life can be difficult in many different ways. who am i to...

Re: Failed Attempt of Abduction...

Eclipse ·
hmm... i hear e.t. needs to gain permission to enter your space. its via counsel laws. i can possibly look up my source. protecting your space is worth a shot. i have done space clearing before. im not sure how i would be able to talk if its a alien contact via lucid dream. i just remember the universal greeting. i guess it goes designation, species, rank, and location of origin. mine is eclipse/mysterio for designation ( i would use my english earth name) , human for species, i choose...

Re: Demons in the VIP Section?

SKAY78 ·
This could also be embedded MK Dream Manip'n. Brings to mind James Bartley's work.

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

Angela ·
I found out recently that the Dark One has been coordinating 200 witches to pray against us. It isn't working, haha. Had health problems recently though, just my body, not an attack. And to the persons who buzzed me, whilst I was having the problem, it didn't help. There is no treatment for what me and my girls have and no cure (I have done the research). So I am doing my best. If there is a treatment I don't know of, then feel free to contact me. After the attempts on my life using Drs it...

Re: Super Soldier Talk - Nate Grey

mijnari munroe ·
I have always had some weird connection to her ever since i was little. When i was about 12 or 13 i had a dream that i was in a world full of people with abilities. I was told by some one that i had an ability. So i was trying out different ways to bring out my ability and i heard a whisper saying "look up at the sky". So i did and my feet began to lift from the ground. And lightning struck my hand. And in the clouds i could see a woman who looked like my mother but with white hair and...

The 1987 war

Angela ·
1987 War There was a partial solar eclipse at the end of the Shemitah year of 2015, on 13 September. The last time this happened was in 1987. And before that; 1931. Really bad things happen in these years globally. 30 days after the eclipse on 23 September1987, Black Monday occurred. And in October 1987 the infamous Hurricane struck Great Britain . But the worse event was on the 23 May 1987 when the spaceships appeared and released the weapon that turned all that heard it, to dust. I had the...

4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

Angela ·
Four warning dreams and Astral rules you need to learn. I hate writing titles, too wishy washy and no one reads it, too sensationalist and you get slammed. I hope this helps someone, as I had stopped telling anyone my dreams (outside of my family) and just sorted out them out myself, even the warning ones. But these seem to need to be shared. I have had four strange dreams recently in July, one turned out to be a precog. dream, so I am also sharing the other three, to see if we can do...

Matriarch of the Witch Clan

Nate YPX Grey ·
A Synopsis of my first novel...April 26, 2012 at 8:34am"The Matriarch of the Witch Clan"a novel by John StormmJohn.Stormm@gmail.comSci-Fi/Fantasy 81,700 wordsSTORY SYNOPSIS      The first in a series, this novel starts with the...

A Witch's View of History (Cultural Anthropology)

Nate YPX Grey ·
A Witch's View of History (Cultural Anthropology) May 18, 2011 at 6:09pm For over 4000 years before the birth of Christ, witches and druids, described as: "two horns of the same bull" by the historians of the day, were the established infrastructure of Celtic society even from the Bronze Age. It was more than just a primitive religion to a howling bunch of blue eyed, spear chuckers. It was also our science of astronomy as studied at Stone Henge, and understanding the resources in the Earth...

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Nate YPX Grey ·
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below.  I have included the 1st pharagraph  "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...

hanova universe by apollymi.

chris ·
HANOVA central universe (NOT FINISHED WRITING YET !!) i call this place my home. my 2 species i am come from here came from hanova. the shakrill and the YEIHIELJOLHA (yeahilshoha) . hanova vibrates on a mass level of dimensions, spaces, time. in some areas time stands still others has a form of "time" beings still age threw life cycles as do plants and animals. there are more colors in hanova that do not even exist in this universe! more sounds of frequencies and tones. more energy types.

The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
Hello. Im looking into being a astral milab myself. So i thought it would be great to have a community dream log. Anyone can post dreams and astral activities here. I will go first. i have dreams with very minor powers. Like fly or teleport. Also a minor combat power like weaponized umbra kinesis. Then something happened recently. I got angry in a dream and had powers in dream time. I was flying and hovering while generating high force winds and lightning with clouds. i generated a storm on...

alex collier galactic history hey everyone tell me what you think of this?

chris ·
Editorial Note This was Alex Collier ’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History . The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has...

Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...

What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

Eclipse ·
Hello. In this topic i will explore combative abilities in dreams. What are your chosen abilities or weapons in combat as far as dreams and astral? I guess i wont stop random ability talk but i was curious about things like fighting styles. yes there is even stuff like invading dreams which im not here to judge. So feel free to share anything as far as combative accidents and abilities if you feel its safe to share. It would be interesting if you have similar accidents or fighting stiles...

Obama Dream

Breezy ·
I had a very strange dream about this guy. I was in his presidential limo line that all the presidents and politicians ride in. I was in the limo with him, but I was like a shaman or something, clothes and all. I had some type of magical device that i...

My Biography (hi my names James)

JamesMacleod ·
James Macleod was born in South East England and grew up experiencing the occasional paranormal phenomenon. As a result of his experiences he researched as a teenager the paranormal phenomenon in order to find the real explanation for why some people have paranormal experiences! He left school at 17 years of age and went and worked for an asset management company in the channel islands, in his spare time he often analysed conspiracy theories that are common place in millions of people's...