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Djnn are Cosmic Universal Beings Naturally Expressed ( Natural Procreation  ) very early before Earth was Created by God the Creator ( there is only One God ) .  A jezebel (s) ( initially by Proxy of baphomet , lucifer n lyra ' | o ..... ) gmo of An Avatar ( due to Proxy ) of The Mother  n Universal Cosmic node dark mind killerbee wannabee put them in Imprisonment  , thats how hell making started.             ( Illustrated as the Djnn | Genie imprisoned in a Lamp or Vessel waiting tobe released n Be in Purpose , Humanity )  . As a Matriachal ' maneuver n attempt to control The Kingdom of ALL Macro Universe  . Before Original Heavens Humanity - Providence was Established formally   . There is Only One Kingdom in The Universe  . Every Kingdom | Colony Under God - Providence -  Humanity  ( ALL Creation Sovereign  ) . Which hast ToBe Rescued n Restored Immediately  ! +

Last edited by CosmicDancer

I follow the Goddess.  I remember her before I came to earth thousands and thousands of years ago. πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸ’— she is why I'm still here.  I could go home but I gave my word to her and the Karistus to see this thru to its end. 

I'm Anunakene ..... my essence is Anunakene.  I know who I am, I know my real name. The Vlash abducted me when I was a little girl and stole my memories to stop me from my reason for being here. It ruins your life when you don't remember who you are. Tell you one thing.......this life has paid off all my karmic debt! πŸ˜‚ seriously.  


Last edited by eevie

@Nate YPX Grey if annanaki are human and angel hybrids that explains the storys a little. I just know the term annanaki and nephalim gets confused when talking about giants . im thinking giants in general are a form of human in general. There is native american giant legends. I guess in my area they had giants with skin said to be like stone cuz it was durable. Not sure of the variations of angel appearence. however the nordic blond humans and tall blond e.t. (pleaidian) remind me of angels a bit but im just ignorant in angel topics at this time

Last edited by Eclipse

@eevie your welcome to vent with me about anything. i just said dark side to indicate a simple non friendly to earth humans instead of saying " bad" as a label. Its all relative and the so called bad person is simply finger pointing at another. Infact perhaps world war two was probly finger pointing. So perhaps hitler and associates where simply fighting globalism. many i talked to say There is no bad species .There could be a "good" reptillian or "bad" pleaidian when the tall blonds have a steriotype  of  assisting earth. It would be interesting to meet a reptilian or annanaki when i guess that kind of full blood might eat humans. i guess diet doesnt really fully mean your a non friendly. As for me... Well im ok with meeting any interesting friendly. Even one with a edge and i dont fear interaction with any species. Perhaps some species respect me a little if they recognize my soul. Like rep or annanaki. They perhaps recognize a jinn hybrid.  I did meet bill clinton who might be a vril. My dna most likely have annanaki and reptilian in order to function. my blood is a rare rh neg so im a litteral blue blood. i have a mark of a language that i think is reptilian naga. im just commenting in passing but im simply nutral and identify with no full race. Im just a meta humanoid. Perhaps like they say in d.c. movies. If anyone sees me in astral im a friendly and i travel alone. i was just pissed when the thor like accident happened. Yes i was totaly ablivious to life forms at that time. I see how astral power can be intoxicating. Side Note: i looked into milab because of astral alien encounters. One time i had a snapshot of a ship. However i did encounter pleaidian and friendly like vril rep in human male form.  They had to touch my arm for inspection of thier friend. I dont mind either cases. I hate to admit im curious about reaching scarlet witch with my fledgling telepathy :/ but she is said to have a edge. however she needs a plain ticket to cross me if she cant create a gate for herself. i comprehended reptilian super soldiers which was a gate to my current mental dimention and communicating with friends on this forum my research about things like super soldier, vampire , and angels continues. are you a energy vampire eevie? We can talk about that to. those are not bad either. Its just thier nature. 

@CosmicDancer have you heard of the jinn human hybrid ? they are said to be dangerous in some cultures. unfortunetly if one lives in morroco they can be hunted by criminals because they seek metaphysical treasure. Your comments are always interesting not sure of the name of this hybrid.  if you ask a devoted muslim what they know about jinn they say there is a book of jinn. However the karan says its best not to mess with jinn. 

Nate,  the skin of stone refers to the real giants. They were flesh and blood before turning to stone.  Some were miles tall. They are our real parents and they are the mountains and huge rocks strewn about in odd places. Tested.......human DNA.  I can provide pics if you wish.  Their blood is amazing.......this is all the gems, stones we seem valuable. Even gold. In truth, geology is biology turned to stone. How? Idk. But our world is made of once living giants. It has been proven with DNA tests. The myths are our true history.  

The ones called giants that were 20 ft tall and under are not giants. They were really tall people , the Anunakene and Karistus were and are really tall beings,  not giants. 




