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Tagged With "orwellian state"


Re: The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses - FULL DOCUMENTARY

whitelion342 ·
VERY INTERESTING!! Thanks for this Info ! So here goes, something that is worrying me at the moment, I know that we are protected by Great Spirit/Uncreated Creator, but there is something that we are going to go through soon, been trying to get us all united in capabilities so that we can stand ready for this, A New Shift in Time using our DNA in FREQUENCIES, not the same as before, to create some sort of stargate out of our energies, using state of the art freeware such as Hydra and...

Re: Agent Peter from ACIO and the "mint tea"

whitelion342 ·
I think that Peter means to do well , but I am also finding it hard to listen to the dude, I keep getting images from underground base activities and after James's interview with him, I had some insight in sleep state to see what the deal was about, like I said, he means to do well, I found that he is like a universal receiver for all types of energy. Peter the Universal Radio filters, and not all the info is current or relevant to this current timelines, he seems to also...

Re: Heads up. Trouble coming. Raven warning.

Angela ·
And the threatening PM was me misreading it. It was an ambigous post that I, in my usual paranoid state, took as the worst possible meaning. Fortunately for me I left it for a few days to think about it and cry, when I went back I saw my mistake. I could have made a right fool of myself. But guys, thanks for sticking up for me, I can honestly say, you have made my year. Noone ever sticks up for me.

Re: Messages from Frank Zero (Cosmic Comics)

Nate YPX Grey ·
This is another article by frank zero should've just went to sleep like a good American This is the one that’s gonna make me tons of friends. I’m having a crisis trying to understand what we are even doing anymore...but I’m not here to bitch. I want you to tell me why I’m wrong and where we should go next. Get angry, come up with some awesome new plan, or way to organize what we’ve been trying to do. (Please don’t waste your time telling me I’m mean,or critical, or don’t know what I’m...

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
My Personal Endorsement of the video (as a work) State of Mind Video (no interuptions) Reflections of an MK Ultra Survivor

Re: John Stormm Biography

Nate YPX Grey ·
some updates from John Stormm reach him at

Re: Implants

black widow files ·
same thing here. i was pulled over by two state patrols the other day. and they let me go. then pulled over the other day by a sheriff in country saying there was a phone call that i was swerving on a country road. then he drove off too. a month ago because they said my tag was nt propr on my plate and it made the L look like an I. they backed off too. iv been having major upgrades, doing quantum healing, integrating myself more fully, but having strange pains go in to my head . neural...

Re: What are your dream powers/weapons of choice?

CosmicDancer ·
Eclipse , they are probably messing with You olde skool n new tech ' . Mouse would mean something in symbology . Maybe also Nature Spiritually playing around with n psyopsing You too ) Satan is close to the beginning of e " issue . I refer to Satan as a Word - Name of a Being (s) compromised by circumstancial ( its not really a. personal ' issue ) , it turned into about vengeance of hate , anti: Nature , Love , Humanity .. by gmoed infliction agenda . Satan is an actual Person who also got...

Re: Implants

Zozo ·
Hey, Your not the first one that wanted to interview me.A-team send me an offer,but I m not that kind of guy that needs or wants publicity.I dont wanna be famous,not even a little bit.I was famous as a drummer in certain new bread,band,name is not important.I was even a millionaire,but I lost it all in 2008.I hate money!The best thing that happened to me was that 2008 world crisis.When I lost it all,all my"friends"left me and girl also,but she dident tell me that she was pregnant with me.She...

Re: Implants

Zozo ·
Hey EEVIE, Its not,that I wouldent like to tell you as much as I can about myself,but the thing is that Im very rarely,in such a state that allows me to even write! Im a total wreck!I know I look healthy and normal from the outside,but the ugly truth is ,that Im a "prisoner" of so called doctors that ruined my life by giving me some pills that they give to people that are drug addicts.I dident know what kind of pills that really were,so after 2 weeks someone told me what they really are...

Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........

CosmicDancer ·
More updates around my neighborhood . Well this long story , to cut short : I was politically removed ' from my Studio apartment which I just somehow was able to land after 3 Years straight on the road in UK ,n ALL the US Airbnb n Hoteling it . Dont know how my ExHubby was able to handle the finances however was able to . So been here in Venice ,CA for 4 months finally in one place n they kicked me out of this Studio on 4th of July weekend . So rude I had to he out in 1 days notice ,...

Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........

CosmicDancer ·
Oh My Goodness more regarding the Kannabis Store . I will have to write more about it about later . Just a brief now ....... this is ALL new n from today . purchased Kannabis today in a local shop . Tax from the store @50ShadesofPissedOff $5 , Tax from LA @ $5 , N because they have a limit on how many credit cards still ?? - I had to use the in store ATM $2 , N ALL the prices jacked up 2xs + , No Joke ! If You purchase a Doctors card You dont pay taxes ?? Now two taxes , when the last time...

Re: What is going on with Kannabis at my local Cannabis store ? N Updates on personal Experience with the Bank Institution scenario * N local Stores .........

CosmicDancer ·
On second thought .......... I Just got back from the K " store . I was directed after much tribadations n thought that I finally kicked the Cannabis smoking ( at least the Tobacco now ) . I was directed " to go back to the store that had all the beige looking Kannabis in the 15ft display case , that I mentioned here . Well the 3rd time in a row there I noticed the discoloration ( been there when they 1st opened n it was regular product then ) , n today ALL of them crazy enough are still...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@eevie your fine and i hear you. My first astral expirience in the inbetween was expiriencing shadow people. Medical psycology claims im crazy if i mention it to joe six pack psycology worker. the man in the hat is said to be one of these beings. i actually got rid of a picture after i put it face down in a ring of salt because i charged it unintentionaly when i was under 5 . curious if any jinn where attached to the object. there is still elemental energy if one doesnt feed on others. I...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@eevie i will consider your view on awakening. I have my own personal view but im never married to it i describe the conspiracy ideas to be a dimentional gateway when i was naturally switching mental plains. For me it was between religion and spiritual times of my life. As a reference i liked nate's interview with molicule man and its kind of a down to earth talk about dimention shifts. Since im kind of awakened in a sense i will say one reason i chose the eradicator superman imposter as a...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Stormm thanks for sharing. interesting that your a friend from mk ultra. I heard of a trip chair. you said a chair is in new york? Curious if it has a physical location. im curious if the trip chair has something to do with weapon x or sone kind of branch of it. Infact comic bios trace wolverine and x23 to new york as a long time residing state. interesting how waves and sound are a weapon in this case. Im sure it was uncool to expirience. Atleast your reaction shows a wistle blower spirit.

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Eclipse ·
@Daniel James Turfrey i can see what you mean by flying is possible only with device or higher vibration. thats exactly what im getting at when i talk about the possibility of acquiring new abilities. actually one time i believed i could fly until i fully woke up. if i was suffering from a horrible case of a sleep walking i might have jumped off something. as i think i mentioned i mostly fly in dreams so it was odd to be like a telekinetic thor for a moment only to understand a thirst for...

Re: The dream log. Home of dreamers, milabs, and the gods of thunder

Daniel James Turfrey ·
The abilities are gifts . Given to us. Its weird that people dont know yet about saving the world. I guess still waiting for activation. There is going to be a big war. A seperation a divide . Good vs bad. Empath vs narcissism. Light vs dark. And we will be activated, harvested, depending on our traits. Our traits are what make us , us. . Its a esteem, a personality. And this personality is of empathy and righteousness. Also known as exitabilities found by dabrowski. Look into it. Its the...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Milab, yes, I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Now in Brookline, Ma. Was in London, UK last year for 6 months, trying to get papers to be a legal resident there. I'm not a program. I have my own personal likes and dislikes. I'm a natural human (but with special Body(ies) and require Cosmic/Astral/All Properties of Self, in All Dimensions. Divine format of MySelf, Authentic . I want to apply to myself design in One, my own format of my True Self. With my True Soul Family and Divine...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

eevie ·
of course the channeled liars put it all on our asses. No!! We are not responsible for the state of our beings. We are not responsible for the state of the world. We are outnumbered and out teched...ffs....doesn't mean we have lost...we do not lose...but ffs never believe channeled is all disinfo...if aliens wish to speak with you they will do so telepathically or in person...they will tell you that channeling only gets you lying malevolent entities....look how they are pulling...

