Hello. In this topic i will explore combative abilities in dreams. What are your chosen abilities or weapons in combat as far as dreams and astral? I guess i wont stop random ability talk but i was curious about things like fighting styles. yes there is even stuff like invading dreams which im not here to judge. So feel free to share anything as far as combative accidents and abilities if you feel its safe to share. It would be interesting if you have similar accidents or fighting stiles with someone else .
I will go first. My powers in dreams after exploring being a possible milab. my chosen weapons in current dreams are as follows. Umbrakenesis or weaponized solid shadows. Optic blasts like cyclops character. Tenticles of omega red but they glowed a orangish read. shooting poison ooz like toad character. last but not least... Hand to hand with friendlys. I seem to be a mimic of super powers. Note number 1: my empty habd sparring was with someone who resembles james casbolt or clone, lady death strike, and psycic vampire author michelle belinger. Note 2: accidents like these make me think they would have equipped me with tenticals if i was forced to work for my country or something. Note 3: when i was fighting i couldnt really make out much in dream time accept for phantom apponent.
Anyone can also update what happens as far as weapons and abilities in combat. I have used powers of thor in anger and powers of banshee in fun but it wasnt combatm however i will be watching for those to come up. I dont do psycic things like invade dreams or astral feed like a vampire at this time. Be well. Now its your turn. Maybe tell a story or two?