I could feed on ppl if I wished to. But I don't and I wont. The tall dark man in the hat tried to get me to do so a few years ago. He said it would make me better,  stronger.  I refused.  

Anunakene will not do that. We all have our dark side. But whether we indulge it or not is the difference between good and evil imo.  

Didn't mean to vent. I apologize.  I just get so sick and tired of being blamed for what the Vlash have done and continue to do.  My ppl are good heart based beings who follow the Goddess.  All heart based beings in this universe follow the Goddess.  πŸ’—πŸŒΈπŸ’—



That is fantastic!! I'm glad I shared that. 😁 

They take the memories of those they fear. They know who we are and the trouble we gave them in our previous last lives. The memories are still within you and you can access them. It takes a lot of work at first,  but eventually they will come up on their own once we have begun to work at accessing them. Don't give up! 

Remember years ago I told you they hid your memories from you because you are so powerful. It's true. They fear you remembering. 


Eclipse posted:

@CosmicDancer have you heard of the jinn human hybrid ? they are said to be dangerous in some cultures. unfortunetly if one lives in morroco they can be hunted by criminals because they seek metaphysical treasure. Your comments are always interesting not sure of the name of this hybrid.  if you ask a devoted muslim what they know about jinn they say there is a book of jinn. However the karan says its best not to mess with jinn. 

Obviously I would Know with the History of The Orgins of the Djnn are from , Cosmically  -  I just texted here on this thread . And who their Original Mum n Daddy ' | s ) are . N the possisble ... | Which I can OnLy Accept Good Possibities . Implications of supposedly messing with Djnn ,  Eclipse  . N covert hostility is not nice either .  + πŸ“


I've found most benevolent alien beings keep themselves separate from humans. No trust......wbo can blame them.....

Note of interest......full .blood Terran humans don't reincarnate. Once they die that's it. They are no more.  Perhaps it is due to their mode of creation? Enkis mother taught him to create a soul is to the a knot in lightning.  The soul is temporary and dissipates with death of the body. The spirit being,  essence is what is immortal. 



@eevie your fine and i hear you. My first astral expirience in the inbetween was expiriencing shadow people. Medical psycology claims im crazy if i mention it to joe six pack psycology worker. the man in the hat is said to be one of these beings. i actually got rid of a picture after i put it face down in a ring of salt because i charged it unintentionaly when i was under 5 . curious if any jinn where attached to the object. there is still elemental energy if one doesnt feed on others. I should do prana air absorbtion but i currently do nothing cuz im being lazy .  so Im inbetween my earth state and meta human state at the moment .

@CosmicDancer ok well i got the jinn hybrid identity from muslim storys. So its The thing that most describes my curious case. since i currently suffer from autism im going to say i hope your " covert hostility" comment isnt aimed at me. also fyi autism has trouble reading covert and cannot real body language easily. so in turn autism beings use face value. a person with a severe case will take things litteral when i usualy dont. Unless its a personal joke or comment. Then i question it.  I personaly dont mind requesting a profile deletion after my personal case has moved on. So no worries. Its never required to address me either. 

@Nate YPX Grey as far as secrets i can just imagen its just for control and some people may fear disclosed beings. governments can be messed with by citizens and there was a radio show called war of the worlds where people freaked out thinking it was real. these may not be the exact case in modern north america. Then ontop of that im sure they wont tell people if they are tracking bloodlines because secrecy can be a weapon in expiriments and projects. maybe telling the public of a weapons testing site is a decent idea so they can stay off the property. However they will most likely not tell people if they are going to test on civilians or a populated area. Im sure weapons used on civilians wont look good. Most people just wonder but this is just written reasoning. i dont think i should cover unusual beings ( simply  compaired to the general public friends)  with this statement other then the classic life from another world. 


Knowledge is power. Keeping the ppl ignorant and divided makes us weak. Imagine if we all rose as one with a single purpose.  Our keepers would no longer exist.  The ppl would rip them to shreds. .....for starters. There would be nothing left of them. This is what they fear. Daddy Bush said if the ppl ever learn what we have done to them and their children they would drag us thru the streets and hang us. Damn skippy! 


@eevie so you know the term aspie. its nice to see a autism friendly. No one has to disclose personal conditions but i learned to kind of explain nural diversity as diplomicy. Hard to be that kind of diplomatic if you dont know the person . interesting how you said innerstand. I naturally know it by definition due to paying attention to hidden teachings and conspiracy stuff. Moved on from the conspiracy realm. Speaking less then you should is a power move . learning to speak even less in my personal life. Speaking little on a forum is good sometimes but i kind of rant about friendly comments do to the nature of posting. Which is interesting. Im not trying to play the know it all in any aspect of life. 