Re: ACIO Who are they really? who are the Masterminds of the Supersoldiers WARNING

CosmicDancer ·
Publish I'm now staying in Los Angeles from my road trip with my children and ex from Brookline, MA. (@2 weeks ago). We decided to stay and move back to LA. in Manhattan Beach. For now hoteling it. Very precarious with my whole Family from extreme targeting (very overtly programed and implanted acting and sounding) Very apathic. I'm in a spiritual dilemma. Sitting outside in a popular hotel chain and I witness something disturbing, in 3d while having a cigarette out in ln front, in a...

Re: RIP David Corso

Nate YPX Grey · " Dave Corso is in the hospital and in a unconscious state of mind. I am not sure what is wrong with him but he may be transitioning to the other side. I wish to send my love and prayers to him and his family. I also like to mention that Dave has shown a remarkable level of professionalism and integrity with wolf spirit radio and he will be dearly missed by me and many others if he decides to transition. – James Rink"

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
Originally Posted by bluemetal: Originally Posted by eevie: damn that ominiverse peep is a royal pain in the ass and has no care for learning anything. Just wants to argue and show what he, she does not know. Reminds me of a lot of atheists who are hung up on their mental intellect. ha Left brained dumbasses. If you are referring to the guy who uses the forum handle Omniverse and has his own blog about ET and black ops manipulation and technology, I have to chime in here. He is a good soul.

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

GoodETxSG ·
It seems to me someone that is an admitted "Mind Control" subject of the "Government" and "Targeted Individual" would be most placed to suddenly "Channel ET's/ET Technology (AI)" and spread Disinformation... To say they never stated they telepathically (Channelled) "ET Technology" or "AI" in their own blogs is just disingenuous (The information is all over Avalon, Pasted prior to being "Edited" on their Blog, Its all over both those locations). It doesn't matter how long one has been "Doing...

Re: MILAB, Alien Federation & Secret Space Program Participant.

Omnisense ·
I didn't bother reading the majority of that large block of text. But I never stated I channeled my information on Avalon. My information comes from first hand experience, telepathic contact, or my own theories on things, etc. You are either fabricating that I said on Avalon I channeled my information, or it's an implanted memory(giving you the benefit of the doubt). Feel free to quote the non-existent text of me saying I channel my information on Avalon. You wont and never will quote that.

Re: Super Soldier Talk - Nate Grey

mijnari munroe ·
I have always had some weird connection to her ever since i was little. When i was about 12 or 13 i had a dream that i was in a world full of people with abilities. I was told by some one that i had an ability. So i was trying out different ways to bring out my ability and i heard a whisper saying "look up at the sky". So i did and my feet began to lift from the ground. And lightning struck my hand. And in the clouds i could see a woman who looked like my mother but with white hair and...
Topic Featured

David Rockefeller's Leaked Document

Nate YPX Grey ·
"Here is the pdf of the very accurate history of banking and the future of it as promised. The split between the unified digital currency global faction and the paper gold backed faction is happening right now. This is what all the wars you will see this year are about, all types of warfare including economic warfare, conventional and non-conventional warfare. It will explain the hijacking of the banking system. It explains why all money logged into the banking system is considered "M1". No...


Quantum Reverse ·
reverse speak: your moon reverse an el, aligned it el with this use, now line her up. (I believe this reverse speech relates too this event in the vid above) *this reverse speech analysis was done 20 hours prior to the event The overall realignment of orbital harmonics is inducting the a new good influencing reversed quantum plasma that is being inducted incrementally through the plasma tubes between Mars and in this particular case importantly the moon . The moon has been a conduit to the...

Fetish Archives

Breezy ·
Introduction In the words of R. Sutherland Rattray in his book Ashanti Proverbs: The Primitive Ethics of Savage People (1917), “But there is one term the indiscriminate use of which, I believe, has done infinite harm, the word ‘fetish.’ Contrary to the modern notion of the word fetish, it has not always been associated with repugnant and scandalous connections with human sexuality. Like every other conceivable word known to man, the word fetish started out with its own unique etymology so...

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Nate YPX Grey ·
James Casbolt is also known as "Michael Prince" The PDF of the book is available below.  I have included the 1st pharagraph  "My name is James Michael Casbolt. The following is my life and testimony. I was born in London in 1976. I...