@eevie I am an Aspie too.  Looks like we have that in common.  I have a cut scrape thing on my back and I have no memory of how I got it, its been there for a few days now, I cant see it that well but I can reach back and feel the scabs on it.  I woke up with needle marks in my stomach after having a dream of being operated on before I did my interview with @James Rink years ago.  He gets the needle marks in his lips for some reason, thankfully I don't think I get those. 

Another aspie! Lol awesome. 

Nate, I have awakened many mornings with needle marks. Especially the itchy bump on my neck below my ear. That needle mark is from memory erasing meds. 

Once I had needle marks in my belly button.  It was swollen for a month and oozed black goo. I won't go into detail at this time on who, what, when, where, or why but it was insiduous. I fought the goo for a month. I've learned to communicate with it and get it to work for me, not against me. It worked slowly on me that time.  So slowly I didn't catch it at first.  It was taking over my mind. My memories had been stolen and replaced with false ones. Weird thing is I never let the false ones take hold. I kept them orbiting outside my head,  much like satellites around the earth. Long story short it worked out. They were stalking me at that time and triggering my alters.  But nothing was working. Lol it taught me to consciously recognize when I had been triggered. Once I catch the alters I incorporate them into my conscious mind and own them. Good experience.  ☻



What you speak of is the process of awakening.  Sad thing is too many get stuck in certain phases of it and never move forward.  Like the conspiracy shit. They don't realize it's only a tiny part of awakening. 

Lol I'm not a know it all. I share what I feel I should. You never know who it will help. Most never voice their lives in milab out of fear, or privacy or whatever. So I speak for them in a sense. 


I gotta share this.  Funniest milab incident. 

20+ years ago I had an "accident" at work which resulted in a broken back. I should have been impaled but milab bones saved my life. Black magic was used against me to make me fall. I'm a carpenter by trade. The fall killed my teeth.  Cracked all the roots. So I wound up with dentures and still hoping for implants. 

Fast forward to a few years ago. I came to one nite when I was being returned to my couch where I slept with my back to the wall. 2 milab guys were carrying me after abducting me for ops. My top denture fell out. That is what brought me to when I should have been unconscious.  Couldn't move tho. One of the hit a said, dude her denture fell out. The other guy said just put it under her. That was the last I remembered.  Next morning I found it under me. I LMAO  my greatest fear was it would fall out and no one would notice......and it could be flying away in space. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

Btw my ex was responsible for the fall that broke my back and took my teeth. I found out years later.  He paid a guy at work to make me fall. He was practicing black magic. I landed on a jagged pipe sticking up about 2 ft out of the floor. Bad plumber no no. 


@eevie i will consider your view on awakening. I have my own personal view but im never married to it i describe the conspiracy ideas to be a dimentional gateway when i was naturally switching mental plains. For me it was between religion and spiritual times of my life. As a reference i liked nate's interview with molicule man and its kind of a down to earth talk about dimention shifts. Since im kind of awakened in a sense i will say one reason i chose the eradicator superman imposter as a avitar is i guess he is made of sentient energy. i actually relate to that after a kind of awakening hence claiming to be a djinn hybrid human. interesting that you, me, and nate seem to be aspie in a way. hmm. im suspicious of the vaccine they give mothers if the father is rh pos. If they dont some rh neg wont be born. im also adopted. I wont be surprised if the government messed with me when i was with the state. They gave civilian children vaccines but i think micro chip hardware was more of the super soldiers in military service or similar. I Could be very wrong. Waiting to hear more about implants, black goo, and nano tech.  Maybe a link with autism spectrum and that tech. i still respect any diversity here. That reminds me. The eradicator is a artificial intelligence with blasts out of his hands. reminds me of the artificial intelligence called nimrod. He might be advanced sentinal tech if they have those. i rather not meet nimrod because he might hunt others for anti meta being projects. On that note ... I actually question any humanoid with blasts out of the hands or eyes actually exist. However The cyclopse and havok line actually might be related to nate and/or cable. Nate , you dont need to answer that unless you wish. Im just ranting more .

@eevie omg sorry about the fall and teeth accident. I actually forgot milab might do physical abduction :/ if i was the real eraticator i would be tempted to check and see if i need to liberate milab facilities πŸ€” anyway im missing two teeth due to a finacial rough time once. When my dad was a dentist. i still feel like regeneration, age regretion, and yes teeth transformation is a basic thing one can tap into . i have not been taped into that ability at the moment. 


This is why they keep us compartmentalized.  You are thinking and putting th8ngs together.  This is how we figure this shit out. We share experiences but we also have experiences others dont. They also program some of us to not get along. So we fight rather than sharing our info.  I've met a couple I was instantly triggered against and them against me. I pushed the triggering away and now I can talk with these ppl. 

Yes the aspie aspect is curious. I've had many thoughts on this.  




Keep putting things together. Memories are returning.  

Many milabs teeth crumble. I'm told it's the radiation they use in our programming.  Idk why radiation but nothing surprises me that they do. 

I have had horrific experiences at their hands.  I've had some funny ones too. Some of the funny ones were my their expense of course. 

Your dad's a dentist.  Interesting.  ☻




About your awakening......keep moving forward. Great things await those who do. Seriously.  Never camp out at any stage of it.    Keep pushing forward. 

Waking up is really getting your memories back. Not just the ones in this life,  but all your ancient cosmic memories as well.  We are our memories and without them we are lost in every sense. Spiritually,  mentally,  etc. 


Last edited by eevie

@eevie so far it looks like there is a different kind of awakening in each mental plain. saying that cuz your pointing out regaining memories.  Thats interesting. well looks like milabs in general need to go to the dentist more so teeth can be saved. so... Then sugar and chemicals like floride can be a weapon. need to cut my suger alot and i take cell salts . one is called bio plasma. The cell salts have not killed me yet.  You pointed out milab bones. Mine dont have metal but interesting if there is strong bones but teeth you need to watch. well we live by the mouth as in uses of the teeth. im sure the tooth thing is a menace so sorry to anyone with this. Yes they dont want people like us talking. Especially as a think tank. 


There is nothing to stop the teeth from crumbling no matter how well taken care of they are......sadly. 

Timelines......ive played with them for many years. Thoughts and feelings flip flop us from one to another constantly.  This is why we must stay positive at all times no matter what. This grabs us the best timelines. ....... dimensions, Etc. 


@eevie well as a dentist son i was just suggesting what helps. Like going to a moral dentist so they can fill cavitys imediatley. I was told teeth get removed if its worked on to much . The whole tooth thing is sad though. Especulially genetics not naturally growing new ones.  i seem to have the shadow if wolverine image and the umbrella corp image. it might sound crazy or turn others away but i kind of know what makes my mind click. So i thought the chinese carona virus is just the timeline :/  i wonder how the milab and mutant friends will hold up with a virus that seems like a bio weapon. its typical for o neg not to get sick but this virus is different. Just thinking out loud. i wonder if the county pick professions like dentist on perpous if the child is special in a milab sense. my christain mom said the devil wanted me as a kid. I guess she had that feeling. She is just a mom but maybe she was getting at something. Again not calling anything evil unless its big daddy government πŸ˜‡ yeah not that funny though .

Right about the timelines and the virus. Focus ourselves into timelines where it doesn't exist.  I dreamed about this virus around 2010. We have to move ourselves out of these virus timelines. I moved myself out of the timelines where over half the ppl were transgender. Seriously......i couldn't take it anymore. Lol 

The teeth crumble with or without cavities. I've often wondered about the bones vs the teeth as well. I simply don't know how or why. I only know it's just how it is. 

The ones controlling the govt are the Vlash reptilians. They're  thousands of years more advanced than we are. They start all the wars. They start the pandemics. They are responsible for all the bad in this world. The elite are their puppets. They aren't from earth. 


Hmm you dreamed about the virus? i payed attention to the virus right after the day i felt playing the umbrella them song and looking them up on youtube :/ and i didnt get a good feeling about either. So far i have no other evidence about being with umbrella .However in the movie the T virus was supposed to help with age regeneration and helping the sick in a way. Guess what ability wolverine has? Like i said  the wolverine image was with me for years . maybe teeth still crumble without cavities .Thats a thought. They found root problems with mine most of the time πŸ€” one reason why i take bio plasma. it even helps teeth on a cell level. No, im not sure how much it would help a milab. I do know what you mean by reptillian and shadow government. i started in the spiritual community and i ran across david icke as sort of a gateway on the topic. Like i said rep super soldiers where a gateway to milab friends. Now that i think about it..... Military can be covert war. When i looked at the jesuits they begane with covert war and the vatican religion is some kind of cover. Now it feels that shadow government is covert as well. As in shadow war and controll. Um.. If and when i cross the vampire controller dimention i will just say no to being involved with shadow government. interesting you came from a kind of trangender dimention. here the matrix mother board has a singer called poppy that is like a doll or robot. it tends to be cyborg, transhumanism, or trangender message in the beginning of her career. Each idea takes away ones identity. 

i dont know who she is . i ask for a lot of people to come forward most people are not brave enough to do so. Dont want to get involved in this pissing contest

On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 9:24:52 PM EST, Super Soldier Forum <> wrote:

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@eevie I am an Aspie too.  Looks like we have that in common.  I have a cut scrape thing on my back and I have no memory of how I got it, its been there for a few days now, I cant see it that well but I can reach back and feel the scabs on it.  I woke up with needle marks in my stomach after having a dream of being operated on before I did my interview with @James Rink years ago.  He gets the needle marks in his lips for some reason, thankfully I don't think I get those. 
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