SKAY78 ·
SUPER SOLDIERS': THE QUEST FOR THE ULTIMATE HUMAN KILLING MACHINE MICHAEL HANLON Thursday 17 November 2011 The ancient Spartans believed that battlefield training began at birth. Those who failed the first round of selection, which took place at the ripe old age of 48 hours, were left at the foot of a mountain to die. The survivors would, in years to come, often wonder if these rejects were the lucky ones. Because to harden them up, putative Spartan warriors were subjected to a vigorous...

Needing help and assistance, very overwhelming in 3d and 4d!

CosmicDancer ·
I posted this on Nate's news thread too (1of 3??). Regarding a hotel mgr. 'playing' ball with me basically: This is what happened basically: The mgr. very rude to me and he was making a huge fuss, very hostile covert. Singleing me out. Right away when walking into the lobby. He was at the coffee service table towards the back, asking if I was a guest, in a non professional, non cordial manner. Totally treated as an indigene. I showed him my two keys of this hotel, in already my hand. Then he...

My post was removed from yesterday asking for help and assistance! Update:

CosmicDancer ·
Reposting and Response to my asking for help and assistance yesterday: Well someone contacted me on Nate's ypx news line messenger format this morning (from my 9.23.2017 post here SSF and on Nate ypx news messenger line). The responder said he "just pulled in" the driveway. I was outside infront at the same time he texted on messenger/Nate's ypx news feed line. At the hotel in 3d. I didn't see him. He didn't text back either, since @7:40 am. A few chimed in the thread (messenger). No advice...

'They' keep on removing and editing my content by selective posts now?

CosmicDancer ·
Nate, The last one removed again. No subjected title or post on the ssf public forum, twice. Copy and paste from the initial post yesterday, from a SSF automated email, putting my initial post in ssf "daily digest", see attached) with no link to post on ssf. The one now I'm referring to isn't the most recent one now posted, with your response on SSF. I'm really needing to know how to deal with this. Anyone???? Another post today removed, regarding my account about an attempted 3d contact...

A.I. ~ "Alpha Intelligence", Synthetic (artificial) Intel., Program/s and Mind Control. 'Robots' ?

CosmicDancer ·
Trying to post my FB timeline posts from a couple of days ago regarding A.I. and 'Robots'. Very serious content. There are two posts with two short videos with my own prefaces, one with Lisa Haven and another video of "I am a lab assistant at CERN". *The two videos attached with my FB posts. One link and the Lisa Haven video is a switched link now. My copy/preface to Lisa Havens video: * The video was switched to another of hers from my FB post. The video title is, 'A.I. Prisons Rolled Out...

EMF, EMR's, Mind Control Tech and "zapping"

CosmicDancer ·
Hi just saw a YT video of Rosanne Barr talking about Kannabis blocking mind control and programming due to mk ultra. This is my comment on that video: "Kannabis blocking mind control, not necessarily. It could and It might make you in an extra sensory state, able to more sense encroaching mass consciouness of programming/synthetic Intel., via invisible Astral Hi- Technologies. They can override a "high" person. By zapping your mind with satellite (and other means, astrally/etherically...

alex collier galactic history hey everyone tell me what you think of this?

chris ·
Editorial Note This was Alex Collier ’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History . The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has...

Ufo Abductee African Shaman Credo Mutwa.

chris ·
Credo Mutwa A short biography and bibliography of this KwaZulu-Natal author Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921 - ) was born in Natal. His father was a former Catholic catechist from the Embo district near Inanda. His mother was the descendant of a long line of Zulu medicine-men and custodians of tribal lore and customs. His parents parted shortly after Vusamazulu's birth, because his mother refused to convert to Christianity. Mutwa was educated by his maternal grandfather, a medicine-man, and...

alien types

chris ·

Milabs,super soldiers, jesuits and windsor castle

Eclipse ·
Hello everone. have you ever thought the jesuit community is connected network as well as the milab community which is possibly a network ? By network i do mean connected as a global net. Well... First there is weapon x project as i know it from marvel. For the sake of convo i will seperate weapon x from mutant x. Well weapon x seemed to have a network in north america including mexico. With the center possibly being new york. This may be true in real life . then captain america's origins...


Erol Asya ·
I wished to share my latest innovations in Alchemy. Of course the true and ancient art that is as old as the universe itself about how a living system can reinvent itself through a series of transmutions. The potential for transmutation is infinite...

message from Max Spiers

Nate YPX Grey ·
It's not just the children in the juvenile detention programs, foster homes, and adoption centers of the world who are being exploited in this ring, it is also the children of the wealthy and privileged of the Illuminati/Jesuits whose fates are being decided in orchestrated, deeply hidden and horrific fashions. "This also corroborates child abuse detailed to me and intuited by myself with Max Spiers telling me about his time at school with his roommate Orlando Bloom while they were students,...

Duncan Interview

Nate YPX Grey ·
Duncan O’Finioan – Falling Darkness – Part 1 Topics: Pentagram Chemtrails ,Time was reset for 3 years from 2011 The passing of Dave Corso – Duncan talks about Dave Corso and the falling out that resulted in the 2012 split between Duncan and Dave. Ebola, inoculations—Mark of the Beast (8:45); the Armageddon Script; government tracking of people re: injections. ISIS/ISIL – CIA-created...

Bases 70 Michael Aquino Part One

Nate YPX Grey ·
I never thought this interview would ever happen, but it has, click on the link below to watch the miles johnson interview with Michael Aquino. For more in-depth info about this topic join the forum and go to the members only section Published on Apr 16, 2017 Michael A Aquino is a Lt Colonel, Psychological Operations, US Army (Ret). He is a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University; Defense...

Re: 4 Warning dreams. (Dream of Max Spiers?) & Astral rules you need to learn.

Angela ·
Sorry Eevie I didn't realise you had replied to this thread, even though I have it permanently tabbed. I and my family have just moved again in 9 months, so life is a bit hectic. I got told in a dream, we would be moving to a Safe house-not safer but it is a specially made house in Iceland. Basically we now live in a geode as it covered in quartz and obsidian. We three have noticed we aren't picking up stray thoughts anymore-the world is a lot quieter in our heads. In the last month, I have...

Re: Super humans

Eclipse ·
Hi. Well... I see psycic abilities or intuition as a usual thing. I also personally know a remote viewer. I live in a human state but i have a feeling i might be able to unlock a basic power.

Re: Kruger Super soldier and targeted individual

Imaea ·
Hi CelticShaman365 MHZ, nice to meet you too. I'm sorry to hear that about the outrageous statements made about your countrymen and the other very inconsiderate statements made by Jay and James. Maybe James had been triggered and was in an altered state. I think he certainly has a lot of dangerous people around him. So many of those people have gone to "mystery schools", you can never ever ever trust a person who went there and didn't hightail it out of there straight away. I don't know...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

CosmicDancer ·
My post won't post on your ssf website. Extreme technocraticle difficulties in posting and sending this email. Hope and wish All is well with you All and everyone in SSF. This is the post. "I don't know what to do?": now staying in Los Angeles from my road trip with my children and ex from Brookline, MA. (@2 weeks ago). We decided to stay and move back to LA. in Manhattan Beach. For now hoteling it. Very precarious with my whole Family from extreme targeting (very overtly programed and...

Re: James Casbolt Death Threat in Jail July 22 2017

CosmicDancer ·
Hi Nate, Another post, wont post. Dead field with select forum. Please post: Title: "Precursor to buying with or without the "mark" (in the Bible)" Oh, what a lovely whole day dealing with banks, etc. Trying to purchase on my PayPal business card (card holder since 2015), the vendor only accepting PayPal or cash. Defaulted to my $600 overdrafted protected bank account, with a monthly direct deposit from SSI. Got an ok from my bank (branch manager). Having to get permission for a regular bank...

Re: My post was removed from yesterday asking for help and assistance! Update:

CosmicDancer ·
This, I think was one of my original post/s here last night 9.23.2017, that was removed: Explanation of what occurred: "This is what happened basically: The mgr. very rude to me and he was making a huge fuss, very hostile covert. Singleing me out. Right away when walking into the lobby. He was at the coffee service table towards the back, asking if I was a guest, in a non professional, non cordial manner. Totally treated as an indigene. I showed him my two keys of this hotel, in already my...